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The Battle of The Latex Barriers

READ THIS, I BEG YOU Today I have a comparison of a few of the many options out there for latex barriers. You can find the latex free version here: ...

User Comments

You just got yourself a new subscriber! I'll tell you WHY- I like that you're honest, and that you seem to have good common sense. I appreciate that you keep in mind that not everyone has loads of money to spend on a product like this (or any product, really), and thus you found cost effective options. I LOVE that you call it like it is! Not too long ago, I watched a video by Simply Nailogical, and she demonstrated the Simply Peel (maybe its her own product? No idea). I thought it seemed like a neat product, so I looked it up. *$14.99 a bottle on Amazon!!!* I commented on the price, and she gave me a really pissy response. o_O The thing is, that product is a RIP OFF. Like you said, its just clear latex with freaking glitter in it, put inside of a little bottle. -___- How on earth can you justify charging people $14.99 per bottle for something like that?! lol I ordered some latex off of Amazon. It works like a charm, has enough to last me a very long time, and the best part? A 4oz tub was STILL cheaper than that small bottle of Simply Peel! LOL Thanks for video, girl! ^_^
+jessFACE90 I would get angry too if the same thing happened to me. I guess for the career of youtubing, it takes a very strong person who can just shake off rude comments and put on a smile... :( Cyber bullies can be very hurtful since there is basically no punishment for being rude. They can just hide behind their fake identity and stab you in the back. But when you reply, your identity is already known to other people, which can cause you lots of troubles. Luckily, you have so many supporters, I hope all the support can help with get over those losers. :) :)
+Yadi Zheng I'm staying out of the Simply Peel thing, but I will say sometimes it's hard not to snap at a comment. The worst is when you hold it in for 5 or 6 rude comments in a row, then snap at one that wasn't even that bad, or meant to be rude at all. Then you realize later that you totally overreacted. It's never a good idea, but it happens. There's only so much verbal abuse you can read in a short period before you start snapping at everyone lol
Even for people with lots of money, $15 just for a tiny bottle of liquid latex isn't sensible either. It's like who don't have $10 in their pocket but all that money for just an apple is way too expensive. I understand if she loves the product and don't mind spending a lot on it, but it's never a good idea to argue with subscribers...
+Alisha Strasz Simply Peel is NOT her product. She just likes it. If you really liked a product you might endorse it, too. Everybody has their own opinions on what they think is the best. Not everyone will agree.
+Alisha Strasz explains her name
LOL Yeah. Maybe for some people, but I'd say for the average American in today's economy, $15 is a good amount, ESPECIALLY when you consider the product at hand... I stand by what I said- I think its her (Simply Nailogical) product, and that's why she endorses it so much, and gets defensive about it. lol XD
I commented the same thing and she said 15 dollars is cheap .-.
Does ammonia smell like fish oil? That's how that tub of latex smells like to me
+Anya Braginsky I think depends on the person...I can see where you're coming from though!
You can get giant cans of liquid latex at craft stores, plastics vendors, and hardware stores too. It's used a lot for mold making. :)
+Jaclyn Segal Cool, thanks!
Can you get latex peels at ulta or Walmart or Sally's or someplace
+Lilisarai Not that I know of, but I know there are some comments on the video about a product at Sally's that works about the same. You can get large containers of the liquid latex right now at halloween stores.
How did you clean up the syringe afterwards? Cheers!
+BassB1tch The latex just pops right out if you pull on it!
it was ok
+Issys Rodriguez thanks?
Lol liquid latex doesn't smell like ammonia... Lmao haha when I use it, then it smells like a light scent of rubber or that cheap-o school glue with a hint of old lady face cream smell. It isn't that bad
To me it smells like fish oil
Or MAYBE it was because people weren't smart enough to get ammonia-free formulas
Lol haha
+Baby Angel You're definitely in the minority then.

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Q&A! | Nailstorming

All detailed info below!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Enjoy!! PEEL OFF LATEX BARRIER: //www.myblisskiss.com/simply-peel-liquid-latex-barrier-patent-pending/#aid=6236 ...

User Comments

Can you do a quick review of OPI's Starlight collection? I know it's a huge collection so maybe just tell us your favorites?
i don't have it yet they're slow sending out the press samples sometimes
Oh and it was great getting to know you better!
Thanks for sharing!!! I enjoy your Instagram account and it brought me to your youtube channel. You instagram feed gives me inspiration for nail designs :) I especially love how much you talk about it being like art therapy and a cathartic experience for you. It is truly the same for me! What you said about tattoos is exactly how I feel as well! Side note: I would love to know about your process for taking videos and pictures. Is it all done on your Iphone? How do you get such amazing lighting?
oh dur. i meant cellphone. 
i don't have an iphone lol i use daylight bulbs
I think it was a realy fun video! And it was good to see you again !! Xx
thank you!
Wuvs it.
Yay for nail puns and play on words! I loved that your "brand" was one word, short, sweet , and memorable, and it inspired me
haha thank you! that's exactly what I'm going for
Yeah omg your face *-*!
Love to get to know you better i really enjoyed this video.Put Greece on your wish list you won't be dissapointed!xoxo
ohhh Greece is so beautiful! that's my dream honeymoon spot
I liked this video Gianna, it was so special to get you know better :) you have a beatiful personality! :)
thank you so much :)
OMG finally found and bought a bottle of Urban Jungle at TJ Maxx. So excited!

Nail Art Tutorial: Grapes

All detailed info below!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ PRODUCTS USED: Base: "Little Plum Dress" Ella + Mila Details: acrylic paint Brush: pure color glamour #2 whatsupnails.com ...

User Comments

could you start doing monthly favorites? 
Yes or like a regret videos of polishes you didn't like or something...

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SWAROVSKI GEMS™, Swarovski's brand for genuine gemstones and created stones, chose the vibrant city of Hong Kong to celebrate ten years of Gem Visions, ...

Ange & Tim Bridal Pick Up Phuket Thailand

Ange & Tim « Joyfull Chinese Tea Ceremony » Credit Video : D-Image Plus Credit Photo : Julian Abram Wainwright In collaboration with LUXURY EVENTS ...

Nail Art Tutorial: Pond Mani Dotticure

All detailed info below!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Products used: Sheer lavender: "Hubby For Dessert" Essie White: "Blanc" Essie Dotting tool: bobby pin BASE AND TOP ...

User Comments

Congrats with 10.000 subscribers! X
thank you!!!!
Is a pond manicure the same as a jelly sandwich manicure? Seems very similar with the layering. Thank u for sharing and making this video :)
Sort of!! As far as I understand it, Jelly sandwich is specific to when there is glitter in the middle! 
Pop-arazzi nail polish are $99 cents now at CVS. I bought a few today and thought everybody here may will like to get some..
Thanks for sharing!!! Last 2 times I've gone the stores were totally wiped out lol!! 
Eeek! This is so pretty!!!
Thanks so much! 
Can this be done with OPI Bubble Bath
+Nailstorming thank you dear. Yes, Bubble Bath will do. I am going to try this tomorrow
I believe so! I haven't used Bubbel bath in a while so I'm not 100% sure of it's opacity- I know it's pretty sheer but generally polishes that usually require 3-4 coats for opacity will be best for this! 
Thank you! 
Cute and easy I can do that
Yes you can! 
This is so soft and very lady like and perfect fit for Everyday
Thank you!!! 
Soooooo pretty!! I always get frustrated when I bring a nude home and come to find out it is super sheer...now I have something to do with my sheer polishes. I also love that it is called a "pond" mani lol
So glad to help!!! 
love it!!! My favorite you have done so far!! So feminine and adorable!!!! Thanks for the video!
Thanks so much! 
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