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Wedding invitation fan Videos

Metallica Fan Invites James Hetfield To His Wedding

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I wonder if he went?? 

Fox Invites Glee Fans to Brittany and Santana's Wedding

BY PATRICK GOMEZ @PatrickGomezLA 02/20/2015 AT 10:20 AM EST You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of Brittany S. Pierce and Santana ...

Jason Mraz surprises a fan on "HubWorld"

Jason Mraz and host Justin "Kredible" Willman surprise a lucky fan on her birthday!!! HubWorld airs every Friday on the Hub Network, check it out!!!

User Comments

*sniff* ahh she smells good lmao i LOVE him and i dont wanna be like those girls who are like OMG IM SO JEALOUS SHES SO LUCKY but im sorry this made me extremely jealous especially cuz he looked so scrumpdiliumptious in the video and if that were me i wouldve likely peed then passed out then woke up and huglested [hug/molested] him
jason miraz fan : doin something fun like dancing some handsome looking celeb fan : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MYGOSH..etc etc
I want years long that Jason comes to me. And she.... what has she done...please say it to me i want to know it. I want to see Jason 3
whats the thing written on that jewellary of jason mraz.. i got what other two are.. but what was of mraz's ? at 1:12
I can't believed he smelled her hair xD I wanna know how she stayed so calm! I would have freaked out. lol.
I gatta say, im a guy, and i would of probably screamed like a little girl if i had the same chance she had
@pieeats Ikr! he is like my hero.. i probably would have cried (after my face got really red.. ) haha :P
he is so adorable, I wish he could be my boyfriend , but what a pity he is not gay
Whish I was that lucky Jason is my favorite singer and I wish I could meet him
My birthday is on the 6th of Dec, when can I get to see him :( 
i would have spasmed right before fangirling......... I LOVE HIME
I would have died. Right then and there. What is her problem???
She's so LUCKY!! I almost cried while watching this video

birthday invitation for "shahrukh khan" from his 2 year old fan

a small request from small girl gungun who is biggest age of Shahrukh khan .she wish him to be present in her birthday party . at this age she doesn't know what ...
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