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Mystery breaks qantas Videos

Air Crash Investigation New Series 2014: Qantas Airbus - Titanic Disaster - Full Episode

Air Crash Investigation New Series 2014: Qantas Airbus - Titanic Disaster - Full Episode ACI covers the engine explosion of a Qantas Airbus that has an in flight ...

User Comments

QANTAS have earned their international reputation for safety through hard work from everyone. The pilots, the cabin crew, and the ground crew that work very hard to keep their planes in peak condition. Although full credit to these pilots to not only land, but land with no injuries. One defective oil line that NOBODY knew about shouldn't tarnish their reputation. If anything, Rolls Royce are the ones to be worried
You would think the first thing they would have done was to send one of the check pilots sitting in the cockpit back into the passenger compartment to look at the wing and the engine.
what a terrific crew.... hats off to these guys to stay so calm and composed in such a deadly situation .... god bless the crew and all the patient passengers.... happy for them :)
why not inspect the wing and engine quicker
Scary and this guy's know what there doing
Looking. At these mack me do aaaaaaa
Aeroplanes are dangerous✈!

Lost - The Mystery Of Flight 447 [Air France Flight 447]

User Comments

bonin the bonehead co-pilot. nose up ,stalled the aircraft. never corrected the pitch, fell down flat from about 34000 feet.horrible airmanship..
Well you obviously haven't got a life if you keep replying to me. You clearly are butt hurt over a conversation you just randomly joined
what comeback? is that how your brain works? in terms of witty replies?. No one asked you to comment did they? Grow up! I'm not wasting anymore time on 83 IQ people. I've got a life! bye
Oh great comeback that was really good! Wow
+School With JoeI don't require your permission to respond.
No one asked you so stay out of it
+School With Joe honestly, it doesn't require a Sherlock to figure out that this was just bad airmanship. All pilots know about p. tube issues. And there was way too much time for them to not to get themselves out of this atrocity of an event.
Well done Sherlock
I am sorry for all those who were on that flight. Aviation is my passion, anyway, I know that horrible things like that happen.
+Jonatas Santos Yes it is but if we compare a driver and a pilot we can already say that a driver doesn't await for a crash to come up but on the other side a pilot needs to be aware of various emergencies such as fire, crash, explosion, hijacking etc. It can be more dangerous if we can talk about crashes but on secondary events the plane is much more dangerous
+Pierzing.glint1sh7 Shorts flights or not, plane crashes happen!I get scared while I'm on a car. To drive a car is much more dengerous than pilot an aircraft. BELIEVE ME!
yes planes seem to be having more disasters than normal no? I'm scared every time I'm on a plane now bcoz I do short flights alot
i just love this documentary i have watched this countless times, such quality from the narrator to music and visuals, most of the time i listen to this before i sleep. i almost know all of the script by now
you're a morbid disaster loving individual then lol
I also love listening to documentaries while i sleep!
I thought that I was the only one.
100 years since titanic, and ice is still bringing down major transport systems....
+Chantal Padora surely u can see that it was the ice that started the whole drama in the first place.
+Pierzing.glint1sh7 Nope. It was thee sister Olympic that got sacrificed for the benefit of Morgan banker. But those Moon travels all went peachy pie....
Nope. It was the 2nd pilot pulling the nose up. All they had to do getting the plane straight in their altitude til the pitot tubes come back

Qantas planes get too close; dodge each other mid-air over

Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at //newsdirect.nma.com.tw/Reuters.aspx Two Qantas planes flying west of Adelaide ...

Mysterious 'sandy' island disappears off the map - Truthloader

Sandy Island was on the ordinance maps for at least a decade, and yet when scientists went to check the island out, it wasn't there. Whatever happened to this ...

User Comments

This is just Nature. There are land masses in the USA on the coasts that in future decades will be gone and almost gone due to Nature.
+Cosigner22 A freind of mine I am still in contact with in Louisiana was telling me about how they are shitting bricks over coastal erosion.  As if there is something man can do about that. Its called wave action of the sea. How are you supposed to stop that???
Lol. "Depths much greater than you would expect of an island."
lol... I was thinking the same thing, and he seemed to be thinking "what am I saying?" while he was talking.
aircraft carrier?
+DannyWilliamH lol
Exactly what it looks like lol. It holds a fleet of the Avengers Ship things
+karen bell 15 miles long?
This is the island....we found it and Jacob need us.
Stupid, it's not a case of human error. You have multiple and some real time satellite images, it's either visible or it's not. 
Or its in that part of the ocean where no one has had a reason to go within 500 miles of it to make the realization that it isn't there. Movies make it seem that there is some real time satellite zoomed in on all of us all the time and it can be accessed in real time.
I'm leaning towards it was a and is a massive "mobile base"...
+zach opps the nuklear test was a succes but iland is gone hahahaahhaahaha
but then why would it be on maps dating back to the 1500's, the whole thing is just really weird.
It looks like an aircraft carrier
it is possible, all military bases are blobbed out on google earth. so that would make sense. 
I don't know maybe it is a U.S. airforce private island
if nothing is there, then why did they blob it out? that is my question. 
I'm with you on that. It is weird
this island is on maps dating back to the 1500's. did we have aircraft carriers in the 1500's? it is also on maps in the 1900's, so then if it is a ship. it would have to have been there for at least 400 years. crazy! weird!

Double Sunrise Flights Official Trailer 1

To view the film please go to: www.catalinadoco.com Description: In 1942 Singapore fell to the Japanese, and with it, the vital air route that delivered top secret ...
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