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The Five Sex Needs of Men and Women | Marriage Today | Jimmy Evans

Jimmy Evans discusses the five most important sex needs of men and women. When you understand the differences between you and your spouse, you will ...

User Comments

men, just do what you used to do when you were pursuing her make out with her, buy her a $5 bouquet of flowers when you go to the grocer store for goodness sakes. they're the first thing you see when you walk in the store. and don't just do it once a year. can't you invest $5 in your wife more once a year??
+Cathie Romero Thank for watch video, for more #JimmyKarenEvans
He makes it sound like women are insecure and need complaints before sex, that is sad, I mean not all women are like that. Many just want sex. Non sexual affection...boring! Stereotypes galore! Romance,,,boring.
+cathie Romero
+Isabelle M It IS being suppressed!!! By (male) pastors AND pastor/marriage counselors! Paul was very clear that the sexual fulfilment of the spouse is the Utmost importance in a marriage, second only to prayer. "Come together again that Satan tempt you not".
+cathie romeroExactly ! God bless you somuch for speaking this critical truth !!!!!!!Only by agreement. Absolutely.Because no spouse has authority over his/her own body but the other spouse has.So , the man in the video told a serious lie when he said that a wife can say 'no' to sex on her own.She has to have her husband's agreement to defraud him. Because her body is not hers anymore !How can you 'give' or 'not 'give' something that is not yours ?I can't find more perfect teaching on sexual matters than 1 Corinthians 7 Coincidentally , in these dark days , that critical truth of marital duty is being more and more suppressed from pulpits.Satan is at work.
+Isabelle M Amen. Plus the apostle Paul made it very clear that husbands and wives are to be constantly SATISFYING each other, and stop ONLY by agreement on both for a time of prayer.   I have to Amen myself on this one!!
+cathie romeroIt is so strange that those 'preachers' (he does not even have a Bible in front of him , well..) never ever say that our strongest need as wives is to feel  desired  . Not loved.To those weird people , we are asexual beings.Yeah , God made an asexual woman, for the man.That is nonsense ! Human beings are not asexual ! Only eunuchs are as Jesus put it .And we as wives are also commanded to love our husbands (titus 2:4) , so love is certainly not the greatest need of women .
+Isabelle M Yes, not words. Show it by your actions, kiss her like you mean it, hold her hand in public, show that you find her attractive in public and in private. At home definitely go further than that. Fulfill her needs to overflowing, no one else can for goodness sakes! THEN she will feel loved and secure.
+cathie Romero So true. Male action is what turns us on . When we feel so strongly desired by him.
I agree. compliments? no thanks, I want ACTION.

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