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Money psychologist Videos

The Phenomenon of Money and Human Psychology - Documentary

For more science and technology videos and documentaries, please subscribe to my channel 'Science&Technology 4U'

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Taking a hundred dollars now is just as rational a decision as $102 in a year and a day. It is impossible to determine if one will live to see the hundred dollars tomorrow or the hundred and two dollars in a year and a day; now is now, not a hypothetical tomorrow. 
+Mike Kellett Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful reply to mycomments.  You leave no doubt as to who deservesthe moniker of “idiot”.
+Erick Taylor Oh, you are just an idiot. Ok. Thanks for clarifying.
The whole premise behind this video is flawed from the get go, as it conflates the Free Enterprise System with “Capitalism”.  Adam Smith’s “free market” was one of thousands of providers of goods and service competing with each other without the undue influence of capital; it is about people serving each other, guided by self interest not “greed”; “as if by an invisible hand” satisfying the needs of the market (meaning the participants).  Believing that financial markets are “free” or “rational” is silly on its face.  Instead of the “invisible hand” it is about “slight of hand”, it’s about misdirection.  Financial instruments for the most part are imaginary construct and have no real value; like the Tulips during the price Bubble in Holland of 1637, their true value is elusive.
+Mike Kellett Look, the main problem with this example of “present bias” is that it is flawed.  The question of waiting a day clearly implies that one must return to the place of meeting the next day, in order to receive the extra two dollars.  Would you return the next day for two dollars?   I would not even meet him there in the first place for two dollars.  If it were suggested that I could get $100 today, but if I wait until tomorrow he’d deposit $102 in my account, I’m reasonably sure that I would take that offer, providing I trusted the person making the offer, unless, of course, I desperately needed the money today.  .It’s relative.The other glaring problem with the video for me as a viewer, is that the producer staged the scene in a biased venue, a shopping center with people actively engaged in shopping, almost assuring there would be a display of “present bias”; I’m not so sure the decisions by the shoppers in that case are “irrational”, as extending their pleasure of shopping does have a value.   Again it’s relative.
+Erick Taylor Are you not perfectly defining the present bias?
+Erick Taylor That wasn't the proposed scenario...

Careers in Psychology : How Much Money Does a Sports Psychologist Make?

Sports psychologists are usually just clinical psychologists that are working in a specialized field, but they have been known to earn up to $400000 a year.

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Can you really bank $43,945.75 in 30 days with ZERO investment? Here's what I know about it. People will with... Passive Income Advice [dot] com.
300,000 $ per year? or month?
@jaywantv a year

Money Abundance Guided Meditation by Psychologist G Favaloro, HappinessCentre.com

Guided Meditation process 4 Money Abundance & Financial Freedom. If U like it - click LIKE! Geoffrey Favaloro, HappinessCentre.com Psychologist & Reiki ...

User Comments

Money is the route of all evil.....think about that one guys. Wanna get to heaven? "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Please follow Jesus and experience the True Christ Jesus. Jesus said "no one comes to the Father except through me". Think about that. Love is selfless and this video is selfish.
Hello, have you tried * MonEYEopener * or something similar (google it)? There you will see beneficial tips about how to build an income on the internet through answering easy consumer surveys. This helped Gary to work from the comfort of home and therefore experience monetary independence super fast. Perhaps it will work for you also.
You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM . You can make money online and start working from home today as I am! I am making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM ! Visit Firepa.com and check it out! Why does the day restore the daffy cough? Why does the chunky jelly tabulate the religion?
You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM . You can make money online and start working from home today as I am! I am making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM ! Visit Firepa.com and check it out! How does the apparatus strategize the dull attention? The death contracts the reason.
ok this is typical but you're wrong you know why ? because the same thing you cand do with gold and silver and everything else always in whole universe , it's not the money it's the way it's used and what is done with it
The root of evil is the love of money. Money is a tool it can be used to help or to hurt. Judge not least ye be judged.
Someone's a Jesus freak. I hope there is no afterlife just so you end up wasting your time xD
money is an energy you can use that for good or for bad the pends who you are
OMG,5 people thatght that the dislike button is the download button:(!
this is advice not meditation
how much money have you made?
thank you very much

The Psychology of Money - Professor Glenn D Wilson

It has been claimed that economics is just a branch of psychology. Certainly movements on the stock market reflect human greed and fears. The desire to ...

User Comments

thanks Glenn.
If he is not qualified to admit that inflation is bad why is he even on the stage and how can you call this educational. Debasing the currency by adding to it through quantitative easing or money printing is only good for the people who get it first. so if you are like me you get it last when it is basically worthless. In the United States the dollar is worth about 3 cents of its original value. that is what you call theft and fraud. Look up the Federal Reserve and think for yourself.
+‫عبد العزيز المهري‬‎ والله من جده
Qualification doesn't necessarily determine whether the information is correct or not.

Money Psychologist Winnie Kunene

Festive season has now passed and a lot of people have spent their money an are now left with debts and school fees to pay for. If one finds themselves in this ...

Winnie Kunene - Money Psychologist

Winnie Kunene on 3 Talk (SABC 3) 4:36pm, 10 April 2013.
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