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Which tt bike to buy Videos

Men's Individual Time Trial Highlights | 2015 Road World Championships – Richmond, USA

Read our full report from the race : //www.uci.ch/road/news/article/kiryienka-nets-historic-first-gold-for-belarus-elite-men-individual-time-trial/

User Comments

What sort of gearing and speeds are these guys using and getting to?
+Andy Pandy Yes im UK, what about yourself?
I've already lost a stone since July. Are you UK?
+Andy Pandy Yes that was a few weeks back now though. Iv settled into winter training for next season now. Keep at cycling man its a good way of staying fit!
357 average over an hour? That is very impressive, wow. I started Road cycling this year.
+Andy Pandy Threshold is the amount of power you are able to hold for 1 hour. Mine is 357 watts but theres will be up in the 400s.
+Sam Smith do they train for vo2 max? Is that the same?
+Andy Pandy They all do gym work at training camps. But a TT is a threshold effort so thats what they would work on. Some guys have it and some dont. :)
+Sam Anderson really. Wow that is a lot of power to put down over a long time. Would tt riders do much gym work?
+Andy Pandy Gearing depends on the riders style, some like lower gears and a higher cadence while others go with a higher gearing and lower cadence, and the course. This one was a fairly lengthy individual effort so I'd bet you'd see more than a few guys riding 54-56T chainrings but I think you'd probably see a fair number of 53x11 setups as well. Again, that depends on what the course is like, I'm not fully sure what the Richmond route was. As for speeds, these guys were right around an hour and averaging 51ish kph, so that's around 31mph, that's pretty high output for sure!
Rohan would have won without bike change
Idk, would've been close
what about Dumoulin?
+BikePvP [Shiac ✖ Capt] He had a strained muscle sadly, but still got 5th place.
After long years hard work for his teammates Kiriyenka deserves the rainbow jersey!
+hasankr7 Absolutely!

Full Replay | Women’s Elite Individual Time Trial | 2015 Road World Championships – Richmond, USA

LIVE Women's Elite Individual Time Trial | 2015 Road World Championships – Richmond, USA For more information and news on professional cycling, visit ...

User Comments

Dear UCI, Can you please stop putting pics of the podium or the winner on your highlights/full replays. What's the use of watching any movie it when you have just spoiled the end? Thanks, JD

How much speed can you buy?

What advantage does the ultimate aero set-up give you over a 10-mile time trial? The experimental results are in… For all the latest in cycling visit: ...

User Comments

why is your mic so ridiculous?
+tomolonotron the fuzz on the lavalier acts to cut down on wind noise , son
This is a terrible test, TT bike to road bike?
+Jesper Sørensen "it's still a pretty pointless test." Yes, that's why instead of reading about it in a published scientific journal, I'm watching it on YouTube while on the toilet.
It's not comparable, it should be road bike to road bike, and basic TT rig to TT rig
+Jesper Sørensen agree, and disagree. Who would want a strava Kom?
+Remi Fjelldal It's still a pretty pointless test. Yes aero matters big time and to be honest almost 4min on a 10 mile course .. thats a lifetime in a competition. However if you don't compete ride whatever you like and be happy. :)
+sjmclean0 It's a test about how much speed you can buy. Clearly it is a good test. So imagine you're interested in improving you're speed, you are new to cycling, so you bought an entry level road bike. You do your laps, and think: "how can i do it faster? Is it possibly to buy myself a faster time with better equipment?" so you see this video. Ok, I can buy myself a faster time by changing equipment. And if I want to buy myself the most (or close to it) speed, I'd buy a TT bike, Skin suit, good wheels, etc.
You need to do the test with the same position... you could put a pair of aero bars on the BTwin and the results would be much closer.
+Sills71 correct, but like he mentioned; he would like to do isolated test for example he mentioned switching only wheels. This would also apply to aero bars, and that is til answering the question of "bying speed" since after all, you would have to buy the aero bars. So you could say, "Sills71: Just buy aero bars, that would make you a lot faster without spending too much", but that is a test entirely of its own. There is still no doubt that a Canyon speedmax would be faster than a BTwin w/aerobars. And the title of the video is: How much speed can you buy? So you could argue that if only changing to aero bars, you could still buy MORE speed. So, I argue that it is irrelevant to do the test with the same position.
After all, it is the watts you got, not the bike!
No shit. My point is: You can train on a super heavy bike all your life, doesn't matter. Switching a bike takes 10 seconds. Switching from weak to strong takes years, as you stated. I don't respect the bike, i respect the rider.
+Czechnut except when it's not.I calculate it would take an additional 150W to make the B'Twin go as fast as the Canyon (43.5km/h). Such an increase in power (300W->450W) might take years of training if it's possible at all.For all but the top pros such a speed cannot be achieved without the bike, and even then they'd still be faster on the better equipment.Canyon = 43.5km/h@300WB'Twin = 37km/h@300W or 43.5km/h@450W.//bikecalculator.com
Too bad you compared apples to oranges instead of to super gene modified granny smith'. Super level entry vs super aero road bike with shines wheels would have been actually interesting
+Lennart Bar you are able to read, are you? The headline is "how much speed can you buy?" - exact that answers this test, and yours would not...
go for the £200 bike + power meter
+jlebrech Project 1 Trek give the option of power meters ;) You just need to be filthy rich to afford it!
+Free man brands need to ship with power meters
+jlebrech 200 for bike 1000 for power meter :P ... but yeah i would do the same, just spend atleast 1000 on bike also

Full Replay | Men’s Elite Road Race | 2015 Road World Championships – Richmond, USA

Watch the Men's Elite Road Race Live here on 27th September at 12.50 GMT. For more information and news on professional cycling, visit //www.uci.ch or ...

User Comments

i wonder what was their average speed?
+moonshot yes, thank you
+Vladimír Sagula so, 47kph was the speed of peter when crossing the finish line?
+moonshot so in the end of the race in 6:32:38 it would be current speed not average
+Vladimír Sagula but it was 261,4 and peter won in 6 hours. then it'd be about 42kph, right?
+Rene Mueller its actually 47kph.. what a performance ;)
ah yeah just realized there's some climbing terrain in this race as well. so, they might have pulled off 30-35kph in climbing? wdyt
40kph in a large group would be doable (well if its 100% flat ;) ). But this race was with a lot of chasing, a real killer.
then, the average speed was about 40kph?!:o maintaining that speed for 6 hours is abolutely crazy
+moonshot It was 261,4km or 162,4miles and he won in 6:14:37. ;) Figure out the rest
Joy for cycling fans globally!!!! Nevertheless, I was disappointed he didn't pull a wheelie over the line.
+Phil Thompson hard to wheelie at over 50km/h
+Phil Thompson is that legal ? :D

TT 3D: Closer To The Edge legendado Pt

Filme sobre o Isle of Man TT de 2010 legendado em português ! Habilitar a legenda se não aparecer !

User Comments

Wanking is good, stops you needing women, who then change your life for their benefit and ultimately, you end up wanking anyway...
+strada moto Thats so fucking true. amen
very true mate
+strada moto Hahah the truest one liner i ever read
I'd say about a year or two I found these TT clips... and I couldn't believe my eyes. I have no idea how I found them. no one has ever told me about the TT. I've never heard of it from any sports events. I just happened upon it from surfing around on Y/T. This gave me goosebumps. it's nothing like I've ever seen. after watching these clips over and over, the one thing that sets me back is when these guys pull out of a wobble. that scares the shorthairs to watch that happen. I experienced that once a long time ago but not even close to this speed. not even close to not even close for that matter. several clips the riders say it's an addiction. Hell... it's an addiction just watching these clips. Some Day... I don't know how but some day I have to go there and see this.
Yess, yesss same happen to me. I was watching vídeos of motogp and there was this video on the list bellow called: that's a man's corner. What I saw just blew my mid away, I just could not belive my eyes. The cool thing is, that same like you, no body has ever talked to me about TT. Some day, one day I will be there live.
+Nunya Biznis Check out on you tube TT2012 ISLE OF MAN CBR 600 RR ROBBARBER PRACTICE enjoy
i dont understand a word what Guy said...haha
+Mohd Haris I had to use the closed caption and it still couldn't figure out what he was saying!
+Mohd Haris Ditto !!
Song at 46:30 Pls
+Thiago Herbert 'closer to the edge' by 30 seconds to Mars
Watched this film on TV last night. What an amazing film, have been shell shocked ever since. I don't ride a bike or follow it. But was bowled over by the grit and absolute demon like nerve of these guys. Incredible film,. Can't praise it enough.
+Tony Pate thanks tony mate, will check that out tonight. Thanks again .
+littleninpo Get that your not biker etc but think you may like (wont say enjoy) to see this humbling upload on you tube RIP DOCTOR JOHN HINDS THE FASTEST ROAD RACING DOCTORputs most over paid "sportsmen" in context hope you watch it
That dude lifts so much more than me!
+Glenners yes you are
+digitalwarfares No contradictions, just giving him some credit after thinking about it. Lol UH OH YOU WATCHED MY VIDEOS AND KNOW ALL ABOUT ME. And sorry, I didn't read the packaging, it says right here, DO NOT USE UNLESS SQUATTING 450lbs!! Man I'm an idiot!
+GlennersI hope you realise the contradictions in your own response. "His training goal is definitely endurance but it's just weird to see someone using such light weights"Just thought I'd check your YT videos and I was instantly welcomed by a hypocritical video demonstrating your own "patheticness" for knee sleeves. Don't be criticizing other people when you're just as pathetic as you claim Hutchinson to be. Who the f*ck squats with knee sleeves who isn't lifting near 2.5/3x their own body weight. You look pathetic.
+Glenners That's all you have to say about that 1:39 min.?!? That is PATHETIC.
Yeah, his training goal is definitely endurance. It's just weird to see someone using such light weights.
What you didn't see is the hundreds of reps he probably did. Ain't all about how heavy it is, especially if you're training to do something like this.
I didn't say he wasn't good at racing, but his weight training is laughable.
+Glenners You sir, are a fucking 24 carat idiot. Ian Hutchinson won every class in the TT in 2010. He almost lost his legs in an accident and after 30 operations is now winning TTs again in 2015. This race makes ALL other forms of motor sport resemble flower arranging. What do you do, other than talk shit on YT?
+Glenners He ain't trying to get big is he, he's trying to get fit and ready for endurance. Won every race though so must've been doing something right.
+Glenners o well thanks for that

TT Closer To The Edge - Guy Martin Scene

Greatest scene from a great film about the Isle of Man TT. Best to buy TT3D on Bluray for the HD goodness. The rider: Guy Martin The bike: Wilson Craig Honda ...

world's greatest race ★ 320km 200mph on city streets the isle of man tt 1280x720 (Moto e velocidade.)

User Comments

Name go music?
Thank you
+Luckas Santtos Linkin Park - New Divide
+Luckas Santtos "New Divide" Linkin Park
The background music is SHHHHIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!
+Boban Bobanisivoje pas faux
Fantastic. And who in their right mind gives this thumbs down is beyond me. These racers have balls of steel.
+MrEmperor79 he stole it from lockk9 to
+MrEmperor79 no its because the video editor needs to learn that too much camera shake == nausea lol
+MrEmperor79 no they disliked because its not his Video...
+Szilveszter SimiczaI think these people gave thumbs down because they hate TT and dangerous riding in general.
+MrEmperor79 thumbs down for the quality/effect, viberates the the 80% of the video.Maybe the maker of this video think it's cool. But it is not.TT is awsome, I love it, but not this video. There are 100 better videos better than this, why love this?
What is its name (song)?
+Nut Panadda Linkin Park - New Divide
wie kann man sowas blos disliken...das ist der geilste porno überhaupt
+ckb313235 Natürlich kann man Videos klauen/kopieren, zu sagen dass dies nicht möglich ist find ich jetzt echt etwas bescheuert. Die Likes sagen dabei ÜBERHAUPT NICHTS aus, wenn ich nicht gewusst hätte das er's von einem anderen Kanal kopiert/geklaut hhat, dann hätte ich es auch "geliked"... Man oh man
+BroTBozZ Diejenigen die Wissen, dass man Videos nicht klauen kann sind eindeutig in der Mehrzahl. Das lässt sich an den "Likes" erkennen. =)
Ist geklaut von nem anderen YTber, die die das wissen haben wahrscheinlich des Dislike button gedrückt... :)

[► BuyBestCar ►] TT 2013 Mugen Shinden TT Zero bike test at Jurby 1

BuyBestCar ▻] TT 2013 Mugen Shinden TT Zero bike test at Jurby 1.

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Top 10 Barcode Scanners to buy 1. TaoTronics TT-BS021 2.4GHZ Handheld Wireless USB Automatic Laser Barcode Scanner ...
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