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Which xmen heroine are you Videos

Which X-Men Character Are You?

Who Is X-Men's Apocalypse? - Comics History 101

Marvel history lesson time! Here's everything you need to know about the X-Men villain Apocalypse, in advance of the character's upcoming movie debut!

User Comments

Wait a minute, what cartoon was that at 3:44??
+justin leighty Thanks, I must check this out.
+288theabe That is the end of the final episode of wolverine and the xmen cartoon. But they never made a season two where that is what was suppose to happen
sum it up in a few words, rip off of doomsday
+Shaun Templey actually its thanos that is the ripoff marvel admitted to this
shit my bad got them mixed up
Nope. He is not. A copy of Darkseid from DC
Since 1986 I've been waiting thirty years.. It will be. I assume apocalypse will be a Moor a true Egyptian a Nubian. not a tawny Arab. This Movie will mark the rebirth of afro aegyptos Moorish significance in the world Mark my words. If the producers down play apocalypse to be a Caucasoid. X-men series or marvel comics will never be allowed again in any Afro community Do not succumb to bleaching of apocalypse true identity. Sinister and the roman eagle legion vs apocalypse the Egyptians/Nagas cobras battle for world dominion. 
Tehse ntus pnuk bcith
+gamer dudes tehse ntus
+gamer dudes dude I am like so undefeated. I feel like Floyd may weather or some shit.
Race "ist" like art "ist" o yea that's not racism.
Seth and Horus the battle of the ages.

Which X-MEN Character Am I? : Black Nerd

SUBSCRIBE! Join the Black Nerd Cousins: //bit.ly/subbnc Black Nerd Comedy: //www.blacknerdcomedy.com //twitter.com/blacknerd ...

User Comments

Onslaught because fuck you that's why ;)
Wolvirine because I have a short fuse
I am most like Beast aka 
Jim Carrey Gambit 1:01
Wolverine bub 

X Men Quiz:Which Character Are You?

X-Men Character Revealed to be Gay?!

In the newest X-men comic, it has been announced that one of the founding members of the X-men is gay. Can you guess who? Source: //bit.ly/1HRV2fe Go ...

User Comments

In the movies i had a strong desire for it to be true :')
Rogue, clearly the best beard!
isn't there a storyline where Colossus is homosexual?
+Matty D. In the Ultimate Universe. This Iceman event is taking place in the main Marvel universe.
Once again Bisexuality is overlooked at as a choice. It's either gay, straight or lesbian. Meanwhile Bi, Trans and Asexual kids barely have anyone to look up to in any form of media. Thanks to Legend of Korra we have 2 bisexual women, but wow so progressive.
+Snow Anaya Loki is bi.
does his sexuality somehow impact the plot? if not then what does it matter..
+Da1ienx It matters because it doesn't make sense for the character in the context of the story. If you just ignore 50 years worth of cannon then you are going to annoy people.
It has been known in the comics for quite some time now. They even joke about it in Family Guy.
+Travis Frazier Hey man, I'm not trying to upset anyone. I was just saying that it is something that 2 of my friends who read different X Men comics religiously have actually shown me the pages that actually mention it years ago and neither of those were the one in Marvel 1602 that I found myself. I don't know if the ones they showed me were one of the earth 616 series or not, I am just saying this isn't really a surprise since it has been previously shown already in the comics. I misspoke when I said "regular readers" and I am sorry if I offended you when I said that. I have no doubt that you read much more X Men than I have and also have a vaster knowledge of it in general.
+Steven FriedmanI have literally read every X-men comic in the main universe and ultimate universe. stop saying things like "that is known amongst regular X Men readers" because that's simply not true. Marvel 1602 is a miniseries that has nothing to do with the actual universe. No portrayal of Iceman in any of the major universes has been gay. Not even a hint. The main editor at Marvel has even gone on to say that nobody at marvel considered him gay until Bendis (who's only been writing X-men for a short time) pitched the idea.
+Travis Frazier I don't read too much X Men but some of the ones I have mentioned it. One of the ones that come to mind is Marvel 1602 and that came out at least 10 years ago. I thought they were going to mention a different x men since this has been something that is known amongst regular X Men readers. I am thinking they meant this is the first time he is actually coming out and letting everyone know instead of just keeping it to himself. And if other people are commenting that it's already been mentioned in the comics before then why is it so hard to believe?
+Steven Friedman Do you even read the comics? It was not "known" in the comics. Family Guy makes a bunch of jokes that really doesn't mean anything and it sounds like you are just repeating things you've heard others say.
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