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Breaks her silence Videos

Khloe Kardashian Breaks Her Silence On Lamar Odom - Releases Heartfelt Statement

Be sure to check out Jem and the Holograms, in theaters October 23rd! //bit.ly/1MoZHq5 A special Thank You goes out to Universal Pictures for sponsoring ...

User Comments

Hope they get back together
Khloe has bf so but she will always love him
+Imperial Fist31 I hope you become a more happy person :)
+Diana Padilla yeah that is true
She has a bf tho
+Lina Cervantes So you think Khloe is a nice person? Then let me give you a excerpt from Encyclopedia Dramatica: Khloé Kumdumpster Kardashian is a fat fuck. Beside being an alcoholic, Khloé shares the same traits as her sibling, being a nigger lover and attention whore. Koala has several siblings such as the famous Kim Kardashian, Kylie, Kendall, Kourtney and Rob.I'm Khloé Alexandra Kardashian, in a way I’m just like Harry Potter, we both are the strongest, yet we are always second guessed and underestimated, and we both have a penis. I am the black sheep of the Kardashian family, nobody understands me and that’s why I get drunk and act emo, then I eat the pain away like a starving hippo. But deep inside I’m very smart and daring, you should listen to me when my filthy hooker's mouth gets unleashed. It can bite, suck, chew, drool and swear at the same time. I can even look in the eyes of my mother Kris and tell her to go fuck herself, of course u can't say that to your own mom, only I can, cose I haz a very strong personality. When I was little I didn't wanted to go to school like everybody else, cose I’m too good to lay my fat ass between other people. Instead I was home-schooled by a creepy old guy who used to play with my dick every now and then. I tried to go back to school later but people were calling me "hippo-azz" and "Hairy Amazon creature". So I became more emo and self conscious about my pale nipples and huge hairy masculine body.
+Soso Omar me to
Lamar needs to get away from the Kardashian witches.
More like the other way around
+MrZulujack Agreed.
XD this messed up but FUNNY

Ronda Rousey Breaks Her Silence About Devastating Loss to Holly Holm

Ronda Rousey opened up to ESPN The Magazine about her crushing defeat to Holly Holm and how it might be six months before she can eat an apple. Find out ...

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Honestly after that fight I don't want to see a rematch, cause it wasn't even close. I can see if it came down to a close decision, but no. Holm was Ronda's Kryptonite, but its all about the money obviously.
+SwaggerLikeUz //www.skybet.com/ufc-and-mma
+SwaggerLikeUz Wonder why some bookmakers have Ronda as a fave then for the rematch?
Why an immediate rematch? Let Holly Holm fight a few other people in the interim. Other great fighters waited years for rematches.
+13x60Ali and Frazier waited years for rematches with each other, and theirs was the most famous rivalry in history.  No one complained, because it's the nature of the sport.
+valinor100 No, no, no! We want to see Ronda done once and for all. Can't wait.
What a scum bag this Dana White is..all he is interested in is the almighty buck. Holly said she wants to fight in the meantime and he says no way..and that they will fight very soon..he will try and rush Ronda into the fight because all he cares about is the money
+Josh PottsThere is nothing wrong with a Zingano/Tate 2 though.
+zanmirrob Zingano already beat Tate. She stopped her
+Admiral NimitzNo he is not! He is watching some fighters grow old and spend very little time in the cage!Who wouldn't want to see McGregor vs Northcutt? Who wouldn't want to see Tate vs Zingano?? Why aren't they made to happen?? They are all ready to go??? And many more matchups as well. It seems that Donald Cerrone and Benson Henderson are the only fighters with balls to get it on anytime.
+Admiral Nimitz Nah, Dana just owns 9% which is still better than I thought. It was never his company though. The Fertita's gave him the job of UFC president. I like Dana White, but he has to do whatever Lorenzo says 
+Josh Pottsi guess you are right when did he sell the company?
+Admiral Nimitz That's where you're wrong, and it's a complete lie. He is not the majority share holder of anything. Lorenzo Fertita is the CEO of the UFC. Both Lorenzo, and Frank Fertita co-own Zuffa which owns 100% of the UFC. They've already had a public conversation about Rich Frankiln being the guy to replace Dana as UFC president, because his mouth gets him into trouble at times. At the end of the day nothing happens without the approval of Fertita brothers not Dana
+Josh Pottsdana is the majority share holder in the company in other words it's his baby . he is president and owner nothing happens in that company without his approval.
+Admiral Nimitz It's not Dana for the most part. It's Lorenzo, and Frank Fertita. Dana doesn't even make the fights. Joe Silva, and Sean Shelby are in charge of that department. Dana is just the celebrity face of the company. Dana isn't in charge of the promotion. Dana is just the middle-guy with the title of UFC president. Lorenzo gives him the OK, and Dana goes and tells the UFC promotion team to start promo's, and get the ball rolling. If anything Dana is hogging the spotlight from the fighters. Name one other sport where more people know who the president of the company is instead of it's athletes
+John Zoccanohis pockets and the stock holders are the future of the u.f.c. . who do you think puts these fights on? without dana and the u.f.c. you would not even know these fighters exist.
+Admiral Nimitz lol...you mean what is right for his own pockets
+zanmirrobdana is doing what is right for the future of the u.f.c.
+John Zoccano You are dead right there. Some of these fighters spend less than 5 minutes in the octagon per year and White is preventing them from fighting again. I mean McGregor was in the cage for 13 seconds and how long do we have to wait for him to fight again. He says he wants to fight regularly and Sage Northcutt says he would like to have another fight in 1 month or 2 months. Why can't we have a non title fight between these 2 at 155lbs??? Max Holloway or Frankie Edgar should be ready to go in 6 weeks why can't one of them fight McGregor? No you will be waiting 6 months or more before you see McGregor back in the cage. Some of these guys are fighting barely once or twice a year even when they win easily. It is a freaking joke. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.Why can't Holly and Cat Zingano fight. Cat hasn't been in the cage since Rousey and that was probably 6 months ago. She was only arm barred not KO'd. Why the heck hasn't she fought again. Her and Miesha could have squared off 3 months ago or thereabouts. The UFC is a freaking pathetically run organization. Why the fighters don't exit en mass i will never know.
+Josh Potts Well, it definitely isn't right that Ronda bragged about damaging other girls and yes, Holly has her number. Certain individuals will beat other particular individuals 9/10 times. Yeah, I like how Holly conducts herself .
well....he is the president of the ufc so he can do whatever he wants. deal with it!
+TheHumbuckerboy Holly has Ronda's number, but I know Ronda can beat girls that Holly can't. Ronda had a lot of pressure, and now we'll see how she does without all of the pressure. Styles make fights, but I've seen Holly just barely win against girls that wouldn't last 30 seconds with Ronda. Lets not forget that Ronda has humiliated, hurt, and injured so many of her opponents in a very disrespectful, and devastating fashion. She broke 3 of her opponents arms, and then laughed about it as she kept bragging. How is it OK for Ronda to hurt so many girls, and then disrespect them even after she's already won. Yet she can't even take a couple losses to a champion who's shown nothing respect to everyone even after Ronda blatantly disrespected her, and trashed her on social media the day before the fight
+Admiral Nimitz I agree that Holly will beat Ronda if they clash again. Holly proved to be much stronger and more capable than Ronda's previous opponents did in clichés/grappling. In fact Holly ended up taking Ronda down as the fight progressed ! Plus Holly will be looking to punish Ronda as Ronda attempts to get close enough for a take down . It's difficult for me envisage Ronda being victorious against Holly.
+TheHumbuckerboyronda will lose if she fights hollys fight again. if she works on her take downs and keeps holly on the ground she could win.
+Josh Potts If returning to the sport means Ronda being put in with Holly again then yes Ronda should retire because she will end up with the too real probability of getting badly hurt both physically, emotionally and also mentally. I cannot see her being able to avenge her defeat to Holly, I can just see more pain and humiliation for Ronda. She does deserve a rematch due to her previous winning record but I wouldn't want to see her suffering the same fate twice in a row.
+TheHumbuckerboy After her first loss? Ronda was the undefeated champion who finished most of her opponents in under 60 seconds of the first round. Why in the world would she retire without atleast giving it one more try? Ending your legacy after your first loss while in your isn't a good way for a champ to go out. She can still save her legacy. She's a martial artist
+Josh Potts If he cared about her health he would urge Ronda to retire now.
+John Zoccano It certainly seems that way .
+John Zoccano He doesn't want Ronda to be rushed. He wants Ronda to win because she's his cash cow. He doesn't wanna rush her because she will lose if she gets rushed. Dana wants Ronda to have time to work on her game , and then when he feels like she can beat Holly, that's when he'll book the fight. The last thing that Dana wants is for Ronda to lose her next fight, and if he doesn't think Ronda will win then he'll want time to promote, and build up the fight so that he can make the most out of Ronda before her ability to draw numbers fades
+Johnny Wewokayes it is with in dana's rights to do what he is doing. so in all reality they knew this could happen
+John Hancockno one is rushing them into the octagon .the fight is a year away this is plenty of time.
+John Zoccano Rushing Holly and Ronda back into the ring does a disservice to the MMA as a legitimate sport. Mixed martial arts deserves better, Dana White does not.
+Admiral Nimitz Maybe Holly needs to check her contract a little closer???
+John Zoccano holly's camp has complained that holly has a fight about one every four months and this long wait throws her of of her routine.they also lose a title defense paycheck.
Not allowing Holly to fight in the interm so that she is at her best is not "screwing" her?
+Admiral Nimitz your right there is nothing wrong with making money---as long as he doesn't screw people while he is making it,
+John Zoccano exactly.the rematch will bring the bucks.
He doesnt want her to fight in the interm because if she loses he loses alot of $$ in the rematch.Fairly clear.
+John Zoccano he is not rushing here to fight before she is ready. the controversy is making holly wait so long before defending here title. he is a business man .there is nothing wrong with making money.
+John Zoccano well--what do you expect from White? I mean are you surprised----LOL He IS a jerk---he should let Holly fight.

Miss Colombia Graciously Breaks Her Silence Following Awkward Miss Universe Mix-Up

The 21-year-old Colombian beauty graciously thanked her fans in a new video posted to Twitter.The 21-year-old Colombian beauty graciously thanked her fans ...

User Comments

Perfect woman!
+Anti Goon ...and a perfect idiot for host.

San Bernardino Shooting Hoax Suspect's Sister Breaks Her Silence For Money (Redsilverj)

https://www.facebook.com/redsilverj San Bernardino Shooting Hoax Suspect's Sister Breaks Her Silence For Money (Redsilverj) San Bernardino suspect's sister ...

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I have a friend that lives one block away from this apartment building and he was talking to an eye witness that saw the FBI putting the ends on pipes, placing them in a bag and then photographing them. Also it was apt# 33.
+Troy Bracken You are a lying asshole.DONT NOBODY BELIEVE THIS PIECE OF SHIT RACIST.MUSLIM HATING DOG.You fukn asshole...your all over the internet just talking bad about muslims.In at least five different places you seid you were there and you so what happen and that you were helping people.We dont need faggot heros like you.What a rutten piece of shit faggot you are.So how in the world you happened to be in a paaris attac...then you were at boston shooting.PEOPLE THIS IS A PAID DICKHEAD.AND HIS WILLING TO STEER PEOPLE THE WRONG WAY FOR COUPLE OF HUNDRED DOLLARS.What a looser.Im so glad that i cought up to you asshole.GO TO HELL!!!
+Troy Bracken No one is saying its fake. We're saying it's a false flag. Don't you ever wonder why they happened to be training for this before it happened? Multiple eye witnesses saying 3 athletic built white men were the shooters? It follows the same pattern as all the other false flags.I was a mile away when the shooting occurred.
+The Truth Movement Why does everyone try to say that all these shootings are fake?? I cant speak for all of them but this was real. I help victims from the shooting afterward and know someone that was in the building. There was a dead body in the road (Tashfeen Malik) after a chase and shootout. There is plenty of footage of the vehicle (GMC Yukon) and her dead body on the street. There is also footage of the chase by a person leaving Hailey Bros. (work) on san bernardino ave. Where the chase ended and a lot of shots being fired. There is NO WAY of getting the hundreds of people maybe thousands (with witnesses) to be in cahoots and all go along with this "hoax" story. I believe the only reason why people like you say its fake is because you don't know anyone involved and are not around here. I can see why (some) of the information seems off but please bring evidence before trying to disprove something. Its does a great disservice the the REAL families that are affected.
If you're implying that I made this up just because you didn't hear the same thing is ridiculous. I haven't gained notoriety, what a stupid thing to say. My friend lives on Ash and walked over to check it out. This is what he was told. Believe it or not, doesn't matter to me.
What crap...Where is this at, I'm on Pine. Right up the street as well. I know a lot of people out there, as they were taking photos, I was as well. Not one single person said such a thing. That is a bold face lie & a pathetic & cheap attempt at notoriety. And OMG whoever is talking on this video is so damn annoying. Either shut the hell up so we can try and hear what you are trying to prove or stop uploading such bullshit. All you do is run your big mouth with nonsense cutting off the sound with your stupid dud punchlines that are bigger fails then this video itself. You are a mess, this video is a mess and you got people believing a bunch of lies. What a damn joke.
+cheekymonkey Well, it was a duffle bag so.... :)
+The Truth Movement did the bag have home depot on it?  hhahaha that would be a hoot!
In front of whose home is David Begnaud standing? Are there boarded up windows? Is it allegedly the home of the family members? There are christmas decorations on it. And what's up with the 88 marker next to all the firearms?
+Amore Canis good catch 88 = HH
the only "terrorism" in this country is this shit right here!!!! Fucking monthly hoaxes and psyop drills over and over!!! makes me wanna lose my mind and do some stupid shit to stop it!!!!!
+Injustice Investigators calm down.  it will be ok.  hand over your first born for them to throw onto the Moloch pyre and you will be saved.

San Bernardino shooting suspect's sister breaks her silence

Suspect Syed Rizwan Farook's sister, Saira Khan, is offering new insight on Wednesday's deadly rampage. Police searched Farook's home where they found a ...

User Comments

They apologise for the people who murder their brother.. smsh eye whitenesses described the attackers white and tall men not Pakistani couple
And they also said there were 3 of them (dressed on army clothes)
So they plan on shooting up San Bernardino, yet the garage is still full of ammunition and weapons along with what look like pipe bombs. Makes perfect sense to me! Kind of like Newtown where two men in camouflage were shown being arrested that ran from the school yet they put it on the nut job. Wake up people.
+Richard Tilley psycho alert
She is a liar, very confident and seems to have rehearsed very well. FBI should grill her.
+Ravi Shankar I'm sure they're going to do that...
They knew, they always know and may have been accomplises, deport them now!
+Asylum505 Better yet shoot the fuckers!
Why deport them?! Incarcerate them, charge them as accomplices, funk that!
+MR. Gentleman Sir don't deport them ,kill them is a dangerous people
She probably didn't know. Again, their black SUV had all of the windows up when they got shot out. At least one window would have been down if they were shooting at police and throwing pipe bombs out of the truck. They were not wearing the same clothes as the "Three tall white males with athletic builds, wearing all black military clothes, carrying multiple magazines." The real SUV might have gotten away. I think that what happened to the two old ladies when the LAPD shot up their blue truck with 500 bullet holes just because it was the same type of blue truck as Christopher Doerner's, happened to this couple. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time in their own black SUV. The guy probably panicked and ran out of the SUV since he was driving, the wife probably shot inside, she was wearing shorts, and the husband a short sleeved shirt. The news says that they had fully automatic police issue weapons. That would be convenient wouldn't it? In any case, what about their child? In an interview with their fellow mosk attendees, they said that not only was he a recent father but he was going for his masters degree. Doesn't sound like he was planning to do this. I don't know if they pinned the ISIS thing on him and intimidated his family saying, "this happened" or by coincidence he really did support ISIS. One thing is for sure, a short dark thin muslim guy wearing a short sleeve shirt, no hat, no vest, and a shorter heavy muslim women wearing shorts and a top do not look like three tall white men with shaved heads wearing all black military gear, including black caps and vests with multiple magazine and each one with huge assault rifles, fully automatic like only the police and military have here in CA. Something isn't right here.
+James Mcleod So, you think that the people who faced the shooters hallucinated three tall white athletically built men wearing military gear and vests and mistook a short dark male with regular clothes and an even smaller female in shorts for them too do ya?
+ung427 Looks like someone never watched the news as it happened.
But the back window was closed, you can see the glass?
+ung427 They were shooting out of the back window. You should look for some of the witness videos of the actually chase. There's a good one on The Fox News Channel with Megan Kelly of a guy who recorded the start of the the shootout. The passanger was shooting out the back of the window...

Aishwarya Rai breaks her silence on ex-lover Salman Khan!

In 1999, Salman Khan & Aishwarya Rai set the screen on fire with their exceptional performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam'.
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