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Watch Video: A Police Beat Down Worse Than Rodney King's?

Please subscribe to our backup channel in case this channel goes down. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChjlb0Ip2hv38wSZg-OmZLA 200 Strikes With a ...

User Comments

This is not police brutality. This is just another black coward thug doing everything possible to avoid going to jail. Police brutality is when you do everything they ask you to do and they still put hands on you but not when you are fighting back! Change the title now!
+Oscar Palacios ...uhhh dude...he wasnt FIGHTING BACK...its called reflexes...i mean geesh...its common knowledge that if your getting repeatedly beat with a metal club and assaulted so aggressive like that...all your thinking is...fuck that hurt and he's going to do it again...i have to block or grab it so he CANT do it again...lmao wtf is so hard to understand about that
God help you if this is your Police department!! They should be fired!!
+david smith I'm not the same race as him, Also he's not being rightfully hurt!! He also doesn't deserve to be beaten up by these fucking morons!!! You obviously are a fucking racist dumbcunt of the highest order!!
You are truly a dumbcunt!!
+Tony b doing their job properly? Following procedure, if anyone should be fired it's tony b for being racist, you are only defending the person being rightfully beat down because you are the same race as him, you are a racist. The man deserves to be handled roughly because it is the only way to get him to comply
What do you think?
fired for what bruh?
These guys are just looking for someone to use their muscles on and beat up. Its their daily goal.
No actually if you watched the video (which I hope you did) this idiot didn't want to roll over. He must've been told that at least a hundred times and thats what he gets. It takes 1 moron to make all those cops jobs harder. It was brutal and ugly but he put that on himselfd
This arrest shouldn't have taken but one of those huge-sized cops. The original 2 took advantage of this guy and beat him til he defecated on himself and the floor. This is ridiculous!
so true. This is beyond belief. sickening. They are not cops, just thugs that need arresting.
I totally agree these cops are out of line and that this is definitely excessive force, but the police officer must have told Adam to roll over 100 times you gotta be pretty stupid not to get the idea after 200 hits! and many shocks
you are totally wrong, there is two cops to properly handcuff one person, is just one person if he doesn't want to follow orders, you use your pepper spray one time and that's it, that's the rule, if the cop wants to use force well that's another thing
+Darrell stegall jr You are totally right that there are other ways, but Adam is clearly one dumbass. I have been unlucky enough to feel a Taser and it is pretty shitty, imagine being kicked everywhere at once over and over. I also own an asp baton and although I have never been hit by one I can see it would hurt like hell. I have personally witnessed a police officer hitting someone in the thigh with an asp baton and the officer only hit them once  and it dropped them fast. This officer was way out of line as they are taught to hit the thigh and this one clearly aimed for Adams shin. I would love to know if this officer received any disciplinary action.
+Andy Anon You are right, that the man should have rolled over. The real problem as you pointed out, is the force used by the cops. There were ways to get the subject to roll over that did not involve beating him. This was about having the subject roll over because he was told to. Just like you do with your dog.
looks like another dumb mother fucker resisting arrest and not following commands. I dont know why its so hard for people to understand.
Road rage or what!!!!!!!

Lulabee Interview of Martin Valadez

My father has been doing his legal work himself , but he is not a lawyer . If you are a lawyer and you can help with his case either Pro-Bono or for a small fee ...

User Comments

Fuck the round lake area cops every single one ftp
Life for cocaine 

Special Agent David Brazao from the Chicago DEA ordering to KiLL Martin Valadez

Listen Closey to this video when 38 seconds starts Special Agent David Brazao from the Chicago DEA ordering other Dea Agents to kill anyone coming out of ...

User Comments

Im sure Martin Valadez is a standup citizen and a great role model
what is all that?

Martin Valadez being beat by Round Lake Cops

Police brutality,Martin being beat by the Round Lake Beach Cops!! My brother has been doing his legal work himself , but he is not a lawyer . If you are a lawyer ...

User Comments

See that was more logical, and is a bit more valid since you're speaking from your own interaction. I've been pulled over once for doing a rolling stop on an empty street (besides that 1 cop), which was also my first ticket. Not even a 3 minute drive, I cooperated and all. Anyway, the way police react to situations varies on the officer and I feel that the officers abusing the man for refusing/delaying to give his license was unjust.
The officer said that he's being charged for resisting arrest, yet he didn't state why he was being arrested or THAT he was being arrested. He gave no reason and if he wasn't initially arresting Martin, then he was detaining him, in which case he STILL has to tell Martin why he was being detained, which he didn't do. If Martin wasn't under arrest, he had the right to leave. Is Martin suing this officer?
You can ask "why am I being pulled over" AS you are handing over the requested documents (mistake #1) - the Round Lake Police force are as predatory as Waukegans force is. They make $ off of ignorant Hispanic population here in Lake county. They had 2 squads roll up on this dude, obviously - priors?
How the hell is he supposed to step out of the car as there instructing when there yanking on him while he has his seatbelt on? The officer clearly asked the other officer to undo the seatbelt so how was he resisting or refusing to get out of the car when there pulling him while strapped.
Sorry, if you feel that way/ I have lived in Round Lake Beach for 10+ years and have never had a problem. I have been stopped by the RLB PD, been polite, given them info they requested and have been let off with a warning. You act like a bonehead - you will treated like a bonehead. :(
Actually, he was operating a motor vehicle, so technically they need the license first. TBH as bad as they cops are in RL (Which they are) martin should have just given them the license and insurance and nothing would have happened. None the less police here still suck ass.
Based on your last 2 comments, sounds like there's a bit more emotion than rationality. Refusal to give a license = treating someone like a criminal and using excessive force? Yeah that makes sense and is worthy of a beating. Your logic is lacking logic.
2nd how the f*ck they gonna tell him to put his hands behind his back and to quit resisting when they slammed him on his stomache and got on top of him and started yelling at him? He can't put his hands behind his back when theres an officer on him.
I've listened to this video 3 times now. I still don't hear what you are refering to. I clearly hear him say "no I'm not stepping out of the car" before they pull him out.
The guy ask a clear and simple question : Why am i being pulled me over for.? The question was probably to complicated for the pigs. CAUTION, CRIMINALS AT WORK
Fuck round lake beach police..they nothing but a bag of racis dogs.. That think they could run the world with that bach.. fuk u dumb bastards
if you listen in the video the cops already called for a tow truck before they pulled him over,they had it planned out,stupid ass COPS!
Round Lake cops aint shitt but a bunch of pussies who think their all high and mighty when in reality their just low life scumbags
lol my dad used to be a round lake cop haha worked in that area for over 20 years and kicked ass there for over 20 years ;)
Police asked a clear and simple question: Driver's license and proof of insurance? Probably too complicated for this idiot.
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