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Qld beginners handwriting worksheets Videos

Handwriting tips to help kids learn

Occupational Therapist, Ellie Jamieson, from Kids First Children's Services talks about how handwriting contributes to children's learning and academic success.

2 - How Does Cursive Writing Influence The Brain?

An interview with Fiona Summons at the Alison Lawson Centre in Croydon, Victoria, Australia. Interviewer: Ingrid Seger-Woznicki. Director: Jasmin Martin. Video ...

Piano Beginner Music | Creepy Crawly Spider

Creepy Crawly Spider. A Piano Solo from MEA Music. Middle C Position. Key of A minor. All sheet music is available for download or delivery.

How To Weld Thin Steel to Thick Steel

MIG Welding Basics: Andy Fogarty demonstrates how to weld thin metal to thick. Shop all welding supplies and metals at www.kingmetals.com today!

User Comments

One nice tip is to put a strong magnet on the thinner sheet of metal so it pulls the molten metal on the thin metal when you weld. BTW thats a chool tip that you showed on the video.
+thrashmetal turska Don't know what you're smoking but I need to try some.
Great tip thanks for sharing the magnet trick
My driveway fence broke only the bottom can I weld it togehter?? Fence Material: Metal
I just bought a new one dont want to die
If it's galvanize, it will burn poisoness gases which will kill you. I'm not a welder, just trying to learn. But I do know that. Be safe.

Time Signatures explained

If you like my lessons don't forget to "LIKE" & subscribe. If you would like to see a specific video, please put a request in the comments box. Also, find me on ...

User Comments

Hey thanks so much, this has helped me the most so far. I have one question though. I am learning Violin, and in the measures following time measures with a 4 at the bottom 1/4 notes, they have measures with 1/2 notes in them and whole notes and so forth. Why is that?
+E de KroonHey thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. You helped me to understand!!
The word for how fast you are supposed to play it is " tempo" and it has little to do with the time signature. The time signature only tells you how many beats there are in one measure ( upper number)and how many of what note should fit in it ( lower number) Words used for tempo are bpm ( beats per minute) or allegro or lento or more of those fancy Italian names
The time it takes to play one measure of 4 beats depends on how fast you play it! If you play it in one minute each quarterbeat lasts a quarter minute, but if you play one measure in one second every quarterbeat takes a quartersecond
+E de KroonThis does help, thank you. Actually even though it's been 4 months I still haven't completely grasped it. I do understand what you are saying but I don't understand how I know what a beat is, like in a 4/4 time signature does that mean that 4 beats has to be a certain amount of time like each beat is a second or something? Sorry if I sound dumb lol Thanks a lot for explaining!
+kimaegaii lemme see if i can explain what i think you want to know.....( its been 4 months so maybe you figured it out already , but still:) The bottom number means you have to play an equivalent of 4x 1/4note, upper number 4 means 4 beats, lower number means it needs 4 quarternotes, or any notes that amount to the same. So in case of half notes that means two. The value of the notes is thus: whole note =1 ( you play one whole note that lasts 4 beats, in a 4/4 time signature), half note is 2 ( two half notes, one on first of the four beats, one on third of the four beats), quarternotes is 4 ( 4 quarternotes in measure, one on every beat 1,2,3,4) and 1/8 notes =8 ( 8 1/8 notes in a measure on half beats 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and, with a note on the "and" part too. So in short, in a 4/4 time the value of the note indicated by the bottom 4 = 4 or any combination of notes that also equal that value. ( there is a three valued note but that is a dotted halfnote)....Hope this makes sense to you...

ESL Australian Slang

To join a class: //speakhut.com/youtube-videos/ To contact Bret Tutor: //brettutor.com/contact-bret/ This is an English conversation lesson video similar to ...

User Comments

Be good if you are teaching Aussie slang to at least get the pronunciation correct.
+Aman L. Well, I think it is rather condescending when someone from the US does an Australian or UK accent. I will take waht you said into consideration though. Thanks for the comment.

Learning English: Sounds of the Alphabet

Learn the letters of the English Alphabet and their associated sounds, together with words illustrating those sounds.

User Comments

is this the standard pronouce
+Godot Pan Hi - Everyone has an "accent," even those who speak perfect English. Which accent a native English speaker will have depends largely on where they grew up. My accent is a typical Midwestern US accent (technically, Inland Northern), considered "general American" and long used by radio and tv announcers. Hope this helps!
what about the alternative pronunciations of c and g
+sheila zaprzalka Hi - it's true that c and g have alternate pronunciations, depending on the words they are in. But this is true for most of the consonants - some are silent, some make different sounds when they're next to some letters and not others, and so on. In this video I was just focusing on the common sounds produced by the letters of the English alphabet. Hope this helps!
American English then
+ElectrofizzStudiosCo Yup - specifically, a Midwestern accent. "American Englsih" has several regional accents ~ :)
are you british?
No problem - you're welcome ;)
IELTS is written by people with a British/Australian background, but according to its website, it is designed to be international.  So both British and American English are accepted.  The listening portions of the exam have a variety of accents - British, American, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand - so it's not exclusively one or the other.  As far as spelling and vocabulary goes, it doesn't matter which one you use, as long as you are consistent with it.  In other words, don't be mixing up British spelling/vocabulary and American spelling/vocabulary.  Use whatever you are comfortable with.As for listening practice, it's a good training to listen to a wide variety of accents.Hope this helps!
i m from bangladesh.For IELTS which accent should i follow? Here IELTS is under British Council.
+sahid islam No, I am American, and have a Midwestern accent ~
Useful .thank you
+Amjad Adam You're welcome - glad you liked it ;)
Her mouth is funny looking
u are here to learn english or to find things to insult?
This is good one. Can I have your valuable CD to teach my Children..
+santhu subramanian I'm glad you liked it! Unfortunately, we don't have any CDs currently available :( . But please enjoy our other videos that we've made - look for more to come! :D
thank so much =))
+Lien Vu Bich You're welcome ;) !

Fingerspelling with Auslan || Samantha

Hello, I'm Samantha and I want to help you with your Auslan. LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialSamanthaElizabeth Twitter: ...

How to Cover books with Contact paper

Covering books bubble free! Takes you step-by-step on how I cover exercise books with contact paper without any bubbles or creases.... or stress! Hope this ...

User Comments

Thanks, Grace, after 8 years of covering my daughter's school books I thought I should watch a tutorial and save myself the 'battle with the bubbles'. Of course, the student should be doing the cover seal part of the process now that she is starting secondary school but she thinks I do a better job! Practice makes perfect. Next year it will definitely be her turn!
+Anne C Macleod I am entering secondary school and I have wrapped all books, labeled all copys, pencils and anything else for me and my 2 brothers since I was 7. But i have never used contact paper. This year as i enter secondary school they are a weird shape and size so i have to use contact paper.
Tried it, got my dick stuck in the contact.
I hope you got it out
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