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Uitextfield money format Videos

Java Tutorial 14 - DecimalFormat (Rounding, adding comas, etc.)

After watching this, you'll know know how to use this syntax.

User Comments

It seems that the formatting can only happen in the final output. Doesn't seem it can be used in a Double Variable. So if I wanted to create a Double, to just hang on to this formatting, can't be done. Maybe you could help me, and show me how it can be stored in a variable. I actually got what I wanted, but I also would like to know how to store the value in a Variable, preferably a Double. For what it's worth, thanks. (+1 : 29). If you could help, with declaring a variable, while holding the formatted number, that would be very good. I'd be very grateful. I'm working with Android Studio, so learning Java is helping me allot. Not making any money, just doing small Calculating Apps for my personal use. On my Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
one problem i input 100 and it prints out 100.0 i input 5 and it prints out 5.0 how do i disable that decimal from appearing? so i just want to print out 5 when i input 5 not 5.0
Wow Great Video :D Just wondering Instead of these new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.000"); can I use these new DecimalFormat("$#,###.###");
@MrGIZDICH ahhh.. Thank you for replying and hope to see more of your videos :D More power and GOd Bless
@hellsing357 It's recommended that you just use the 0s.
That is fucking awesome !! thank you very much !!
thanks....now my java doesn't look confusing
Cool. Nice explanation. Thanks.
Thanks a bunch man!!
@theend1245 np :)
tnx man 

Objective-C - Tutorial TextField


How to make iphone apps –IOS development course LESSON 1- WHAT YOU NEED TO START MAKING APPS LESSON 2-GETTING THE TOOLS YOU NEED ...

[Swift] Урок 2 - Делаем простой конвертер для iOS

Заказать разработку приложений: //lwts.ru Мы представляем вам наш второй урок по программированию на Swift...

User Comments

Подскажите: Почему xcode ставит восклицательные знаки: @IBOutlet var mileField: UITextField! @IBOutlet var mileResult: UILabel! Если их убрать то пишет ошибку (фотка ниже): https://pp.vk.me/c621916/v621916202/260c4/Mm19PqOusnA.jpg
+Тимур Садердинов В Swift появился такой тип данных, как "Optional". Вы можете любой тип определить в optional, а это означает, что вы получаете или этот тип данных, или ничего.Чтобы было понятнее, вот пример:var number: Int?Это означает в переменной number может или быть значение "integer', или "nil".А ! (воскл. знак) означает, что мы получаем непосредственно значение этой переменной.На самом деле объяснить получилось не особо хорошо, но вы можете почитать об этот тут: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/OptionalChaining.html
Помогите пожалуйста, написал всё как в видео + учел комментарии ниже, но приложение всё равно не запускается. Ошибок в приложении нет. Скрин: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B84H9vSTBi8oWlFwM25scnlCSTA/view?usp=sharing 
+Алекс Волковский Я предлагаю свой вариант, напишите когда зайдете я обьясню что к чему
здравствуйте уроки правда классные )) , вы можете выставить как то эты icons тут или отправить мне на mail почту пожалуйста , а то я на вашем сайте не могу найти их 
Спасибо, что смотрите! Все иконки вы можете скачать бесплатно на этом сайте //icons8.com

iOS: UIAlertController as a Replacement for Single Column UIPickerViews displayed in UIActionSheets

This video accompanies a blog post I wrote on the same topic. The blog post can be found at ...

Swift 5 - Working with Date and Time on iPhone - Make iPhone Apps

Swift 5 - Working with Date and Time on iPhone - Make iPhone Apps ...

User Comments

+Paul Solt I typed in exactly what you did (except changed NSDate.date() to NSDate() based on comments below) but still receives three errors on the variables for the calendar and birth date. The first one states that the "'NSGregorianCalendar' was deprecated in iOS versio..." then gets cut off. The second states, "Value of optional type 'NSCalendar?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?". The last one states, "'date()' is unavailable: use object construction 'NSDate()". ANY help would be much appreciated. Thanks
+LongboardingTaco I had same error while following this video and this is how I did and got through.var calendar = NSCalendar(identifier : NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)var birthDate = calendar?.dateFromComponents(dateComponents)var currentDate = NSDate()I think it will help you get through.
+LongboardingTaco You need to massage the code a bit, Apple changed it a lot since I posted this video.The API's changed a bit, so you have to use the ? for NSCalendar because it's optional, and that NSGregorian should tell you what to change it to, do a Option/Alt click on it for the rest of the message. It should now be something like: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian
Same problem here xcode 6.3 is not taking var birthDate = calendar.dateFromComponents(datecomponents) // NSDate
thanks paul
+Vinay Kamisetty the code changed in Swift 1.2+I have a new version I may post soon.
var birthDate = calendar.dateFromComponents(datecomponents) // NSDate SAME PROBLEM ANYONE HELP PLEASE THANKS FOR THIS TUTORIAL
+Noor Sultan put ? after calendar like calendar?.dateFromComponents(dateComponents)//
Hey Paul I just started coding in version 6.3.1 and NSDate.date doesn't work for me. I seems like .date isn't there anymore. Can you help me out? Thanks Mark +Paul Solt
+Mark Ziegler API changed ... NSDate() works.

How to add a decimal point in Xcode to your keypad Tutorial

This is a short tutorial on how to add a decimal point onto your generic keypad in Xcode.

User Comments

I've made an app called GratuiTip with a custom keypad. It's in the app store. If you have any questions from the app let me know and I'll try to make a video tutorial how to make it.
To do this in Swift 2, use this: textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad (note additional period between UIKeyboardType and DecimalPad)
(R[-7]C*(R[-6]C+2*R[-4]C)/2)/(R[-5]C*R[-3]C-0.6*R[-7]C) this excel formular how can you change it to work in xcode
Great video, thanks. Do you know if there's a way to have the keypad with a decimal point and a return button?
For a decimal and a return button you pretty much have to create your custom keypad
thankห a lot it help me for project ^^^
how to do it in swift?


Author- A.Sangeetha-OpenSourceDeveloper Organization- Chipkidz Created on- 19-06-09.
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