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Explain upwelling Videos

World Ocean Circulation - Upwelling

In this segment, we explore upwelling, the wind-driven, Ekman suction and pumping that brings nutrient-rich deeper waters to the surface, often stimulating ...

User Comments

Isn't the Coriolis force Zero at equator? Then how come at 1:20 min of video it is possible to show that wind and ekman transport are at 90 degrees to each other. Shouldn't Ekman transport be zero at equator? Or am i thinking in wrong direction? Kindly verify by doubt
+Sean Chamberlin Thanks..Got it
+rohit gupta Yes you are correct that the coriolis force is zero at the equator, but slightly north (or south) of the equator, the coriolis effect directs moving parcels of water to the right (or left), and, as a result, Ekman tranport is directed 90 degrees to the right (or left) of the wind. This phenomenon results in divergence of equatorial waters and equatorial upwelling. Hope that helps.

The Importance of Upwelling

Understanding the ecosystem created by the movement of water from bottom to top.

User Comments

Ocean Currents (Part 5): Ekman Transport & Upwelling / Downwelling

Mr. Lima discusses how the surface winds and the coriolis effect combine to create current patterns that circulate nutrients and heat throughout the oceanic ...

User Comments

excuse me man at one point you may be wrong when you explain example of north american when current move from south to north (though in northern sphere) it moves left because you see it from south actually earth is rotating west to east so from when you see it it is important plz chek you projection.
Thanks, that really helped me with Ekman transport :) BUT: Careful with the up and downwelling regions, you got them mixed up a bit. Rule of thumb is that upwelling happens at the westcoast of continents while downwelling happens at the eastcoasts.
Great video, BUT... the west coast U.S. has prevailing winds from the NORTH, causing major upwelling along the Oregon and California coast. Just fyi so nobody is confused.
Thanks man. Dat xplanation helped. Nit dat fucko tryin to lie bout dis stuff. Can u help me with d thermocline nd bout d temperature down in d sea.
THANK YOU! You were the ONLY ONE who really explained the Ekman Transport well. Keep it up!!!
You answered my questions and way more. Good job, my man.
great video man....helped me a lot for my exam
thank you, this was a GREAT explanation!
Thank you.. you helped me.. I love you!
not enough lambchop.. unsubbing
thanx man.. very helpful
I wish you were my tutor
thanks for the explanation
Great Job !!

Intense upwelling in anti-cyclonic eddies

PONENTE: Dr. Liam Brannigan, Atmospheric, Oceanic & Planetary Physics, University of Oxford RESUMEN: “Numerous observations show the presence of high ...

Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fish in the Benguela upwelling region

The Benguela Current is situated in the South-East Atlantic off the coasts of South Africa and Namibia. It is one of the four great upwelling areas, transporting ...
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