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Gypsy wedding makeup Videos

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Tutorial part one Make-upByMerel Tutorials

My name is Merel Luijer i am a Dutch freelance professional make-up artist and hairstylist. i have been working in the "Beauty field" for 8 years and loving ...

User Comments

barbie tandpasta haha!!!! t is niet echt mijn look maar wel leuk dat je t een keer laat zien. ik vind je filmpjes echt leuk.
hahaha beetje veel wel he, niet erg naturel maar leuk voor een keertje bedankt voor het kijken. Groetjes Merel

gypsy weddings

julie removes her make up in reverse looks realy cool camment and subscribe!!!

User Comments

wow women you ffrk me out i just see now we put on more make up then we need to and i put more then u lol but i guess we have to put on are face ni lmao you look good whit it and whit out ur pretty ether way shay gby and ur
you putting to much makeup on your face i miss you baby stop putting that much makeup on your pretty without it call me you no who this is i miss you and love you even tho your married you well still be in my heart
hi wierdo ,did i spell that right,lol,miss you much.MWAZZZ,,,,herd u coming to f.l.if so see ya here-or-see ya up in there!!!soon hope-fully,your sis-michelle *_*
i dont get this video.but not alot of girls wood do what she did, she toke off all her makeup and she still lookd good even i cant do that lmao
lol and that shows waht happen when the makeup comes off !!! lmpooooo .... aldo i dont wher that much makeup lol im just saying lolllllll
i would not do that at all.. i think if i was her i would get nerves. . oh well i guess some girl's do that and take that long.. lol ttyl
Freak out Backwards lol your very pretty but remember mascara you go up w brush not down y would u use da brush downwards ??
Geeze your stunning girly, beautiful makeup. Fun to show what normal girls can do with a little makeup :) great video
i seen this vid before and i didnt get what it was about now i do lol but you look good with or with out make up gby
julie the dumb shit..... i like its cool love & miss u kat & girls?????????do more jumping one's...lol love goo
i dont no what to say lol i no how she did that, do i dont no how she maid the video whit her hair....... lmao
someone who leaves rude comments must be very jealous, anyways i delete your guys comments.
Dead Seriuos U Lookd Better Whene u Took Ur MakeUp Off To Much Make Up Looks To FAKE!!!!!!!
wow great time laps.. is that mac makeup and you know how to put it on very good gb
@Aceginanyc this video is backwards...she doesn't uses the brush downwards-))
hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha i madde this NOTT KNOW REALY I DID EDIT IT
I agree, with or without make up you look pretty anyways jules.....love you
hi,my sister still looking good with or without makeup luv yazzz ;)
that was cool can we see the one where your eating the crackers lol
you look prettier without makeup i think. great tutuorial though
i swear to god if her brother drops that hat one more time.....

Dramatic Makeup: Gypsy Inspired (Romany)

I don't know about you but seeing as the weather in England has been a bit dismal I'm in the mood for some colourful makeup :) It's been brought to my attention ...

User Comments

It isn't that the word gypsy is a slur, but it isn't the correct name for the group of people you're talking about. Gypsys aren't like pirates, a profession someone chose to have, they're a real ethnic group. Just like Native Americans or Asians. They're called Romani or Roma, and they were a nomadic people living in Europe. IN the Holocaust they were rounded up just like the Jewish people. The translation of Gypsy in German is "untouchable". It's no different in America. It's just not correct.
Them calling themselves Gypsy (or variations) is not the same as you or others calling them G*psy. It IS a slur, and even European Rrom will tell you the same. It's not white people's word to reclaim and use and define as they will, it's theirs. That whole "they say it, so why can't I" mentality is bunk as all hell because it wasn't and isn't used to continue to oppress, misrepresent and stereotype you. It's their word alone. Them reclaiming it doesn't remove the fact that it's still offensive.
yeah, and modern Egyptians don't all do their eye makeup with khol and line them like they did in the time of the pharaohs. and not all japanese women do their makeup like geishas. It's not so much a stereotype as simply a well known style attributed to a particular ethnicity. no one said all gypsies look like that. btw "our" not "are" and "we're" not "were" the other two mistakes are often made on the internet so I'm not bothered to point them out.
I love the look, it is very beautiful and colorful. Unfortunately I feel as if you've maybe been a tad mislead as to exactly how offensive the term G*psy is to the Rrom and other traveler groups, and the harm perpetuating the stereotype does to very real, living cultures often crushed under that slur and it's multiple cultural counterparts. I'll deem this "poor choice of wording", but you honestly might want to reconsider the title of this video.
... All tribes under the Rrom tag refer to themselves collectively as "Rrom"... Considering they all share ethnic and ancestral origins. The only difference is traditional and individual tribal practices. But Rrom doesn't designate "from Romania" specifically. And unfortunately, they are not the only traveling ethnic group under the G slur. It is widely used to encompass a multitude of non-ancestrally related traveling cultures.
I have to say that I love all of your tutorials Klaire, but I wanted to get one thing straight lol. I live in America, and no one here really uses the word "rubber" in reference to condoms OR erasers lol. And since I am not a gypsy I cannot actually say whether it is offensive to them or not, but I have never heard of it being such. Anyway, love your work and thank you so much for being willing to share your talents with us!!!
Indonesia. That's where they originated from. Though, truthfully, the G*psy slur is used to encompass a wide range of non-related ethnic traveler groups (such as Irish/Scottish travelers, etc). But it is primarily used against the Rrom, who originated from Indonesia despite the slur originating from the nonfactual idea that they'd originated from Egypt..
nope in fact you are wrong they we're brought here somewhere from india and romany people the real ones are very few even here ... not many left and in the village Craciunesti ... it's a Romany village the only thing wierd is that all of them are blondes and males there are good craftsman with cooper alloys they make about anything out of it
Quite a few things, actually. It helps the eye shadow from creasing, it brightens up the pigments and it helps the powder stick on better. If you don't have primer you can use concealer or white eyeliner either the pencil or cream, I'm not sure if the gel would work since I haven't used it.
No stupid. Romani or Roma is an ethnic group originating from the middle east but becoming nomadic and traveling throughout Europe. Romania is a country. Roma is the group of people often refereed to as gypsy, but thats a slang given by others, no the correct name. It's like the N word.
@ghighisor14 I am a Romany and i live in Romania, and my people have been here for centuries. We are known as romanys. There is a lot of us here, so im not sure if we're even talking about the same people :| never the less, my statement is correct until proven otherwise..
Dear Klaire: the G-slur is being reclaimed by the Rroma people who've been bearing the burden of the words for centuries. As white people, it's not our word to use. I do love your channel & videos, but the g-word just isn't comparable to the "rubber"/"condom" dilemma.
Love the love, very beautiful. As for the rest of you, deal with it. My family has Romani blood in it, and I nor my family have ever had an issue with being called Gypsy. Its our job to simple smile and POLITELY correct, not blow up on youtube. Grow up. :)
German person here. The german word for Gypsy would be Zigeuern, which does not have anything like a sure ethymology. Theory range from the source being the name of a gnostic sect to the persian word for dancer. In no way does it mean 'untouchable'
@sydneeisanelf *facepalm again* ugh..you're clearly too much of a dipshit to understand english hunn..i clearly stated in the second comment that i was from a Romani tribe in Romania, and that we might have been speaking of different people... -.-
*sigh* This is a look INSPIRED by the Romani gypsy people. Klaire is not trying to say that every Irish, Indian, American or wherever-they're-from gypsy looks like this. It's just a gorgeous, colourful look inspired by a rich and exotic culture.
Pretty sure, yes. The german term is Zigeuner, if there's another I've never come across it, though depending on where your family is from, it could be a local thing I just don't know of. The official, in-the-papers-term is Sinti&Roma, however.
You mean YOU don't do your makeup like this. I grew up with a gypsy family. The mother Loved to do her makeup very colorful and flashy. The fact some gypsies have fabulous makeup is just a stereotype? Way to insult your own culture. xD
Not those exact shows, but ones like them, yes. If you're not an active member of some kind of Social Justice blog or just have an apathy to certain things you could get confused, and I suppose this is what happened to a lot of people.
Very understandable, we actually have a fascinating history I would encourage you to research it. It's nont that I'm starting fights, but I feel like people should be aware of our history before making makeup tutorials about them.
I must live under a rock because I had no idea that here in America Gypsy was offensives. Of course I live in one of them small towns that doesn't really live up to people's expectations like they do in the big cities. lol.

Gypsy Makeup

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