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When ucc applies Videos

What law applies to transactions for both goods and services?

What law applies to mixed transactions? This video introduces the predominance and component tests applied by courts to determine whether to apply Article 2 ...

Mixed Contract Song

This is a "Law Lessong" - a law lesson in a song - that I wrote to help students consider the problem of mixed contracts under the Uniform Commercial Code.

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I LOVE IT,I am posting it on my Facebook

Frank O'Collins · Lucifer, Mithra, Judaism, Jews, Jesuits and Holy Roman Empire

Excerpted from 'Ucadia · 8·14·2013 Part 2 of 3' Commercial Law and Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC) //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Commercial_Code ...

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Very interesting Brother Archaic.Thanks for Sharing !
BASTARDS-PORN-POLITICS-RELIGION The threshing floor of national filth and entertainment comes from the bowels of an alien nomadic tribe of muddle-minded sexually-orientated sub-human gutter dialects, coming out of Eastern Europe, to eventually buying up Hollywood beginning in the early nineteen twenties. Here the first toilet-bowel intellects began to spread class guttural instincts geared to fathering into an unsuspected nation’s, movie-goers, their ancient worship of phallus orientated, mentally disturbed minds, massively hobbled-down at the beginning of birth and educated into some homemade intellectual feces. Definitely given birth as children of darkness. Such low-grade world-wanderers practiced penis worship in ancient Sumeria, when Abraham was warned of these dirty-bastards, and left for a city called Haran. Innocent Americans cannot avoid crotch grabbers, for their trickery is unmatched. Ancient historicity on pornagraphy demonstates that such sub-human deviations was a chief antisocial weapon used against unsuspecting progressive civilizations. Proof of this is television and the national news industry. Millions of fools are being sucked into viewing obscene submissions as an eloquent opportunity to test character consciousness as to whether crossing the line of susceptibility can be retarded. Individual psychosexual weakness will prevail, for sublimation places its mark on weak-minded personalities. And then Satan can be blamed as perversion takes over. President Putin of Russia has rounded up all professional porn industries. No doubt, this filthy gang will show up in New York City. The Waldorf Astoria will be their sleep-over. Politics is schematic in America, as our two-party system is a wild-card, for international financial syndicated scoundrels controlled by an ancient people known as Edomites. Another word is Idumeans. This is a bloodline source of royal criminals that has hounded the semitic nations since the day that Moses dwelt at mount Sinai. America is under the control of Bolshevism. Yes, political rule within America strains back Mount Sinai. Both parties are infested with criminals in the service of Satan’s agents. No doubt about it, we have a religious empire within America. The three main ecclesiastical installations are man-made and sat up by Satan and his pool of devils. This does not apply to followers--only to corrupt clergymen. We have Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism. God has one gospel kingdom on this earth, not these three. All three feed from the US treasury. In essence, collectively, all influence congress. Congress has been bastardized through multiple nations. When we see billions of taxpayers money going afloat to alien and enemy countries, then we know that America has fallen into alien religious philosophies. Just follow the money trail to know your enemy. America has made its own enemy and has been overthrown. The nation of original Shem, God’s chosen , are now reaping what has been sown, crime, corruption, poverty and disease. God has turned his back on America !
Thank you. I could not get in. God bless you!


UCC is the bible for all business it was derived from the roman or vatican canon law every corporation in the world operates under the uniform commercial code ...

User Comments

@edtheball69 I am sorry that you were having a bad day, and I am sorry if I added to it. I hope that things are improving for you. I can accept that we have been monumentally deceived. I can accept that courts use Admiralty Law. I understand that the UCC exists. I understand that there is actually two of me my person and the natural man... and that most people's real names are different to what they think it is. What I don't yet understand is the actual connection between UCC and Admiralty...
@frosty992001 I was having a bad day and dont normaly go off on one but you get the jist, the UCC is written into American law it is a world wide code the courts recognise as do the banks UCC you can download the pdf from the web we all are kept in the dark did you know that most courts are run not by the law of the land but the law of water you sit in the dock the judge sits on the bench or latin meaning Bank to direct the flow of the currency current/sea its all a fraud by clever people.
@edtheball69 Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill? ;) Nah... just kiddin'. I am very much a red pill kind of guy... So much so that 2 or 3 months ago I paid to have someone prepare my UCC documents. The problem however is that it was all based on US law, and as I am on the Australian landmass that seemed problematic. In attempting to translate the documents back into Australian law I struck trouble. So my questioning of the scope of the UCC is not philosophical, but purely practical.
@frosty992001 So you are without doubt awake you should read up on the constitution of Austrralia your bill of rights the petition of rights and the Magna Carta all in good effect and unrepealed by ordinary statutes these will be good tools for any court case the courts cant denigh you your rights they may try to attack you through the government created MR which u no is a fiction created so they can attack and tax it, those acts are to save the people from authoritarian government.
@edtheball69 It is lovely to meet you too. :) All egos aside, I had a number of reasons for making the comment that I did: 1. I wanted to avoid argument (please note I am open minded and I was not taking any position) 2. I have noticed that people often blindly believe things without actual proof. 3. In researching a subject I have found that it is often useful to find experts that can point you in the right direction. etc. I wish you well, and hope you are having a good day.
@edtheball69 Thank you for the advice. Yes, I had an awareness of the Magna Carta, and Bill of Rights. The Petition of rights is something I will have to look into. There is SO MUCH to learn... My poor little brain is saying "If you give me anymore I'll blow up Captain!". Australia seems to be a legal no man's land. Mark McMurtrie has some good videos, watch?v=iwcXPjkaHVA is also very interesting. Do you know of a good group that studies Aussie law?
@frosty99200 I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Open your mind and realise that all is just an illusion
@KoolEm471 You dont own it the crown does its crown copyright in the UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION it has already been cashed and at the moment wont be worth much but the fact is government created the legal person via the BC government didnt create you so as this how can they attack and tax that which they didnt create and then you will see how you have been deceived by the very people you think serve you.????
@frosty992001 So you believe that all nations do business with different rules and they happily do business with each other all with different terms and conditions dependant upon their lotus standi and amicus curiae get real man read up on the law and the UCC dont expect me to prove jack shit to you reseach it for yourself and stop being a homa simpson fat twat on a couch wanting entertainment.
@edtheball69 Wikipedia may not be the most reliable source of info, and yet despite the alleged worldwide use of UCC I am yet to find official documents that support this claim. In fact I have found a couple that contradict it. Perhaps my research skills really suck, or perhaps I am looking in the wrong places, or perhaps I am not that bright. Oh well, I guess that is my cross to bear. Cheers.
@edtheball69 Wikipedia suggests that the UCC was first published in 1952. Surely Admiralty is much older than that? This makes me think that UCC and Admiralty are not synonymous. Wikipedia states that the scope is limited to the USA. It suggests that the purpose was to unify commercial transactions between the 50 states (presupposing that they were different to begin with)...
Then why do you choose MOLON LABE in capitals for your name or title if it is irrelevant.the meaning is "come and take", is a classical expression of defiance reportedly spoken by King Leonidas I in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae.
All capitals means corporate status all corporations are in capitals but now the colonial crusaders are now using lower case so the game pay is changing but you are still a slave to the colonial corporation empire.
Wow, I've gone through two colleges majoring in political science, and a law schooling, and never heard the U.C.C. or the birth certtificate explained like that, powerful is the freshness of truth. Thanks.
Sorry, there is no evidence to support your ideas, in fact there are many court cases that prove the opposite. My Avatar has nothing to do with your confusion about capital letters.
@paddy6062 They say it calms the savage beast not suggesting anyone who watches it is a beast we are all equal in my eyes. peace brother.
USE Your Illusion. Reflect on it, distill it, critique it and purify it. Then prepare to ACT on it. Because that's as real as it gets.
@frosty992001 ASPAustralia is on youtube get in ouch with them they can help you so join their channel.
i-uv.com explains how you can get access to your value........this is exciting stuff!....CHECK IT!
@brokkenstar check out my video strawman or freeman and the picture will become clear.

Stampa & Applica Jumbo AP Euro Etipack - Print & Apply Jumbo AP Euro Etipack

EuroJumbo EuroJumbo è la soluzione ideale per applicare 2 etichette ISO A5 con codici a barre UCC/EAN 128 sui due lati dell'angolo del pallet, come previsto ...

Fool Proof Biz Credit Ebook...& "UCC-1 Credit" Uniform Commercial Code Form 1

UCC-1 stands for Uniform Commercial Code Form 1. It is a "Financing Statement" that is filed to show that one party (usually a lender) has a security interest in ...

User Comments

UCC REMEDIES There are many people around that have gotten bitten by the UCC remedy kick. This harebrained workaround has caused the movement a lot of damage. It is really hard to believe that people fall for this. The ones that started this nonsense should be hung-up by their fingernails. In seriousness, the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) is fundamentally a special code that deals transactions that are purely commercial in nature. T

"Intro to OPPT" Presentation: Johannesburg, SA on 21st April 2013

Please download, copy, share and distribute far and wide. Topic Summary: The current "system", and how it enslaves us The history of our laws The UCC - what ...

User Comments

I very much feel the sentiment in the presentation. The 'facts' at the begining do well to quell many of my personal questions and misgivings/undergettings that I have been coming across lately with regards to the system. I must say the end in its open-ended nature leaves me in a kind of limbo, where I was looking for actual doables or platforms for doing. With Gratitude from Namibia
I loved everything I heard and learned so much. It was such a shame about the background noise, were loads of people being disrespectful? I also had my volume as high as poss but struggled - perhaps I need a hearing test! I am grateful that I found this presentation and it has spurred me to do more research. Thank you
Thank you, Anton. Everyone should take the time to listen to Jordan Maxwell. Jordan is a living encyclopedia on truth and the way the world works.
not even enough to consider a sample but the powers that were are pulling every string to restrain disclosure on this project.
Glad you found something in it for you. That is why I created and shared it. Love accepted with humble gratitude.
A beautiful presentation Anton. Thankyou so so much for this. You were brilliant. Much love brother.
briankellysblog.blogspot . com/2013/05/understanding-i-uv-exchange-system . html?m=1
Congratulations Anton, very well done! Love from Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Baie dankie boet!!!Loved it from the states!
Love from South Africca

AP EURO - Print & Apply op pallets

Printen en aanbrengen van 2 labels op pallets. Het AP EURO Print & Apply systeem is de oplossing om 2 ISO A5 labels met UCC/EAN 128 barcodes aan te ...

Contract Law: Creating Sales Contracts and the Battle of the Forms | quimbee.com

A brief excerpt from Quimbee's lecture video on creating sales contracts and the battle of the forms. Watch more at https://www.quimbee.com/lectures/6 This ...
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