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Mri beginners Videos

Basic MRI Physics

Excellent lecture on the basic principles of MRI.

User Comments

i kinda wonder why anyone pays for classes when almost anything you want to learn is on the internet. my MRI classes are taught online and i feel very poorly and i've had to use a myriad of external sources to keep up with the assignments.
+Danny Kendra Excellent MRI Registry Preparation !!! www.radreviewsoeasy.com
Part 2: //vimeo.com/26692856
+ROHAN SHAH thanks !

Rotator Cuff Tears: MRI Results and Arthroscopic Surgery

Greg R. Van den Berghe, MD discusses Rotator Cuff tears: diagnosis, surgical treatment and physical therapy. Dr. Van den Berghe is an orthopaedic surgeon ...

MRI NO2 Black Reviews / Ratings Video

//www.bestpricenutrition.com/_search.php?page=1&q=no2+black - Reviews and ratings video on MRI NO2 Black. We talk about what this supplement is, the ...

User Comments

nice vid, subscribed. have seen some "reviews" and it seems a scam. The MensHealthReview page had many testimonials with different names but same user photo. One even said he had been thinking about taking it then stated he had been taking it for 2 months. The fact they resort to this type of marketing makes me doubt its effectiveness. Would you recommend NO/pump supplements to a middle age couch potato with poor circulation (ER has trouble finding veins)? It is hard to develop good eating and exercise habits but I'm trying.
@BestPriceNutrition "Another technology that MRI incorporates into NO-boosting products, like NO2 BLACK, is pHylex9. pHylex9 may provide a sustained release of Arginine-AKG into the system thereby potentially limiting the action of Arginine-destroying Arginase enzymes." These were from various studies posted by MRI. Instead of dumping Arginine into our body all at 1 time which our body more than likely will produce the arginase enyzme, as opposed to "trickle" feeding the arginine in small amount
That is not a way to determine one's fitness level, bodybuilders are can be some of the least physically fit people. Look at Fedor Emelianenko in his prime, didn't "look fit" however he was. Check out the recent how to get lean vid where our SEO guy decided to put a shirtless picture of me (John). Again none of this is relevant to one's knowledge, looking the part does not equate superior knowledge, neither does impressive credentials for that matter, hence the logical fallacy in such a criteria
@Viktir666 thanks for subscribing. In theory taking arginine every 2 hours should increase NO levels, however in practice the body has negative feedback loops to control excess NO levels (to prevent a large decrease in BP), in this case the enzyme arginase would break down excess arginine. Now some have hypothesized that taking arginase inhibitor ingredients such as norvaline would counter act this effect, unfortunately this invites another negative feedback loop and has not been demonstrated...
I've been using MRI NO2 on and off for the past 4 years & I have noticed a huge difference in performance. Decreased amount of recovery between sets, Dense & Hard muscles, incredible increases in strength in a short period of time after the loading phase of 3 weeks, size gains & muscle definition have been more than adequate than w/out the product. I take this product with a Cytogainer Protein Shake after e/workout. Be sure to drink PLENTY of water w/ the product. Diff things work for diff ppl
@BestPriceNutrition throughout the day, in would limit our body from producing the enzyme. Like I said, I got this from various studies and I honestly can say I can tell a major difference in taking no2 black and black powder. I have played collegiate sports and have been weight lifting for 6 years now, and I can tell a major difference in recovery, strength, and muscle fullnes to tell if there is a placebo effect or not. These are patetend technologies that MRI has, as yet scene in other no2
I'm subscribing to your channel due to this video's non-bias discussion. I heard good things about this product from a friend but I wasn't sure if it was psychological for him. I guess it was all in his mind LOL. Now I won't blow my money on it. What do you think about people who take large doses of L-Arginine for nitrous oxide pumps? Is that crap too or can it work if done a little at a time throughout the entire day? If I took a little L-Arginine every 2 hours for 16 hours, would that help?
@BestPriceNutrition Maybe at the end of the year you could make a video that shows the products that aren't just hype but are proven to work? Or would that not be good to do? If we all bought the products that pro bodybuilders use, that would be more than 500 dollars per month in supplements. It's hard to tell what's hype and what works. I know protein works because we have scientific proof but I'm not sure what else to use that isn't just over-hyped pseudo-science. What are your thoughts?
@BestPriceNutrition This is one topic I may have to disagree with you guys on! MRI puts in a lot of research on their products. "First, Actinos2IR is a whey fraction, carefully isolated from whey peptides. The Actinos2IR fraction offers exciting Nitric Oxide-generating potential due to its role in up-regulating NOS enzymes. NOS (nitric oxide synthase) enzymes function as the "factories" that convert the raw material (Arginine) into the powerful hemodilating fuel, nitric oxide (N.O.)."
@kenwick69 not even sure where to start, first watch our video on how we rate supplements. Two the notion that you feeling it validates it is why we use placebos in research as people often believe things work in spite of the fact they don't. When it comes to these ingredients the research to date clearly demonstrates that it does nothing more than a placebo. If your criteria is that you feel it and therefore it must work is fine by us, it's just not an accurate criteria for us.
With the First No2 I felt like I got results that it states in the manual like healthier hair and skin, least someone noticed and plus my running did get better and I slimmed down but also could have been helped by taking it with it vitamins and threw in another fat burning pill with protien shake and thats all i as ingesting besides small meals and water of course for about a month and with exercise pushing myself I seen and felt a difference then just exercise during PT
Hi guys, I'm from Monterrey, Mexico, and I must say thank you, because I was just about to buy this "NO2 Black" product. And if this product actually doesn't work, then is there a NO2 product that works? I'm asking this because I have never used this type of products, Whenever I do exercise the only things I take are protein (complex), carnitine, and stuff like that. So I woudld be very thankful for the support and the info. And please, is there an effective NO2 product?
We know how the body breaks it down as the pathway is clearly established and that pathway would lead one to believe it does increase NO levels (it does). However there is a limit to how much NO is produced before the body's negative feedback loops react and in otherwise healthy individuals it has not been demonstrated to significantly increase NO levels (looking at blood work rather than perception) as healthy individuals already have healthy levels. Hope this helps.
Hey bestpricenutrition, I had a quick question about arginineI have seen a lot of Pre works out there and a lot of supplements containing arginine, for the marketed purpose of increasing pump and whatever else they say arginine does. If the effects of arginine are canceled out by the bodies effort to maintain homeostatus then why so many products both old and new insist on putting it in their blends? Also what is this NO3 stuff that seems to be over flowing the market.
well right now there is a lack of empirical evidence demonstrating any supplement ingredients to significantly increase NO levels in healthy adults. You'd be better off w/ a pre-workout that has stims which can help give you a better workout. As a result of a better more intense workout you will feel more pumped. If you are looking for a couple supplements that work, creatine monohydrate and beta alanine are very good. Hope this helps, thanks for watching.
@Viktir666 yes there is a lot of non sense out there so cutting through the BS can be time consuming. Off the bat supplements that do work and we think should be in a person looking to build muscle regimen include protein powder, beta alanine, creatine monohydrate, and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). This is not an all inclusive list rather these are supplements we would rate very highly. If you come across something you have a question about feel free to ask..
There are people who disagree however they are not our findings. The reality is there is not any evidence demonstrating an elevation in NO levels in otherwise healthy adults. There is evidence of elevated NO levels in people who have constricted blood vessels (those w/ hypertension etc...) so it appears to work w/ homeostatic mechanisms. Marketers take results in these populations and extrapolate them out to athletes in spite of evidence to the contrary.
We look for research on pubmed, medline, etc... from there we read and interpret the research. You have to read entire studied, not abstracts and look at the study strengths and limitations. There are certifications but I think it is best to read and learn to understand research if that is what you want to do. Alan Aragon has a nice book that can serve is a nice primer for a beginner. Hope this helps.
well right now there is a lack of empirical evidence demonstrating AKG (or any other supplement ingredients) to significantly increase nitric oxide levels. Since the purported effect of this product is that it will increase NO levels, we say it does not do as it is purported to do. You'd be better off w/ the pre-workout that has stims which can help give you a better workout.
this video is just another reason i watch and listen to you guys, spot on again! i used this stuff about a year ago admittedly getting sucked in by the marketing before doing my own home work(haven't made that mistake again), and thought this was the worst pre-workout product i've ever tried and now i know why. keep up the good work guys and thank you for the unbiasness
OK well the only way to know for sure and this applies to anyone is to track calories at least for a couple weeks on MyFitnessPal. First we have an in depth vid on the topic of getting lean that you may find helpful: 'How to Get Lean & Ripped Fast' After watching feel free to ask questions and I will answer. Congratulations on making your health a priority.
So much wrong w/ your comment. Personal attacks are unnecessary, if you like people to tell you how they feel never mind the perils w/ that kind of logic or lack thereof this is not going to be a channel you enjoy. However if you open your mind up to a more rigid criteria that adjusts for the placebo effect you can save a lot of time and money.

MRI to Blender - Timelaps

the source file use in this video: //imagej.nih.gov/ij/images/t1-head-raw.zip I've extracted jpeg from it with imageJ: //rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/download.html.

User Comments

any mri represents the signal intensity registered by the receive coil. it isn't any color. color doesn't come into it. it's signal intensity. you can map the values any way you want to you could make it into sounds and it would retain it's information. I'm sure blender will let you use any colors you want. "DICOM are always black and white" is a bit of a, well, dumb thing to say. sorry to be unkind.
that's why there's a mute button. you can press it and fill in with your own music
Thanks for making this. It helped me make a project for school. (:
Really cool. Too bad the music makes me want to blow my head off.
@enzym I don't know, DICOM are always B&W, I think

MRI Mediamark Reporter Tutorial - Pace University Library

Tutorial for Pace Students demonstrating how to use the MRI Mediamark Reporter database.

Video Footage of MRI Harmonica Bending Study with David Barrett and Stanford University

Here's the actual video footage from my MRI Bending study with Stanford University. Read the free PDF at www.bluesharmonica.com/home for best understand ...

Cardiac MRI scan shows a heartbeat in high resolution

These images were created as part of a research study, using a 1.5 T MRI scanner. Video frames were acquired during a breath hold, which is why the lungs ...

User Comments

Are you sure this is realtime? Looks like ECG-Gated to me!
+solalanot yes it is gated, it doesn't say real time anywhere. Can get all the images in one breath hold though.
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