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User Comments

Sweet a dog peed on the bride!Awesome.

Vlog 61: It's Our Anniversary!

Anniversary May 3rd :) Our Wedding Day: //youtu.be/OnEsfWeKQBQ *Don't forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share, ...

User Comments

Happy anniversary 
Happy Anniversary! And congratulations on all the beautiful blessings! It was very sweet hearing the card. Ya'll needed a duet for that Tony! Toni! Toné! :)
Thank you lol :)
Happy belated anniversary you guys. Dang I wish you had battlefield on ps4 for we can link up on there
Thanks! Yeah man that would be cool
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary ❤️
Happy anniversary

Vlog 68 : My Breast Milk Is Priceless

Don't forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! Keep reading for linkage! Wanna send us mail? Send to: ...

User Comments

Aww Congratulations she is beautiful. Great vlog.
Thank you!
you have a beautiful family and it is so refreshing to see a dad doting over his daughter you can tell he loves both of his daughters very much
Aw thanks!
I enjoyed watching this video, you guys had me laughing with the 6 week countdown....Kia, had that look on her face, like not right now....we'll talk about this in 4 weeks. Joia, is so pretty, her Dad loves to play with her little nose. I see you guys watch the "The Daily Davidson's" one of my favorite families. Although, you guys have a special place in my heart!!! Always make me smile!!!!
Aww thanks for watching! Yup that was def the look on my face lol and he def loves playing with her nose and just bothering get in general haha
Lmao at counting down those six weeks. He sound like my husband lol I have a private question about breast feeding. Do you have a email I can use to contact you?
Lol smh they are a mess. Sure [email protected]
are you pumping now to increase your supply? or to freeze? or another reason?
+Meet the ChambersMan I can imagine! It's like all the little stuff you never hear about grrr
Giiiiiirl...this might make me quit lmao nobody told me about this part...I didn't sign up for this! I can't get rid of this ish. Prob gonna see a lactation consultant this week bc my doc just keep telling me to pump, warm compressed, massage, etc but it is NOT budging!
+Meet the Chambersoh darn, I heard those are a b**! Hope it goes away soon
To increase supply...and eventually to freeze since I'll be going back to work soon. I started taking fenugreek too but now I have a stubborn clogged milk duct that won't go away and so now scared to take it lol

Vlog 67 : Baby's First Memorial Day Weekend

Don't forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! Keep reading for linkage! Wanna send us mail? Send to: ...

User Comments

Where was jordan 
+lauren beth With her mom...
Pretty cool video. I like the updates to intro and outro of the vlogs. Congrats
As, always I enjoyed your video. Joia, was sooo good in I Hop and Walmart....she got a little fussy in Walmart that's because, Dad was picking with her nose Lol. Miss seeing Jordyn. Your a beautiful family!!! Thanks for wholesome and positive videos!!!
Aw thanks! You will see more of Jordyn soon ;)
Love the video!!!! Go Cavs!!!!!
Thanks! Woop Woop!
Kia she is so beautiful! Congrats again! Xo
Thanks love!
She like get out my nose daddy lol

Vlog 83: Pregnant With 25 Kids!?

Don't forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! Keep reading for linkage! Wanna send us mail? Send to: ...

User Comments

Joia is beautiful & her outfit is beautiful. you are bless kia to have a good support system.
Thank you! Yes I'm definitely blessed to have such an awesome support system!
Your bundle of joy s soooo cute...xoxo
Thank you! :)

Vlog 75: Fussy Baby!

Don't forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! Keep reading for linkage! Wanna send us mail? Send to: ...

User Comments

You are doing a amazing job mom I hope you and your family have a blessed Sunday 
+MsUniquelyDesigned Thanks so much!
Your family is so cute.. congrats on the new baby she is so cute... I miss the baby cry... I love the pics u post of her on instagram... I jus had to sub cuz I can't get enough of you...
Aw thanks so much and thanks for watching xoxoxo
Try Gripe Water. It helps with fussy babies. Get the non-alcoholic kind. Little tummies or Mommy's bliss works well. 
+Mrs White Thanks for the tip! She's usually not that fussy ALL DAY, but she was yesterday.
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