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Mn flat coated retriever Videos

Flatcoated Retrievers - East Anglia Working Test April 2010

David Friday's dog retrieving from a ditch.

Flatcoated Retriever - East Anglia Working Test April 2010

David Friday's dog sent for a retrieve in light woodland.

flat coated retriever Brixie

hunting taining with Brixie.

User Comments

great nose on these dogs, but they don't calm down near 5 years old!! a lot of patience is required with the flat coat!!
@g0dvegeta3 Flat coated retriever is the actual breed, they're great working dogs

Standard poodle playing with a flat coated retriever

User Comments


Flat coated retriever Shiny

Hunting training with Shiny, she is six months old.

User Comments

super nice!!

Flat coated retriever Annie retrieving a duck from the cane

Black Wind of Varazdin Verona - ANNIE.
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