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66 Chimpanzee's Experimented on for years then left to die go to Fruitveganful Martenson video

Chimpanzee's ,Fruit veganful, martneson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-rRVRM7n-A Petition: https://www.change.org/p/new-york-blo... Contact NYBC and ...

User Comments

I love that you care meow. It's sad when people dont. i signed it ( i wouldnt of known without you) i subbed (forgot to before sorry!!)
+Mango Man Ⓥ  Thank you and thanks for subbing & I found out about through fruitveganful Martenson she loves animals soooo much
+free meow Hey jst read your msg. Ty SOooo much!!!! I really appreciate that! I'm going to email u this evening . I'm not to good wh technology lol I never knew how this YouTube msg thing worked n I tried to hit reply but then it shows up for the online thing n idk ifvit will end up public. Probably not but like I said . Not to savvy when it cms to this stuff lol so I'm gna email u like I said. It will be sm time tonight. Btwcu are so right about all u said! ,)
+vegangurl_253 yup it will show up for all of you tube , you got to about me page & you hit send message or my email otherwise everyone know your biz :(
You should do what I eat in a day videos!!
+Kaitlyn Eppers I might but its not that exciting I am boring with food lol but I will think about it
You are the coolest freaking chick ever. THANK YOU so much for speaking up for them. You didn't do something small, what you did was HUGE, you gave then a voice. Thank you girl
Thank you I had to , it touched me so much ! And thanks for bringing it to all of our attention !
+free meow Ty so much. I'm so sorry to hear u suffered wh PTSD as well. It sucks and yeah my anxiety is thru the roof ALL the time! So glad to hear you are better! That gives me hope! Mine begins in my childhood but there are other factors as well. Maybe I'll email u sm time if u wldnt mind. But I hv two ( Yes TWO lol) wonderful therapist and a handful of great friends n few fam members. I'm getting stronger n I KNOW I will be ok. Btw I watched her vid n bawled my eyes out. Subbed , signed petition and shared. Figured I'd get it over wh now. Gonna hv to mk sm new rules for myself about how much cruelty I csn watch bc I hv my own things I'm tryn to heal from n I hv to heal so I can do more to help! Thnx again for sharing. I love all your vids , ♥
+vegangurl_253 So I sent you a huge long message let me know if you got it :)
+vegangurl_253 yes of course email me anytime. Im going to send a message to you in just a minute 
+free meow Ty so much for sharing this. I will definitely be checking it out but maybe not today. I've been watching factory farm and protest vids for three days straight tryn to share the horrific lives and deaths of these poor animals wh my friends n family to try n mk them understand why I'm so passionate about being vegan n why they shld go vega. I am mentally drained and emotionally exhausted from being so enraged not to mention I already suffer from PTSD . This cruel n hateful world is hard to take n most of the time I'm ashamed to be a part of the human race. I hv been wanting to start my own channel but cannot at this time for personal reasons. Anyhow ty so much for the part that u play to mk this world a better place and for always sharing awesome channels! Promise I will watch tomorrow and sign the petition. Damn who am I fooln ill probably jst torture myself sm more n watch it tonight. After all its the least we cld dobfor our fellow creaturez right. As always God bless ♥♥♥
+vegangurl_253 Its okay to take a break it really is. Her video doesn't show the torture its more the story that gets to you. Then have a rest. I say I used to have ptsd ,my brother & my sister also from our horrid up bringing .I feel I am better I used to be just a depressed shell, anxiety ridden mess really.I have changed so much I reached my breaking point after falling into the same old relationships & was bitter now I feel I am better. I don't think its just age because some people never get better, you have to talk and talk till it all falls out:)


The New York Blood Center, kidnapped, tested on, tortured, and abused 66 chimps in their labs only to dumped them after 30 years in small Islands in Liberia.

User Comments

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+eric jones :-)Than you for watching :-)

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