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Break even chart definition Videos

Adele Breaks Yet Another Record And Her Album Hasn't Even Dropped Yet

Adele's comeback single, "Hello," has only been out for a few days, but it's already a massive commercial success. The song is not only expected to reach No.

User Comments

Dude, you read well, but you have no emotion as you read that's why we can tell you're reading. You're a presenter, you're suppose to act in a way to trick us as if you're actually saying everything of the top of your head instead of making clear your reading emotionless, bad presenting skills, COMPLES FIRE HIS ASS
Damn Drake still doesn't have a hit because of Weeknd and Adele. Even in 2010 his song 'best I ever had' got blocked from #1 by the black eyed peas. Tragic.
+Mandla S he does on 'what's my name' with Rihanna but he was a featured artist
Your getting bodied by a singing nigga
+Ted Bear dam it
fuck that fat ass bitch
+kool qhip shake it off.hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
Shes So FAT and UGLY...
+L-Dog The Great shake it off,.at least she doesn't have a blank space in her wildest dreams
LMAO i thought she was skinny
+Taydolf Swiftler 卐 taywhore
+Turnttup taywhore is trash , stingy bitch
+Turnttup shake it of!...ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.#BUTTHURT!

Saturn Square Neptune - Crisis to break free of limitations

Dec 8, 2015 note added: Please see my first follow-up video, Saturn square Neptune - The Crisis Begins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-st1YKE7L0 ...

User Comments

Omg! I just found this video. Did you really put this out in October? You totally called it for the 1st week of December with the San Bernardino shootings! The whole political climate changed after that. I'm not looking forward to last week of December :(
+Erin Sullivan Thank you Erin. That video has been my most popular. And I will be doing more video on the Saturn square Neptune. Here's the latest. Saturn Square Neptune - The Crisis Begins There are two more passes of this aspect next year. So it's far from over. Thanks for watching.
Awesome!!!! You have a great talent and depth to your readings. Check this out. As you may be following already the issue with Syria and Putin bombarding the heck out of Daesh, well it has come out that Turkey has been found dirty handed with the stealing of oil from the area and guess that he exposed that there is a lot of others dirty hands on the cookie jar. Neptune rules OIL among other things. So I do believe ugly revelations are coming out about what is truly happening in the middle east and no way to escape these revelations. ST/NP. I see battle on the seas, watch more about the Naval interventions in the area with Putin(Russia Navy) chasing smugglers boats. Petroleum Pirates!!! Wonder why price of gas has been so low??? Hell it is stolen oil!!!!! Don't pump from EXXON particularly. Sorry to say all our hands are dirty if it comes to that and the whole world have been funding Daesh. UFF, hard to take. Follow www.veteranstoday.com Warzone tab, War in Syria.
+Mataharey66 Thanks for the kind feedback. I've been trying to get more info into each video and folks are giving more feedback, so I am grateful for that. You are right about practically the whole western world involved in buying smuggled oil from Daesh. But who's gonna pay the price for all of this? Who will be the fall guy? The way I see it, it looks like Turkey is being set up for a big fall. Check out this video on   Saturn in Sagittarius Run Amok - Recep Erdogan Recep Erdogan. And with them will be lots of people in the US, like John McCain. I check out veterans today often. They have a lot of information being released by a certain faction of the military. It's just a matter of time before the military steps in. Hopefully soon.
This is great stuff. You get to the very core with your interpretation and being a Plutonian I really appreciate that depth
+Sabrina Dacosta Thank you so much Sabrina. It's wonderful to get good feedback. I have lots more to do so please keep watching and subscribe.
Hi Tom. I just wanted to ask if you think this square is related to what just happened in Paris?
+Lisa Millar Yes, but not in a direct, causal way. It is an act of desperation and it is an indication that the elite power structure is falling apart. The next big watch day for the Saturn square Neptune aspect is November 18, the day Neptune goes direct. There is lots more to come.
very good , expectin your next video, and the next KA BOOOM!!!
+JUANCARLOS1931 Thank you Juan. Right now I waiting to see what happens this Friday with the Jupiter quincunx Uranus. Will there be a big event? Beyond that, on Nov 18th, Neptune goes direct and the revelations should begin about then.

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