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Access public function Videos

News: Wambui in trouble at Othaya function

The national gender and equality commission has come to the defence of othaya parliamentary candidate mary wambui after she was denied access to public ...

User Comments

Huyo ni Jimmy...Hii mambo yote ni yeye kwasababu KaRucy hayuko...Huyu ni Jimmy! Shame on You Fat, ugly jerk! Wambui is a citizen too!
I don't understand why she was following the president around she needs to mind her business!
Artur nightmare still lingers on everytime I hear her name. Uuuuuf

Curso VBA Access. Procedimientos function. Vídeo 15

En este vídeo vemos el funcionamiento de los procedimientos function. Lo que diferencia a un procedimiento function de un sub es que los function devuelven ...

User Comments

muy buenos videos para aprender VBA access. Gracias por compartirlos
+FLIP FLIPER Gracias a ti por seguir mis vídeos. Un saludo!!
Hola, gran video como todos los que he visto hasta ahora. Tengo que hacer un apunte y es que no se porque, el resultado que me sale es = 0 en todos los casos que le digo. Por lo que veo no tengo nada diferente. A que puede ser debido¿? De hecho, la unica que me vuelca bien es la primera: mujer/170/fuerte...en este caso si que vuelca "52", en el resto 0. Gracias de ante mano
Caguen!! Pues muchas gracias!! seguimos adelante!! Saludos
A partir del segundo elseif has puesto constitucion entre comillas. constitucion en tu caso es una variable y a la hora de evaluarlo debe ir sin comillas tal y como lo tienes en el primer y segundo if.Se te han escapado las comillas porque el resto está bien. Saludos!!
+pildorasinformaticas Function peso_ideal(genero As String, altura As Integer, constitucion As String) As Double    If genero = "mujer" And constitucion = "fuerte" Then            peso_ideal = altura - 118               ElseIf genero = "mujer" And constitucion = "normal" Then                peso_ideal = altura - 119            ElseIf genero = "mujer" And "constitucion" = "delgada" Then                peso_ideal = altura - 120                            ElseIf genero = "hombre" And "constitucion" = "fuerte" Then                peso_ideal = altura - 108                    ElseIf genero = "hombre" And "constitucion" = "normal" Then                peso_ideal = altura - 109            ElseIf genero = "hombre" And "constitucion" = "delgada" Then                peso_ideal = altura - 110                End IfEnd FunctionSub prueba_peso_ideal()Dim migenero As String, mialtura As Integer, miconstitucion As String    migenero = InputBox("Por favor introduce tu genero hombre/mujer")    mialtura = InputBox("Por favor introduce tu altura en cm")    miconstitucion = InputBox("Por favor introduce tu constituacion (Fuerte/Normal/delgada)")Debug.Print "tu peso ideal es " & peso_ideal(migenero, mialtura, miconstitucion)End SubMUCHAS GRACIAS!! 
+Daryl PM Hola !! Sin ver tu código no podría decirte. Copia y pega tu código aquí y le echo un vistazo. Un saludo

CJ attends last public function

Chief Justice Evan Gicheru has just over 72 hours to leave office. Gicheru said he would exit a happy man since he had fulfilled most of his dreams at the bench.

User Comments

@254ollie Where are your African/Kenyan values, if you are one to wish one death in this manner? Please take a look at the circumstances under which he was operating to judge him. Look at the old constitution and the forces that were surrounding this poor man. Even if he had refused he would have been compelled. I look forward to his writing his memoirs, if he so chooses. He left me tongue-tied when he together with Wako passed the verdict that the recent judicial nominations were a sham.
Aufwiedesehen Evan Gicheru. All the best for you personally and your family during retirement. Stay happy, maintain staying cool, stay healthy and keep off politics because politics and politicians will make you sick. Remember to visit your family doctor regularly and above all eat healthy by avoiding Kimbo, sugar and salty food. And sing “Mwana wa Mberi” occasionally to your grand children.
Kenyan architects need to do a better job designing our iconic buildings. In my opinion this is not a well designed building on the exterior. The interior is fine but we could be a little creative with the exterior. Good job overall.
@jasusi2 You are such a crazy kikuyu, I have read several comments that you post on youtube and I tell you all the time I vomit you are fucked up in nyeri go fuck marther karua.
Thank you CJ for serving Kenayns and leaving peacefully when your time has come. now to deal with those have have refused to leave....
CJ Gicheru you are a man of honour. Whatever people say, we have seen huge progress in the judiciary under CJ Gicheru.
a man who swore in kibaki under the cover of darkness @night? should die of a slow terrible cancer.
I don't know which justice he says he brought ..would be delusional

How to Call Functions on Another Script Unity 3D, C Sharp EASY

How do you call a function on another script in Unity using C Sharp (C#)? eg scriptA calls a function on scriptB Difficulty: Beginner. Also, listen to the Unity3D ...

User Comments

Great tutorial! To the point and no messing around!
+Matt Beddows Thanks, appreciate it!
C SHARP DONT USE JAVA SCRIPT you became my favourite person!
+Nerd Channel Awesome! I'm honored.
Thanks! Great help!
+Joel Eya You're very welcome.
Dont make videos when ill man , atleast dont clean it on microphone -_-
+MrOmee143 Thanks for the tip. :)
lmao stay away from making tutorials when your ill
+javvp Yeah, I forget to do that too. Glad I could help.
+Unity3DNews It did actualy end up helping me though, I forgot to make my function public, so thanks ^^
+javvp Haha, I know right. Pretty bad, sorry about that. I have a new mic too so the audio is much better.
Thank you...
+Henry David You're welcome.

How to Access Private Data Members in C++ without using Friend Function

How to Access private data members in C++ without using friend function: This way will violate the Object Oriented Programming Concept. So it is better to avoid ...

C++ Programming Language Tutorial Hindi 61 friend function with example

This video is made for learning about friend function with example in C++ Programming Language. friend Function in C++ If a function is defined as a friend ...


C Programming Tutorial: Functions (Call By Value, Reference,passing Arrays to function)

www.saurabhschool.org This lecture describes about call by value call by reference passing arrays to function This channel is an ultimate guide to prepare for ...

User Comments

You should first start with all data structures while teaching any language and then move to functions and then move to pointers and then move to sum using pointer !
hello sir your lectures are good i am study these lectures at the time i
thank you for the videos. your website is very good too
thanks I am glad you are liking my lectures
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