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Earn cyber degree Videos

What Motivates a Cybersecurity Student?

For Cate Reich, her children were her motivation. Wanting a safe, online world for her children and wanting to give back to her country, Cate pursued her ...

UMBC Cybersecurity MPS Alumnus Van Johnson Jr.

Van Johnson Jr., a UMBC Cybersecurity MPS (//www.umbc.edu/cyber/) Alumnus, wanted to earn a degree in an industry that interested him, which also had ...

You Don't Need to See to Earn a Degree

Members of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and its New Jersey affiliate, held a protest at the Mays Landing campus of Atlantic Cape Community ...

Meet Hilary, ECPI Graduate in Network Cyber Security

Hilary Kennedy explains why ECPI University's Network Security program was right for her. Earn your Bachelors or Associates degree in Network Security at ...

Making Cyberspace a Safer Place

Taso Triantafillos, Sr. Vice President of Information Security shares his cyber security know how. Taso earned his bachelor's degree at DeVry University in ...

User Comments

The non-linear editing of this ad threw me off. The ad opens with the lines, "cyber security is the protection of information in the computer based world. It's a very dynamic field," but then the next line is, "Hi, my name is Taso Triantafillos, I'm a senior vice president at a fortune 500 company and I run one the world's largest cyber security programs" That "Hi, my name is [...]" line sounds more like it belongs at the beginning of the video.
I understand why the editors opened with the "cyber security is" line though. They're trying to capture the viewer's attention in the first couple seconds, and the line "cyber security is [...]" does that more effectively than the line "Hi, my name is." Who gives a damn what the guy's name is? However, it is still very awkward.
Maybe it would have worked better to edit out the word "hi," and just have "my name is Taso [etc...]" The word "Hi," makes his line an introduction, which is weird since he's already speaking to the viewer and the time for introductions has passed.
On my 21st birthday, I had no friends, so I took a shit in my pants and just let the poop stay there, in hope it would one day grow into a real person and be my friend. I am yet to get rid of the poop. -Devry Alum 2013
You know, this guy didn't go to devry, they legit paid him to get a freaking go pro and record a video
Nailed it!

"Learning the Cybersecurity Research Process Advanced My Career" - Dennis McCallam

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