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"Good News, Bad News, and Social Image: The Market for Charitable Giving" - Luigi Butera

"Good News, Bad News, and Social Image: The Market for Charitable Giving" - Luigi Butera, George Mason University Abstract: Financial efficiency measures ...


//www.deq.utah.gov/businesses/E/EnSolutions/depleteduranium/performassess/docs/2015/04Apr/HoldDU.pdf ...

User Comments

Yup, every dumbfuck around me is calling me a fucking radical. I scream almost as loud as you. Been backcountry skiing the Wasatch for over 30 yrs. Went out today after that dust storm 2' dump and almost gagged. Could not breath. The horse in the back yard here in heber coughs all night long, don't think it's colic, no lawn clippings. 40yr old pines dead, apple tree dead. We're all royally fucking fucked in the fucking ass. Smart ass humans have completely fucking fucked this planet. Kevin, you are a fucking hero.
+teleroi WOW THANK YOU i have been so alone in all of this fight here in UTAH, my 35 year old pines died in 2013, i almost died in 2011 2012, got leukemia was in the L.D.S. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT CENTER for 1240 days... it is amazing how IGNORANT UTAH HAS BECOME,,, and i have lived here 55 years,,, thanks for the great comment made my day,
Reverse Grapes of Wrath..........with no where to run to
+Billy J AS THEY WENT TO cal I forn I a ;;; now as you say out they will go,
Kevin Blanch, is there something you can collect to have it tested????
+snowmufon6 //www.weather.com/news/news/blowing-dust-high-winds-nevada-utah?cm_ven=Facebook&cm_cat=www.facebook.com&cm_pla=fb_feed&cm_ite=fb_social_rec&fb_ref=Default
How do you prepare? I don't think it is possible to fully prepare. Still, I think people should first get themselves right with God, continue to educate themselves and to keep trying to help one another. Gather-up all the items needed to help people in their 'end of life', when the cancers hit, such as the items that hospice uses. Besides, hospice may not be available for the onslaught and most caregivers are family and friends, anyway. It is coming, we know it is coming. People will be dying all around us and we will need to help them. I tell you, get right with God. That is my own personal feeling. I know someone who just a few weeks ago, ate at a restaurant at the harbor, in Santa Cruz. On his drive home, he said he didn't feel well. He then passed out. Two hours later, he was dead, from a massive heart attack. Coincidence? I don't know. He did love to fish and volunteered with the local Fish and Wildlife. In a way, I envy him.
Ya, we have to live with passion no matter what! I've tried cream to soothe the eyes from crying. It helps!
+ellie winn I know, Ellie. Pretty-much the same around here. Have to just keep at it. There is no other way around it, as far as I can see. I cry more often these days. It is all part of mourning and I'm sure I'll mourn until the day I die, but, until then, I still won't curl up in a corner and deny that it is happening. To me, that is a far worse kind of torture.
Thanks Kevin for this advice. Still everyone i know is in denial and or apathetic.
death hangs in the air, ... slow death seeps & creeps into our precious blue & green oceans. *GOD watches and weeps. ... and along the way, some of His/Her children are deeply&unimaginably saddened and utterly outraged and asking: WHAT DO WE DO TO SET ALL THIS RIGHT ??? O GOD! WHAT ? - WHAT DO WE DO???*
Kevin Blanch dust bowl this afternoon you could cut it with a knife literally, and it is only April 14 th 2015;;; remb. come June of July i warned you;;;
Absolutely, Kevin. I share  YOUR story as widely as I could. We had it too, I put a little story on fb page about it the day of the storm, just to show dust blowing along with snow. RADIOACTIVE WINTER for sure and yes, you HAVE been warning us. I can't stand it.Meanwhile unexplained toxic oil spill in Vancouver BC harbour last week, terrible toxic fire there tonnight after the Americans boought the FIREBOAT and Harper dismissed the Coast guard recently!!!!! can we say planned???My beautiful home city!!! :( :( :(Also the sardine fishery on the west coast, breaking news,emergency closure today. :(I SENT YOUR VIDEO TO DYLAN AND BRANEFOOD.
+kevin blanch //www.weather.com/news/news/blowing-dust-high-winds-nevada-utah?cm_ven=Facebook&cm_cat=www.facebook.com&cm_pla=fb_feed&cm_ite=fb_social_rec&fb_ref=Default
+kevin blanch I am sharing your message everywhere I can, Kevin HAD IT HERE IN IDAHO ALSORadioactive dust/snow/rain blizzard at 60 mph direct to us from INL and FNL
+kevin blanch Stay safe!
+kevin blanch k.s.l. reports SNOW FALL FOR THE YEAR 9.4 INCHES AVERAGE, 54.6

Life Inside a Dead Whale

Ever wonder what it'd be like to have a whale as a house? Wonder no more after you watch this episode of SciShow! Hosted by: Michael Aranda ...

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I realize I could say this at any point, on any video, but I absolutely love this channel and everything you guys do, and the fact that it's free to me. Thank you.
+Noxshus It's not free. You pay with your time.
Holy Quran 3:27 ------------------ Thou bringest forth the living from the dead and Thou bringest forth the dead from the living, and Thou providest whomsoever Thou wilt without reckoning.
+Thatdude on Swtor That is the verse number of the quote in the Quran recited. :)
+mediatunimed Wow the Quran is true afterall! You've found the missing proof the world has been desperately needing! Now we can all fall in line like the great Islamic nations and start chopping off peoples heads for freedom of speech violations and the like! Cheers to executing people for religious blasphemy!
+mediatunimed I dont see anything related to a holy Quran in the video on 3:27 , what are you trying to say?
Sooo... SciShow is a dead whale of YouTube?
Wait a tick. Stage 3 lasts 50-100 years, but we discovered whale falls 28 years ago. How do we know of stage 3?
+Milton Cabrera I'm guessing scientists were able to find other whale falls and were able to backtrack their development.
This puts a whole new twist on Spongebob Squarepants.
+Chris Randall also the reason Patrick is so dumb is because he "lives under a rock" and that phrase means your stupid and ignorant to what is happening around you.
+Weapon Valhalla xD!!
+undeny LMFAO I see what you did there! :P
+Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon III Though I think you already said it with "He was eating her mother".....
+pnkflyd66 He was eating her mother during the second stage of the whale fall. The daughter was just watching and one thing led to the other eventually leading to adoption.
All I want to know is htf Mr Krabs ended up having a whale for a daughter.
Please do more exotic ecosystems!
+Lip Suckers Anonymous Infinited :)

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Schwarzwald Hochalpenstrasse Germany high speed motorbikes On //www.lifeisjoy.nl you can watch all our movies and read our travelstories. Until 2011 ...

User Comments

I've got a video on YouTube of the same place and the same road,great vid well done
cant wait to come ride it!!! finally goin to germany!!!
thanks for uploading ! fantastic video !
Beautiful land. I Love it ;)

Download PDF: Relating to the Relatives, Breaking Bad News, Communication, and Support

Space Weather, Extreme Events | S0 News Nov.27.2015

Earthquakes Are Predictable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPjhaweEWXA The First Wave Crashes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gWGDdDtFYU ...

User Comments

What will you say to the claim that 2015 is the hottest year ever //www.nytimes.com/2015/10/22/science/2015-likely-to-be-hottest-year-ever-recorded.html?_r=0 more media fabrication ?
+Suspicious0bservers theirs no such thing as time travel!!!! you do know that the green is red. Mr.blue, project Genesis.
+Suspicious0bservers It literally took me 30 seconds to find significant evidence from a trusted source that goes against your entire argument .//berkeleyearth.lbl.gov/auto/Global/Complete_TAVG_complete.txt The evidence is unquestionable in terms of its prognosis  Questioning the data gathers and publishers would be undermining the people at Berkeley which I think is unfair .Of course its only one study but it aligns itself with what has been said by the majority of respected scientists around the world funny enough  Im sure I could find collaborating data within another 30 seconds .I just don't see any profitable reason why media( which must be in collaboration with an insane amount of scientists) would  cover up the fact that global warming isnt happening .There is zero motive for these actions regardless of what you might think ,In fact if global warming turned out to be a total hoax  many  positive environmental and  financial trends would be on the rise . It would possibly be  one of the biggest hoax's in human history and you would be a pioneer and a legend in the making ,somehow I dont think your on the right track.
+dimetilldeath The data fudging has been so overly reported I am shocked that an intelligent dissenter such as yourself are deadset on buying into the idea. El nino and the insane geomagnetic activity this year have made us warmer than usual, but then again they just stopped using 80% of the greenland data due to incredulity of the cold temperature readings. I expect us to have record heat and record cold all over. I dare you to pull the raw data day by day and see which records impress you more… 100 heat records of ~0.3 degrees or a handful of cold records broken by 2, 6, 15 degrees? Do the homework… then come back and make your own assessment. OR, just go with the headline.
just curious how big are those tornadoes compared to earth
A tornado bigger than our star!!! ✨ That would be awesome
+Basenji Blue scary stuff. my God is awesome!!! just imagine tornado on a super star
*M6.2 earthquake near Taltal, Chile 2015-11-27 @ **21:00:20** UTC.* The Phi Angle had rotated from a positive to negative magnetic sector 11-27 at approx. 04:00:00 UTC [as pointed out in the news]. This is an indication of a solar sector boundary crossing [SSBC].This polarity reversal in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field can be considered an influential space weather factor in this quake.
+Hook Echo Good morning Mr. I had that area marked as generally at risk. Also had written on my 'prediction' page.... North Japan... It took a 5.9, damage done, but Russia... About two and a half inches from Japan... I'm claiming it
+Hook Echo Good going hook,Thank you sir.
Ionospheric total content [TEC] moderately dense above epicenter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQS01PdXZzbk9EdEU/view?usp=sharing
ACE [Phi Angle in blue]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B83EkoitOiKQUXNZN1N3REpkaXM/view?usp=sharing
M6.2 - 66km NNW of Taltal, Chile 2015-11-27 21:00:22 UTC: //earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us100041t7#general_summary
I have a muggle question Ben.What is the significance of the Earths magnetic protection being affected by the CERN hadron collider and any effects it may have between Earth and our sun when CERN is on and increasing it's TEV??
+GSD Alpha I know... I was trying to not be a 'bugga'.... Quid please!!!! Foil hat is in the post
+barbarah315 Look up mini black holes. That should get the research going for you to be able to see SOME of what CERN is capable of
+itsampofcourse I am in absolute agreement on the quantum consciousness issue as I do energy work as a healer. What I've seen on youtube of all the fear porn and such, the brain can only take so much crap before ya just say WTF?My brother worked on the first hadron at Princeton,NJ back in the 80's. He said back then that the collider was an experiment in creating a sort of independent sun energy. I almost lost my brother on that one, he was in the tube inspecting seams when someone turned it on. The failsafe worked, although he got pulsed. (Long Story)This is why in my naiveness, I asked about the connection to our sun and CERN.
+barbarah315 CERN isn't about earthquakes. The scientists have the express goal of opening PORTALS. Everything is energy (you, me. the earth, the sun,. space, atoms, CONSCIOUSNESS, etc.) and there is no telling what kind of consciousness those fools are trying to reach. THAT is the issue with CERN
+GSD Alpha Tanks for the intelligent info!! I'm not a scientist, but, I did spend a night in a Holiday Express!!
+Basenji Blue Another quid for you, my lad!
+barbarah315 TEV is a measure of momentum. How can motion affect magnetics? If I drive REALLY fast, can I change the magnetic compass in the passenger seat? See how ridiculous that is? CERN is 3/4 of a mile underground with bicycle and pedestrian paths overhead. It doesn't affect bicycles; how's CERN supposed to affect something tens of thousands of miles away? Answer: it doesn't. CERN has no effect on anything outside the LHC other than giving fear mongers endless BS to feed their followers.
The collider has no effect. Absolutely none.
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