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Wedding makeup hong kong Videos

Wedding Dance Hong Kong

想和親戚朋友一起分享你倆的浪漫愛情感覺嗎? 我們的導師團隊會為你們設計獨特、高貴、浪漫的婚宴舞表演! 浪漫又難忘的婚宴,伴上你和他的Lov...

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98 Years Old Grandma from Hong Kong Sings

Some clips with my grandma from Hong Kong! She is 98 Years Old! ❤Subscribe to our daily vlog here: https://www.youtube.com/user/WingIsFun ❤My Beauty ...

User Comments

YAAAAAAAAAAAY, Grandma Choa!!!! My nan is now 87 and I know how hard it can be to try and keep them entertained when all they want to do is sleep ha ha! Your nan is looking really thin and fragile (Like my nan too)! I so hope she makes 100, what an amazing gift that would be to her! So happy to her face again and to see her smile again too, at the end!
It was very sweet to see her smile. I was tearing up. I love my Cantonese grandma! It is awesome that you keep her company and entertain her. I was wondering where I can get that device you were using for her to hear you better?
This video was so sweet Wing, I wish my grandpa was as healthy as your grandma. Love seeing you guys spend time together when you can in HK. 
This is a wonderful video. Bless your grandma! Love you Grandma
This is a wonderful video. Thanks for sharing a precious moment with your grandmother.
Omg you are so blessed to have your grandma live to 98 I pray to God mine does too! 
Thanks for sharing such a precious moment with us. Grandma has a lot of spunk
Awwww she beautiful luv god bless her
Bless your grandma! She is so sweet and talented like you! 
SO SWEET i can see how much she means to you :D
So Amazing! Thank you for sharing this moment!
Aww thanks for sharing this with us :)

Milk Honey Studio 拾花工作室 : The One Wedding fashion show Promotion trailer

Hong Kong Beauty & Makeup Haul

Dudes American Apparel (based in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/dudes.hk For the list of products used, please go to my site: ...

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How much does it costs the palettes you night in dudes? 
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