This can't be for real...these dudes weren't even born when Jerry passed.
Phish fans are as silly as the music and scene they think is anything
special...I saw them a handful of times, in the early 90's, and they wore
dresses, jumped on trampolines, swapped instruments, and sucked on a vacuum
cleaner as if it was music of some kind. I came expecting to groove to
some good music, and felt like I was at some kind of circus listening to
music that was just flat ridiculous, with the silliest lyrics you could
imagine. At least the scene wasn't over run with morons that don't have a
clue and think being some kind of gangster hippie is where it's at..These
fuckers here, should have just jumped in that fire themselves. Bunch of
kids repeating words and names they read in some book or something...Surely
they can't be serious.
Wie verblödet seid ihr eigentlich?
Wenn es euch nicht gefällt, dann schaut es euch doch nicht an
ganz einfach, immer diese dummen Kommentare wie : Ich hau dir auf's Maul...
Ihr haut niemand aufs Maul ihr seid Internet Rambos
So ein bisschen cake, das ist am Ende des Tages nichts für den Boy!
*#Gucci** Glow Up Deniro Gang **#Gummibärchen** Räuber Getier Bird Gang #
Scurrr Burrr*
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+JohannSebastianSpock Their allocation index was way too top-heavy. Any layman could tell you that when you chaff the midfield that much you're bound to concede the game.