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Rap analysis Videos

Black Thought - Rap Music Analysis

Explaining in musical terms why Black Thought might be the most versatile emcee of all time, even when you look beyond his many rhyme schemes.

User Comments

This is the greatest thing ever. Black Thought is top 1 of all time! The true GOAT!
+WildfireWiffler44 Agreed!

Rap Research Analysis - Phrasing, Rhymes, and Accent in Rap

This is from a presentation given on October 20, 2013, at Eastern Kentucky University in Charlestown, KY. It was given at the Society of Composers Inc., Region ...

User Comments

I would like the ppt as well 
Sure! email me at [email protected] and I can hook you up man!

Chisel This! Episode 11: Houdini VS Copperfield. ERB [Critical Analysis]

This is the 11th episode of Chisel This! This video is a lyrical analysis of a rap battle created by Epic Rap Battles of History. You can watch it in it's entirety here: ...

User Comments

You seem to mention Poe VS King pretty often in these Critical Analyses. Would it be wrong to assume it's one of your favorites, by chance?
+Hawlucha's Wingman maybe
Ok Ma-Tay, I have another beef. I like your videos, my Brotha! This vid is the 4th one I've watched and I'm getting a sense about something I think is critical if you're going to critique. The line you're begging for a reason why it's in the battle. It only needs one reason why it's in there and I'm thinking you have a tendency to forget about it by going so deep in critiques. That line is {I'll abbreviate for you) F'IN FUNNY!!! I'm sensing you aren't a big fan of profanity which I commend you on BUT damn it, May, it has to be there. I, as I mentioned in a comment before, could be wrong of coarse but sensing that before viewing this video and then seeing how rattled you were about it's relevance is why I came to this conclusion. Again, I like how you break these videos down and I take nothing from what you're doing but just remember, these are "Battle" raps and that references like that DO and MUST have a place in these raps because for one, they are major disses and two, they're funny as hell.......oops, I mean heck. Lol. .
+sacman68 this is my FIRST analysis, and I've learned what I should and shouldn't include as I went on
Just curious: how did you become an expert on rapping?
+TheLHShowChannel if I'm an expert, it's from a long time analyzing the way lyrical structures are formed. a lot of it can be attributed to grammar proficiency, as well. check out my 4,000 subscriber special
The "endowment" thing was pretty clear to me. He was insulting the size of his genetalia. If copperfield was a real man, his largest "endowment" (playing off the euphemism "well endowed) would be his junk.
+GunRecon 11 Absolutely, that was the point. This being my first analysis ever, I went a little to nitpicky on everything - but my point was that the word "biggest" should've been "only" to support the notion that his penis is not a large endowment (since the only would be his bank account, ruling out talent, penis, and more)
Excellent analysis. Thank you.
+John Cox thanks! there's many more on my channel
Dude do you do research Damn your stupid 
+Mat4yo very nice
+Malikk Oliver yes check out my 4,000 subscriber special 
+Mat4yo Idk that was my brother and my friend I apologize also is miss4yo your gf
+Malikk Oliver what about this 23 minute long video or the other 6 30+ minute videos I dedicated to ERB makes you think that I DIDN'T research? and you're*

Othello - Critical Analysis Rap

So in my first year English course, we were studying Othello, a play by Shakespeare. Our T.A. thought it'd be awesome to challenge us to come up with ...

User Comments

haha this is fucking hilarious, I was busy writing a what makes Iago tick essay.. or rather procrastinating, when you gave me some food for thought, you guys should go into stand-up comedy:P
Supposed to say "Special thanks to... Sarah & Scott & Robert."
Cam, this turned out amazing!!! well done guys
THis is amazing.... Its just wat i was looking or.
actually a very good summary :L
this is sooooo good! Awesome!!
@Delduked Yeah, you bet :)

The Ex Basketball Player Analysis rap

Final Project for English 10 Ex-Basketball player Analysis rap By: John Updike Film/Edit: Hogan Hatzenbiler, Mat Edwards, Swift lightning Bivens and The Real ...

User Comments

You guys are my idol kind we set up a meet and greet pleasee its my dream
Rule 1 there are no more jolley ranchers there all gone
Video raw af
Lol jj

Aba Math Rap: Real and Complex Patriotic Analysis

Actual rap starts at 1min 49sec. Cute filler material beforehand. The University of Iowa was closed for holiday the day before July 4th, 2009. But the graduate ...

User Comments

hey aba! i've got a math rap, and it's way elementary my math is simple, like a dictionary entry addition, multiplication, sometimes subtraction 'cuz i work with pictures and words, and nary a fraction -gwynne
rated it 5 stars... awesome!! you look good my friend... :-)
nice one , Aba!! you'd be the coolest professor!
Aba!!! You are so darn cute!!!!! Cheers (*-*)
We love you Aba ! wendy & hubby tim
I wish he taught me math .. :]
What is his name?
a modern hero

Chisel This! Episode 12: Lewis & Clark VS Bill & Ted. ERB [Critical Analysis]

This is the 12th episode of Chisel This! I apologize for the amount of times I confused Lewis & Clark. Blame the Sioux for not suing This video is a lyrical analysis ...

User Comments

Ah yes. You are certainly the master of stating the obvious.
+agentgrim007 i doubt you watched the aesthetic analysis or any other of my videos
Is he really this smart, or is he just playing?
+Mat4yo maybe both
+A Swedish Atheist you tell me...
I love your videos they have a lot of effort behind you should have more subs!!
+Osmar Contreras thanks! I'm getting there
2:22 This took me so much time to notice, and it's completely genius.
+Maurice LMAO it goes way back
I thought the Meriwether line was because there is a fighter named Meriwether 
+Skooter Boy that doesn't hold any relevance to either side, and if they wanted to mention Floyd Mayweather**, they should've used the word box, throw down, or other boxing terminology other than the generic word brawl
These are really great man, I would gladly subscribe to an iTunes podcast featuring this kind of breakdown of ERB.
+Mat4yo You're welcome! I really loved the format you used on this episode the most.
+Travis Hull I'm thinking about doing something like that. thanks!

Chisel This! Episode 13: Terminator vs Robocop. ERB [Critical Analysis]

This is the 13th episode of Chisel This! If it's not evident, Terminator won. This video is a lyrical analysis of a rap battle created by Epic Rap Battles of History.

User Comments

I like these analysis's, they're really fun and enlightening. But the downbreaking of murphy's law feels weird to me. I mean, not everyone knows what Murphy's law is so it could've been easily missed if they didn't straight up said it. For example, I know what that law was before they said it, but it's been so long since I heard it mentioned (plus the fact I'm not actually English) that it took me a few seconds to realise that, actually rather easy, link.
+Siegfried Bal I'm just nitpicking the lyrics. I've been narrowing down what I criticize in later videos but i just didn't like the presentation from a lyrical perspective
I was briefly subscribed to Bart Baker, but the more I watched the less intelligence I saw in his writing. The melody just irrelevant for the most part, stretching syllables and an over fascination with what's happening in the video rather than any sort of purpose (Pharell wears a big hat OMFGWTFERMRGERD!!!), idea or thesis of what to comment on.
+Bunny in the Box exactly. I will target that
+Mat4yo I'm intrigued. He also seems to like saying "this vid-e-o/song...explain awkwardly" in every video rather than using it for the visual medium that it is, which gets annoying.
+Bunny in the Box you'll love my Chisel This! on Bart Baker then stay tuned!
when you 'fixed' the Murphy's Law pun, IT WASN'T CATCHY!!!!!!!!!!! and what do you mean people don't like it look up the vid the like bar is huge
+Mat4yo exept the part were you can understand it. i have only seen the robo cop reboot but i still understood some of the references and just to be clear, i am not a troll this is the 1st episode i have seen and it is not in my type of taste so you will only find me defending myself on this vid, i will not go to your other vid to but hate comments on. the only thing i did like was what you were saying: you obviously have a better understanding of rap than i do which i see as the reason on why i don't like it, i killed my enjoyment of the rap. (sorry this was so long) 
+GoodNeutralEvilHunt it WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE!!!! and I was speaking on behalf of those who didn't like it. I'm targeting all angles
What do you mean by every battle is special except one?
+BHH Productions honestly, it's just a teaser for my least 5 favorite ERB list
+Robert Espinoza I loved this battle..

SWOT Analysis Rap - McDonalds

SWOT analysis for Mr. Kawalas marketing class. Written and performed by Durty Kurty Twitter: @DurtyKurty_.
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