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Sara Brickman - "Talking Shit to Sadness" (NPS 2015)

Subscribe to Button! New video daily: //bit.ly/buttonpoetry Filmed in collaboration with Slamfind: //www.slamfind.com Performing for Seattle during ...

User Comments

can someone explain this please
+Naomi Moon Just go on wikipedia and research depression ffs
"A city block filled with men's rights activists."
My favorite part.
That armpit hair tho
+JESSICA2010T what about it jessica 2010t
+Averil Mae it is.
My mum had armpit hair my whole childhood and I thought it was normal until I got to high school
+Avery Carter no judgement it just caught me off guard lol. Girl You wanna grow out your armpit hair then grow out your armpit hair. More power to ya lol
I know!! I love girls who don't care about what others think!!! It's really empowering

Bobby Crawford - "Church" (NPS 2015)

Subscribe to Button! New video daily: //bit.ly/buttonpoetry Filmed in collaboration with Slamfind: //www.slamfind.com Performing for Boston Cantab ...

User Comments

This right here friends, this is the stuff that we humans live for. This is purity. This is grace. This is truth. Oceans of love and support to you Bobby, from a Roman Catholic woman.
+squeakyfloors I respect you.
+Elias Bounader I know. It's difficult for people to wrap their heads around my beliefs, about me supporting things that are deemed "unchristian" But I'm comfortable with where I stand.
He didn't insult my religion, just the flawed people within it. +Elias Bounader​ As far as I'm concerned, my God taught me to love and that's what I intend on doing.
What do you mean? +Elias Bounader​
I've grown up watching every week the sane sinners "feeling apologetic" but commit the same sin everyday. That hypocresy drove me away from that religion.
+Chris Cons I'm about two seconds from blocking you so consider this the warning. Leave me alone. I'm no more obligated to respond to you than Ana is to these people telling her what to do or how to feel about her choices. I was simply commiserating with the fact that for some of us when we learn we've done real wrongs, we correct them. And that it's hard to watch people make the same easily avoidable mistakes again and again. Sincerity is a thing and if you are actually feeling it you don't do the wrong thing again. 
+Ana Elena Sanchez I left for the same reason. That and the bigotry was overwhelmingly stupid. I love how Xtian's get up in your face when you say things like "No, you're hurtful, I don't agree." or "You're love isn't unconditional. Try again." I don't need saving, or Jesus. I want you people to respect MY decision and MY will, which if you actually believe in your God- God gave me. If I burn in the imagined hell that is my choice and I'm fine with that. Do not sit there and belittle me by comparing fat people at the fucking gym to abusive hypocrites at church. At least the fat people have a chance at loosing weight. It's not the same thing. After all by and large- most fat people I know respect my choices and are fucking sincere.
+rose schrooder agreed
+rose schrooder exactly!
+rose schrooder It's a matter of staying true what you believe in. Why pretend to be regretful if you are going to act the same the moment you step out of church?
not going to church bc of hypocrites is like not going to the gym bc of over weight people
as a Christian this was hard to watch. but I give bobby so much respect and love for his voice
I'm a Christian and this wasn't hard for me to watch because it's not wrong at all. I support LGBTQ+ right. There is nothing wrong with it.
+Keli Rutledge I don't actually care about how people personally feel about their relationship with their God or Jesus. That's not really what I'm talking about here.
+R.J. Grayson If people would get to know Jesus than a Christian, 99% of these issues wouldn't happen.ive always been Christian- but it wasn't until I took a step back and read the bible alone, without influence or a pastor, that I understood how much God loves imperfection. I'm a total mess- but that's alright. Christians are humans, we mess up a lot and mess people up a lot. Jesus doesn't. He's the same before as He is now. I wish people (including Christians) new Jesus before telling someone else about Him
+Radioactiv_ Ty I'm sorry that you've experienced the terrible things you have. I know my condolences mean next to nothing and cannot change them.I'm glad that you find comfort in your faith and am well aware that there are good and bad in all walks of beliefs. I'm not trying to say that your problems are non-existent at all. I'm trying to explain that many folks who have been abused by Christian's who were awful have legit reasons to be wary. Everyone forgives and heal differently and some of us talk about things that happened to us through poetry like Bobby Crawford did in this incredibly powerful video. He's not saying all christians are bad either- just that he experienced hate from a few. And that, as part of the under privileged group in his country (it's unlikely that LGBTQIA+ people will ever be the majority) he should speak out and maybe the privileged group that those people are from can unpack some of their hate to realize that his experiences mattered more than the hurt feelings of possibly being associated with that group. . I'm not saying that anyone should be punished now, clearly that won't make the abuse disappear. But making sure those beliefs and those attitudes are considered abhorrent and utterly unacceptable within that privileged group is important. 
+irrelevantjess Yes we can say some people in most cases have it worse or better. It's not ignorant to say that a poor person has a more difficult time getting into college for instance, compared to a person who is wealthy. The reason is because wealth is a privilege in society. When you are part of privileged group things can be easier. In North America christianity is the most popular religion, therefore they are able to influence more things. For instance changing American money to read "In God We Trust." Or demanding that other religions have less representation in public (which regularly happens see anything the Satanic Church tries to have put up in public- if it isn't vandalized by christians it gets protests or petitioned to get removed). So when you are part of the privileged group you're problems are very much likely to be less. Do I know her actual problems? No, and I did say I'm sorry that she had them. But to say they are comparable to what LGBTQIA+ people face in a straight society is not the same. We have evidence of people still being murdered simply because their genitals don't match their outward appearance- their life was ended and many of the reason why is that straight people believe in a gender dichotomy (often propped up by Abrahamic religions because they all enforce that dichotomy the same way they enforce male/female only unions- in their religious texts). So is the stigma a person from a privileged group faces the same as a person from a marginalized group? Highly unlikely.Again, that's an educated guess. I don't think, as a white woman that I face the same intersections of patriarchal racism that black women face. And if someone guessed that, they wouldn't at all be ignorant to assume such. It's the truth, I do not face those issues. I have no problem admitting that. It doesn't negate the fact that I do have problems. Just that I face less. That's all I will say on the matter of "christian persecution complex".
+R.J. Grayson These are other examples of sick people that took the word out of context. I truly am sorry for anything's you or anybody else has witnessed or endured because of those inhumane people. I want to say that I'm not saying my experiences have out weighed any of the things homosexuals have been through and are STILL going through. Also as a person who is still to this day dealing with mental abuse and has experienced different accounts of sexual abuse, I understand that this is on another level of pain. Once again I don't want to force my belief on yours I just am simply asking you not see a Christian ( or anybody religious for that matter) and automatically put them in the category as these other sick people, please give us another chance to prove that there is love within Christianity for ALL. Not saying that you already do assume we are all bad people. Just to make things a bit easier too is that some of the things written in the old testament are accounting things that happened more than saying what it SHOULD be or what it SHOULD'VE been. Such as when they discuss a man sleeping with another man and how they were to be stoned to death, that was an account of what happened or what would happen. There are verses in the new testament I think that has a verse (John 8:7) where Christ says "he is without sin should cast the first stone...". I take this as saying nobody, NOT A SINGLE SOUL ON THIS EARTH should try and condemn or take somebody's life because all of us have sinned, even once. We've all made a mistake which makes us sinful and since we aren't perfect we shouldn't try to pick at somebody else's mistake. Just trying to give some sort of outlook on what the scriptures say
+R.J. Grayson To say her problems are any less than a person dealing with LGBTQ+ is just ignorant. We dont know eachothers problems nor do we know the extent.
+Radioactiv_ Ty Look I'm sorry you felt attacked. And I'm sorry you feel attacked by those peoples views. As a woman too, I felt that the teachings of the Bible and the religious sub culture was inherently sexist.I experienced quite a lot of that too. But, those are my views about my experiences. I'm not here to change yours. However, the harshness you get, do you really think is comparable to physical and sexual abuse? I get that it's mental and emotional for you- but you can get away from that. My niece's best friend committed suicide when they were 15 because his mother was religious and tried to pray the gay away. He left a note for his family saying that he ended his life specifically because his mother refused to love him as he was. He emailed to my niece before he did it. All I'm saying is that as a Christian and part of the privileged group (in the USA and certainly in North America in general, since more people identify as Christian than any other religion or belief system) that your problems simply do not trump that of what LGBTQIA+ people have gone through in the past or are still going through today. Again these are but a few things that I know and have seen. Ask a large number of others and I'm sure at least a few of them will have stories like that. It's not few and far between. 
+R.J. Grayson This is why I told the first commenter not to tell somebody about the way an experience affected them or how much it effected them. It seems that you encountered one of the veil people that has tarnished my religion based on their own disgusting thoughts and belief. To answer one of your previous questions yes I have been ridiculed for my followings of the teachings of Christ. I've had my God insulted slandered and dragged threw the mud just for somebody to say "God is sexist", "God is a hypocrite", "God is an asshole", etc. It may not seem like much to you and compared to what you've witnessed but coming from somebody who has entrusted their soul into this divine spirit, that shit hurts. A lot. You have to understand I was raised on this belief and since my parents raise their children right and gave me and my siblings the freedom to choose for ourselves, I have decided to continue following the teachings of Christ. Every single day I have another reason on my list to give God the glory and praise I THINK he deserves, because I love him. In the last year alone I've ran into multiple people who have basically spit on my beliefs, my truth, and what I love because of the people you described as abusive. Yes it sucks that homosexuals are at the risk of hate preaching pastors and judgmental religious people along with the natural hardship lives gives us humans every single day. However, me as a young Christian woman have to deal with a constant snicker or venomous stare and other things from people who don't agree with or like or believe in or respect my beliefs and how my belief is intertwined with the way I live. After a while you get tired of being told that your religion is a lie and a cause of death, wars, murders, rape and other inexcusable crimes that came from PEOPLE who weren't doing what THE TEACHING OF CHRIST (Christianity) told them to.
+ocean7657658 and in the words of Reza Aslan, "If you're going to talk about the horrible things religion has done, you must also include all of the good things."
+R.J. Grayson like not trying to be rude and sorry if it sounded rude but I've realized that neither of us will get the other's views. We've both had different experiences and that has shaped our views and because of that, we won't be able to see each other's points. It's pointless and we both have better things to do. Agree to disagree?
+R.J. Grayson and again, more generalizations. I've stopped arguing with you, it's pointless with your one track mind.
+Chris Cons And again the poet is talking about real people in his daily life physically hurting him. People who's faces he could pick out in a line up. People who he probably saw on a regular basis even if they weren't his friends.  I had real christians in my life who were mentally abusive. I knew many in the church, especially under age girls who were sexually abused by peers and elders alike who justified their desires using the Bible or blamed the girls saying they bewitched them. These boys and men are part of that community. The guy who played piano at our church, who was soft spoken and very talented was gay had to sit through sermons our pastor gave about how terrible all homosexuals were, encouraging us to sign petitions to make marriage equality impossible in our country. He talked about how HIV and AIDS was God punishing gay men for their sinful nature. How is that not abusive? We knew from school that way more straight people on this planet contract HIV and AIDS due to improper condom use and myths about virgins curing them. But it's only for gay men according to our pastor and he propped up his reasoning using the Bible. Even though Divorce and left handedness are mentioned more he chose to rant about gay sex. Why do you suppose that is? These experiences and stories aren't really all that unique. This is the difference. Have you dealt personally with real abuse from any of your atheist, Jewish, or Muslim friends? Have they done it using their religious beliefs as a scapegoat? 
+ocean7657658 I agree with what you said but applying what you said, am I justified in viewing atheism, Islam, and Judaism is the same way? Historically, the only four regimes to become completely atheist and outlaw religion (USSR, China, Post-Revolutionary France, and North Korea) have also happened to be the bloodiest. Stalin's body count was larger than Hitler's for example. And Islam, who basically did what Christians did and now a days have extremism? Or Judaism, those zionists coming in and stealing and killing Palestinians? Now, I don't actually have any of these feelings toward any of these three groups( being agnostic and having studied them all and having friends in these groups) but would I be justified if I did have negative views on them?
The historical context of Christianity, how it was used and spread forcefully, must not be forgotten. If you are black and christian it is because christians colonized your homeland or that of your ancestors and killed people and forced the religion upon who remained. It has been used to silence people, keep them in chains, (physically and mentally), it was used as an excuse for genocide of native americans, for many forms of slavery, and other malicious acts of terror throughout the nights of time and will continue to be used this way until it no longer exists. The holy texts themselves are so easily cast aside as the source of the issue because it takes a human to implement those evils, and I understand this. I also understand that more and more christians are changing and adapting their religion to fit with modern times. But if your religion has to be altered in order to be humane, than it must have been extremely flawed to begin with and must be completely analyzed and thoroughly understood, before practiced. And it must be understood that because the texts are open to interpretation there will always be room to associate evil. Also the texts literally call for evil practices so take that into consideration. Some people have negative views on Christianity and Christians for following so blindly, and their views are justified by historical fact and modern context. That being said, no prejudice against all christians should manifest as a result. But healthy and open conversations, where BOTH SIDES REALLY CONSIDER WHAT THE OTHER SIDE HAS TO SAY, should take place so as to progress society as a whole.
+R.J. Grayson I understand what your saying now and omce again apologize for any abuse you or ANYBODY has suffered through by the hands of any Christian. I'm informing you that I do my part in both ways as for putting hateful Christians in their place and spreading love. Once again of you yourself have suffered I greatly Hope you give Christianity another chance to prove we are accepting and loving of ALL people. No matter race, gender, etc.
You're not getting it. I'm not bashing anything. When people criticize something with valid concerns the appropriate response is not #notallchristians. You shouldn't say things like its hard to watch this as christian's. You learn to apologise and make sure attitudes like this are not present in your community. And again if you're not seeing it in your specific church that's great! But you are part of a huge global community as christian's and that community includes all the denominations. Sadly, that international community traditionally and currently hasn't been so great with treating LGBTQIA+ people well or like we're even deserving of equal human treatment.
+irrelevantjess Exactly.
+R.J. Grayson When did either of us in anyway shape or form minimize your abuse? What I did was give you an example of religious people and chruches that are rather inviting, nice, and respectful to people that like the same sex. Nobody said that you or bobby's situation needs to be taken lightly nor are we saying it isnt that serious. Where did you even get that from?
+R.J. Grayson we never once minimized it. you were the one bashing religion. I only have respect for Bobby and his poetry. Its just people like you who send the wrong messages. you generalize all christians and thats not the point. the point is that not all christians are mean anti gay people. sure you might have had bad experiences with people who say they are christians and im sorry, but thats not every christian. doesnt make your experience any less.
Again those are your experiences and you're lucky. How do we know which are the bad people who are going to use their religion as a scapegoat to do bad? How can we tell at a distance? You've had good experiences and that's nice for you maybe consider that you're the exception and not the rule? Bobby was talking about being beaten by some alter boys. That goes down in real life. Maybe some sympathy for the fact that many of us haven't had good experiences and are wary, with legit reason, for staying away. Thanks for minimizing our very real and justified fears. 
+irrelevantjess I know. I've heard my uncle even talking about inviting my cousin back to the church to perform one of his songs again because the church loved his visit the previous time. He is openly gay and I think has a boyfriend and literally that is one of the most beautiful things. It sucks that there are people that do not understand that what they are doing is not just bad for themselves and the poor people experiencing the abuse. Now a beautiful belief system is tainted and infected with such inhumane people who don't follow what God and Christ have been saying from the beginning. Love one another don't judge one another 
+Radioactiv_ Ty Exactly, its like these people had toxic relations to"christians" and they are trying to preach something they dont know about. Maybe its like that in the south but from where i'm from, everybody is accepted...
+R.J. Grayson Yes he is going to do that because not every Christian is like the sick people you talked about. I'm a Christian myself and I just so happen to be bisexual. I am open about it, both parents know, and I have relatives that are openly gay. My father is the decan at my church and my uncle is the pastor. My uncle loves when I come, and he has invited my gay relatives to the church many times and not to "cure" their preference. See I've gotten into fights with friends, students, and adults sometimes even reverends telling them about the people that give Christianity a bad rep because they carry out their sick ideas on others in the name of God. Not all Christians are like the disgusting people you've talked about or like the creators of those torture methods and devices. Whoever is doing that in the name of God is wrong because that is NOT what the teaching of Christ is about or promoting. Please believe me
+R.J. Grayson I guess I am apparently, I see no problem with it? You're generalizing and making a whole population of millions of people look evil and bad and abusive. The reality is much different than that so yea, just trying to make people realize that.
Seriously you're going to #notallchristian  at us now?
+R.J. Grayson I'm not playing down your feelings at all dude, how about you calm down and re read it. I know I can not ever imagine the struggle of it and the pain and abuse you've had but I didn't try to tell you what to feel at all.
+R.J. Grayson I never told you what to feel or anything like that. I simply said you've been with some terrible Christian and that you shouldn't generalize just because some are pretty bad. I simply let you know that the younger generation is accepting and loving.
+Elias Bounader Yeah all that is so bad. Let me explain what you did wrong here. You're telling us (myself and other LGBTQIA+ people) how to feel about our REAL LIVED experiences. That means we've had some abuse (mental, emotional, and physical like what the poet was talking about) levelled at us- from christians. So you telling us folks how to feel about the abuse we've received from other christians is called gaslighting. It basically means that you're attempting to play down our feelings and strain the import of what you think is better or more palatable.I'm not young. But I'm not even middle age. People keep spouting about how the christian youth are accepting. That's great. Are there still older people in the church who are not accepting? You bet. And based upon my age group not enough are accepting. Also you do know the church recorded the torture they put LGBTQIA+ people through right? There was an epic amount of torture devices created just for homosexuals and a lot of accounts of torturing such individuals were written down for research purposes. The fear many of us have of the church is pretty much validated by history. Plus there are the evangelists who go over seas to help write the criminalization of homosexuality into law (easy internet search), things like brutal murders of trans women here and overseas committed by supposed christian men, the continued beatings by professed christians like what this poet was specifically talking about. There are things like corrective rape and the myth of ex-gay therapy actually working. These are all things that happen to LGBTQIA+ people at the hands of sicko christians trying to save us from "hell". So you want to tell me again that our fears are not real or are somehow not validated?
+R.J. Grayson that was beautiful
+Chris Cons yes, there is actually a poem on button poetry called "God is Gay" watch it. its really good. and the guy is christian himself
+R.J. Grayson and what you fail to realize it see is that young Christians are accepting gays. There was a poll I saw on msn showing that millennial Christians are more supportive of gays and progressive ideals. There is a movement in Christianity currently going on that is trying to move towards actual Love and not judgement. I wish you'd see it, it's actually quite beautiful.
+irrelevantjess And many do not. That will have to change if they wish to keep young people in the pews or chairs. It's a relevant complaint that a lot of Christians have abused LGBTQIA+ folks or consider them sinners and still do. Love is supposed to be unconditional and they say God's love is. Then why is it so conditional in the Bible? And why do so many spout the "Love the sinner, hate the sin." nonsense? You would not beat someone or hurt someone for believing differently if you truly hate the sin but love the sinner. You cannot beat or hurt the sin out of people. Sadly many in the LGBTQIA+ and their ally's have seen the so called love Christian's talk about, their love is often so dependant upon us not having a love life at all. You say it's changing. That's great. I left the church for the bigotry presented as love when my country legalised marriage equality. I won't go back because the same "love" pours out of the people who still attend there. I am not young. Are you going to tell me what I experienced makes me look like an idiot? It is a complaint, one that still happens to this very day. And calling people idiots for fearing churches when the people that come out of those buildings still hurt us, try to hurt our youth and demonize things they do not understand, nor do they wish to- is utterly reprehensible. Real lived, physical pain on top of the pain of knowing why these people hurt you is always going to trump someone's feelings about being lumped in with the 'bad guys' who beat people. Check your privilege, this poet was just talking about receiving a physical beating along with emotional and mental abuses. That's worse than Eli or any other "Christian" struggling with realizing people who also use that label are bigots and beat people because they don't like their sexuality.
+irrelevantjess Preach
+tshort99 That is your own opinion and you have every right to have it. you are obviously very young and might not get this now, but bashing someones religion only makes you look like the idiot. Many, many christian churches allow and welcome LGBTQ+
+tshort99 how?
+Radioactiv_ Ty that Christianity doesnt make sense and is based on bigotry
+tshort99 When you said "then it was for you to watch the truth"What did you mean?
+Radioactiv_ Ty what do u mean
+tshort99 May I ask what part of this was the truth
+ocean7657658 Yea, thanks for explaining.
+ocean7657658 I completely agree
+Radioactiv_ Ty We do all interpret things differently, like the way you interpreted that comment. "Harder for him to be prosecuted for being who he is than it was for u to watch the truth" At no point did tshort99 directly say he knew what Eli Cabacungan felt. It was simply stated, in a factual sense, that it is literally a greater hardship, to endure the abuse dolled out by oppressors, than the hardship of watching someone toil with those hardships. That's just a basic fact one should understand. To experience a pain is a much more potent experience, than to watch someone describe that pain. (Especially if you come from a belief system that caused that persons pain, or disagree with why that person is hurt. They are still hurt regardless of how you felt about it hurting them). Do you understand?
+tshort99 That was a horrible example. Where were you supposed to be going with that? What point would you be making or what is supposed to be your statement?... 
so u think a person who went through the holocaust had an equal hardship as a rich kid who's allowance was cut by $500?
+tshort99 Don't ever tell somebody what THEY where feeling or how intense it was when experiencing something. We all interpret things differently so leave him alone.
Harder for him to be prosecuted for being who he is than it was for u to watch the truth

NPS Meaning

Video shows what NPS means. No Personal Service. Not Personally Served. National Park Service. NPS Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio ...

Bryan Roessel - "History of Collisions" (NPS 2015)

Subscribe to Button! New video daily: //bit.ly/buttonpoetry Filmed in collaboration with Slamfind: //www.slamfind.com Performing for Suffern during ...

User Comments

Wow what was this shot with (camera, lens?)? It looks freeeeeeeesh and SHARP!
+Justin Woo ask mason granger -- he was recording for button at my bout

Doc Luben - "Puny Human" (NPS 2015)

Support Button Poetry! Check out our newest project: //bit.ly/buttonlive Subscribe to Button! New video daily: //bit.ly/buttonpoetry Performing during the ...

User Comments

Does anyone know if there are any slams in the texas area?
+Button Poetry well i live about an hour and a half from austin, but i cant make it to austin... i like in belton
+Barbara Hinkson Where are you at in Texas? There are a lot of great shows in different cities! Check out the Slamfind app to find one near you!
You guys really should make a playlist dedicated to mental illness. As a person who is crippled by it, they can be(and mostly are) my favorite type of poems to listen to. It can be a pain going through your other 700 poems to try and find the ones centered around it.
+TheDataBox YES, they should categorize them!
+TheDataBox I have the same problem. If people are aware of any they should post the names of the poems and poets in this thread. Most of the poems I am aware of are all pretty well known. Aaron Burstein - "Social Anxiety,Sabrina Benaim - "Explaining My Depression to My Mother,Catalina Ferro-"Anxiety Group",Jeanann Verlee's "The Session
This was great ! ... does anyone know of slams in los angeles?
Check out Da Poetry Lounge on Fairfax!
I'm from the BayArea (Hayward/SanLeandro), would anyone know when and where in Oakland these are held? Or anywhere else near my area. Thank you!
+Daniel Gonzalez Nationals are over for the year, but you can check out you're local scene. Berkeley has open slams almost every week at the Starry plough, and Oakalnd odes regulars at Awaken Cafe.
Really amazing! Quick question, what condition is he talking about?
+Grace Marsh I'd also like to add to my previous comment that when he's talking about hearing things he also mentions talking so fast he could barely breathe. During manic episodes people with bipolar disorder can begin speaking very fast, very rapidly due to their increased sense of self, the euphoria they feel, ect...
+Grace Marsh actually some people, when their mania gets bad enough, they do begin to have auditory and visual hallucinations.That said, I believe he is suffering from bipolar disorder. I have it too.
I thought DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or Multiple Personality Disorder.
+Anna Belle I thought anxiety, or atleast that's the way in which I relate to it
+Taurus Bear people with bipolar don't hear voices or have auditory (or any other kind) hallucinations - they have drastic mood swings but it is them not another entity :)
+Grace Marsh I thought that at first, but I'm pretty the other person inside of him that he was talking about referred to bipolar. I see what you mean though.
I'd say schizophrenia :)
I'm guessing bipolar

Dave McAlinden - "If I Was Your God" (NPS 2013)

Performing for the Portland Poetry Slam during semifinals at the 2013 National Poetry Slam in Cambridge.

User Comments

I wanna be this guy's friend so bad oh my god
After he was done, I punched my table and screamed like a fucking animal. I. AM. IN. LOVE.
+Diksha Jawa SAME!
+Diksha Jawa AGREE
I keep forgetting about the loud guy at the end of this video and nearly shit myself every time he makes my headphones explode
Hahaha same!
what that he says in the line "if I was a *________*, and I could change things..." what does he say in the blank? cant get it and english is not my native language, please if anyone could answer I would be so grateful. Beautiful poem
"If I was omnipotent, and I could change things" is the line. :)
did he mention something about the TARDIS?
I couldn't agree more +paul varga . 
+Jak Bobby but damn , that man really looks like the 10 th doctor

Understanding the accident of Fukushima Daiichi NPS - Source IRSN

Understanding the accident of Fukushima Daiichi NPS - Source IRSN.

User Comments

So it wasn't a full meltdown with the reactor completely destroyed. Like in Chernobyl.
+Mad Bear Gamer These were meltdowns (the fuel melted and the escaped), were as Chernobyl was a pressure explosion that blow the lid off the reactor and allowed the nuclear fuel to escape into the open environment.
What is a Nuclear power plant doing next to the sea shore like that? Sounds like they dont five a crap about humanity
+Da Sauce - The better question is why were THE EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATORS NOT PROTECTED from the TSUNAMI. A simple concrete "shield" would have prevented it. By the Way I heard some time ago, that there are many reactors of this type in the US. WHAT A REASURANCE.
Our modern cultures of consumerism and power greedy requirements is whipping humanity off this planet :(
+Denes Miltenyi We need them more than shitty oil and coal plants spewing shit out into the air 24/7. Incidents where high levels of radioactive material are thrown into the environment are few and far between.
+Amer Huba - Interesting, that when all nuclear powerplants in Japan were deactivated, Japan could power it's electrical grid. The same is ture for Germany as well. So do we need fission based reactors? Or IS PLUTONIUM PRODUCTION the REAL GOAL HERE.
My thoughts and best wishes go out to the brave people who have fought to control this accident. Nuclear power is needed as all other types of plants producing power gives to the burning of fossil fuels. Wind and solar energy are not enough for the amount of energy we use. Appliances are getting ever more efficient but our live revolve around the need for energy. Nuclear power plants need to be constantly updated with new technology if we all want to keep consuming power like we do it is an evil that is needed. Pebble Bed Modular Reactors are the way forward but we must continue to search for a safe way to store or dispose of waste and new ways to create power more safely.
+theoldcookiemonster The casimir effect was said by Hutchinson to be possible to work on a bit more to make a car battery or even bigger models,  which would certainly get smaller if worked on (like computer chips) to be able to provide energy for bigger needs such as factories n such.  I am not sure how far we could go with this, I admit.  But I'm certainly not gonna take just anybody's word for it if u see what I mean.  In the docu of Hutchinson he clearly says this when he demonstrates the crystal power cell with small light diodes and a fan ...   Did u have a chance to see the video?  By typing here I do wish we get off our asses and actually DO something with the info we give each other...  Otherwise whats the point? 
+Ulysses Knapse apparently u'd rather call someone nutty instead of asking for a bit of explanation.  "what do u mean my "millions of tons of nuclear waste specifically?" is that question so far beyond ur thinking capacity?  I think not.  If u were conscious of the situation in fukushima u would know that 300.000 liters of underground water are passing the molten area of the reactors and flowing into the sea, hence millions of tons of HIGHLY radioactive water has been seeping in the ocean SINCE 2011 ...  Does Gallium and Arsenic get used to build it and stay in the panels?  or is it a waste byproduct of the manufacturing process of solar panels?    See thats not so hard is it?  I speak another language than English so maybe my sentence construction is a bit different than u are used to... ?  So how many tons of spent nuclear fuel do u think we have produced upto now please?  The 'nutty' thing is using such a dangerous and harmful way of producing energy in the first place ...  
+ikke Ru You sound like you're nutty in the head, so I won't stay long, but your comment on the "millions of tons of nuclear waste" is entirely wrong. We have not yet produced even 100,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel in all our years of operating nuclear power plants. How many thousands of tons of industrial waste are produced from constructing solar panels and wind turbines?A kilowatt solar panel operating 24/7 at full efficiency (which is obviously impossible) would need to last 1,000 years (which is also impossible) to produce as much energy as can be produced from just one kilogram of thorium or uranium. And solar panels produce their own dangerous waste, after all. Gallium? Arsenic? In terms of dangerous waste to power produced, nuclear has the potential to be no worse than solar.
+ikke Ru Lovely argument, the only hole i can see is that in the idea world power will be transmitted by superconductors and there will be no power shortage, yet power grids can be quite separated either from construction, money or politics. so the idea of a nuclear free world is wonderful  but thanks to the annoyance that is human emotions and natural tendencies we have to have a backup and a more tried and tested method is nuclear.also would love to see stuff like current turbines and other methods being used for power but if they don't supply enough or investors wont see them as effective and they will just fickle out, that's one of the main reasons behind so many useful inventions and countless amounts of research just dying off.also the casmir effect would work and has been denoted as 'free power' but harnessing this and building up for suitable power levels is crazy, its along the lines of the nuclear spacecraft project (Project Orion) level of accuracy and complexity.BAM hehe :)
+theoldcookiemonster Wind and sun are always present in some part of the world ... think globally.  Tidal and geothermic energy are also always present.  If mount Fuji in Japan is huge and could be used at its base to construct a geothermic plant to harness the magma heat from the earth not so deep beneath ... Would provide power for I estimate more than a quarter of that part of the world.  Batteries that go on and on have been 'invented'  search for the great John Hutchinson from canada.  He did it.  In the eighties, I believe.  Using the piezo-electric effect also called the casimir effect.  Look it up, there's a great docu on him on the net.  If you don't find it I would be glad to help.  Just as the oil industry is buying all the renewable energy sources and inventions patents to prevent cheap free power for all,  the pharmaceutical industry was quick to jump on the fast growing supplements market and bought most of those patents.  I know and also prefer that we shouldn't need nutricional supplements, but the ground is so depleted of minerals and what not, that the nutritional value of foods have declined so so much .. we need supplementation to ensure we don't get ill or die due to malnutrition!    Apparently in the documentation I found stood that while the UN was created in '48?, it was also at that time some people decided to start using FOOD AS A WEAPON...    If people get to smart and don't want to fight wars anymore, other ways have to be thought of ...  So food as a weapon kills many more than a war because of the illnesses due to malnutrition.  I hope U understand.  I am not english speaking.  :)  John Hutchinson built almost an exact copy of Nicola Tesla's lab!  But it got destroyed and confiscated by the military, upset that he didn't want to sign contracts with them ...  I like him!
+ikke Ru The fact that fuels such as thorium and new types of reactor are being made make nuclear power far more safe and complement a low emissions power grid by offering power when needed, not dependent on the weather or daylight. The aim of most national grids is to move to renewable energy with low emission energy sources to provide power when needed. also batteries that never die (assuming you're not talking about re-chargeable batteries with little charge time) would defy logic and physics, and the body shouldn't have to rely on nutritional supplements, if they did how could ancient civilizations have survived in their local environment.
+tuco yamamoto Nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water ... and with all the waste products??? who in their right mind would even consider this? millions of tons of nuclear waste ... power cells are a fact already! tide power, wave power, geothermic power are all much cheaper ways for generating power. there are even mats now u can put on a roof, in your shower, or under a floor where people walk on. All generating energy ... we do not need nuclear power! at all! who has all the patents for batteries that never go empty? yes, the oil industry. who has all the patents of the best nutritional supplements? yes indeed, the pharmaceutical industry ... need I go on?
Why would? you build a power plant on the beach.? Why would you store spent fuel on top of your reactore? Glad to see Dumbnest isnt Americas problem
Because they need water for the condenser.
+ugod987 Ummm, it's an American design.
+ugod987 They need huge amount of water for cooling. They can use cooling towers too, but they are expensive. They put the spent fuel pool on the top because used fuel is removed through the top of the core, and its very hot and extremely radioactive, so they want to put it under water as fast as possible. Neither is a problem if the plant is well designed.
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