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Breaks to paris Videos

Therese Hotel Trailer, Paris, France | City Breaks In Paris with HIP Hotels TV

Hotel Therese is a 'funky find' in one of the chicest and most sought after areas of Paris. Industrial inspired detail and 'sixties' French modernism are used by ...

Paris breaks up with Jamie

I usually upload Jess and Rory clips but I just thought it was amusing how Rory gave Paris encouragement to end it with Jamie without knowing it. Lol ! please ...

User Comments

@klarebear721 But if you notice in s2 & 3, he did all these little things for her that showed he really cared about her. I admit he wasn't the best boyfriend, but he just had to figure things out. I mean, he writes a freaking book AND is the only one who can knock some sense into her about Yale. That's why they were meant to be together - they were on the same intellectual level & understood each other (so I don't think she "outgrew" him"). They were supposed to end up together but MV left so :/
The problem I had with the whole Rory/Dean/Jess situation is that after she returned from Washington, she stayed with Dean. I know Jess was with someone else, but that is kind of the point. There was a long time that she spent conflicted, but by the start of season 3 she knew she liked Jess. She chose Jess. To stay with a guy just because he is there is just cruel. I can forgive her being young and confused, but at the same time, once she realized he wasn't the one she wanted, she should have b
@klarebear721 he wasn't awful to her. he had some problems, yes. he was obviously messed up but he loved her more than anyone. &when he told her he loved her & walked away, it's not exactly as if she tried to stop him. yes, she was a bitch to him when he asked her to run away with him, NOT because she said no (obviously he still had growing up to do) but she was just so MEAN to him... just the way she talked to him. &then she went and slept with dean. but in season 6, he was PERFECT for her.
@XshamosasX i actually like logan the best. i know a lotta people cant stand logan and he made mistakes too but i think he had a lot of the best qualities of dean and jess. he really cared for her and understood her and he was really smart so he could keep up with her and they were always there for each other. i think most people's problem with him is that they dont think rory would be attracted to that kind of person but i think rory just grew up and she wasnt that 16 year old girl anymore
.... UNINTENTIONALLY mean to Dean. But she was completely intentionally mean to Jess. Jess screwed up big time, but you could tell he never meant to hurt her. We all knew how guilty he felt. That doesn't excuse anything, but it does make me sympathetic to him. Either way, you don't talk to a guy like the way Rory talk to Jess after he tells you he loves you and wants to be with you and that you can count on him. It was heartbreaking. Then again, I'm probably biased because I love Jess :P
That's ridiculous. Yes, of course Jess messed up, and he wasn't ready for her then. But he still loved her and tried to make up for everything - he even read that stupid love book. He was obviously misguided, but he had the best intentions, and when he asked her to run away, she could have at least been nicer to him. Not say yes - but did try really hard. But she just kept saying no, and "what the hell are you doing here" "why won't you leave me alone". That's just mean. Yes, she was....
@XshamosasX she was nothing but nice to jess and jess was nothing but awful to her. he never wanted to do anything she wanted to do and sulked when he did, never told her anything that was going on with him, and he abandoned her and told her he loved her only to run off again. the only way she was a bitch to him would be that she didnt run off with him when he asked after he left her again. she however strung along poor dean whilst chasing jess much like paris and asher and jamie
@XshamosasX i agree with you haha. jess was actually my favorite. they were just so cute together. they complimented each other really well and jess really did love her, he just wasnt one of those guys that like advertised it every single minute. Logan was decent, but Rory just seemed to be more comfortable and with Jess and she changed him for the better. i know he still had some problems at the end of season 3, but he turned it all around later
haha fair enough. i used to looove jess as well (way better than dean anyway. thought he was super lame) but after his annoying mood swings and macho behaviour (literally too cool for school) i found him a bit irritating at the end. and yeah, at the time i probably wanted rory to run away with him as well but in hindsight she did the right thing. and i think he hurt her enough to deserve what he got there. but i get what you mean
@XshamosasX well what was she supposed to do? he abandons her, returns a year later and repeatedly ignores her, then tells her he loves her and five seconds later drives away. she had to be tough with him to get him to realize they weren't going to happen and she was over him. i;ll admit he had grown up by season 6 but she;d outgrown him by then. and if he loved her the most, he certainly treated her the worst
@klarebear721 Ooh. I didn't mind Logan that much. I definitely think they were the second best. I dunno, they were cute and everything, but I just loved Rory and Jess too much xD Plus, I think he changed Rory... I mean, can you really see Rory from seasons 1-3 with a guy like Logan? I agree that she's not that 16 year old girl anymore, but she really did change for the worst. I respect your opinion though!
how was she a complete bitch to jess? HE left HER without saying a word. he then came back and expected rory to just fall into his arms and run away with him. if anything she was unintentionally mean to dean when jess came into the picture but that was completely different. she was never mean to anyone the way paris was mean to jamie here
@XshamosasX i guess we agree to disagree. and dont me wrong i love milo and this was where i first noticed him i just wasnt a big fan of his character
Ha ha Jaymee that's my name but I spell it different, I hate how mostly boys have that name I used to think that I was the only girl named Jaymee
@XshamosasX i think you have that backwards, she was a complete bitch to DEAN and JESS was a complete ass to her
"at least i'm not mean to people that love.." um, excuse me? she was a complete bitch to Jess. hypocrite.
@XshamosasX thank you! i respect yours too! :) and i admit jess was better in the sixth season
"Nobody watches C-SPAN its just on in the background." One of my favorite Paris quotes.
WOW, RORY!even though you and Paris are different, they are alike in so many ways C :
Paris called Rory, "Mary".. longtime she hasn't been called that.. I miss tristan..
@klarebear721 I guess so. Just out of curiosity, who do you like for Rory?
If Paris was so ruthless why wouldn't she do both Jamie AND the professor?
Hahaha, "That had all the tact of a Nazi storm trooper."
"this is not May December! this is May... Ming Dynasty!"
@klarebear721 no, I don't have it backwards actually.
"hot men tend to run in packs"LOL...gotta love Paris
"nobody watches CSPAN, its just on in the background"

Geraldo Rivera Breaks Down As His Daughter Just Escaped Attack in Paris

Police were storming a Paris concert hall Friday night where up to 100 hostages were reportedly being executed one-by-one, after at least 40 people were killed ...

User Comments

This bothers me

Justin Bieber breaks down in tears on stage after praying for Paris (VIDEO)

Justin Bieber breaks down in tears on stage after praying for victims of Paris attacks Justin Bieber breaks down in tears on stage after praying for victims of Paris ...

User Comments

nice flip phone camera.
wait wait wait...why does this dooshbag talking about paris only ? cuz his friend got killed there so ? there's children ,babies dying tim syria,palistine ,lèbanon,iraq and countries that have war who dye every fucking day and this son of a bitch is crying for 100 people including hus friend that died? and girls that love him...please wake the fuck up!
To pray for every single thing wrong in the world would be absurd. That would be an infinitely long prayer. This was a prayer for Paris while they were in a time of need... Never thought I would be defending Justin Bieber. Lol
Terrible quality,who the hell recorded this LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AND bIEBER'S STILL A PIECE OF SHIT-.-
+Kyle Ridpath smh
He sad cause some of his butt buddies were killed
+Tweeetme Let me guess : USA ?
Yeah right... Using God's name to gain fans & fake good behavior. Funny enough, he did not pray in Jesus name
I think it's amazing to see he is a Christian. I don't think it is our place to judge. His new music really reflects his lifestyle change. My sister worked at a church down in Florida, and one of the pastor's there (Reggie Dabbs) had the chance to hang out with Justing Bieber and his pastor, and said that he is so thankful to have someone who is on fire for the Lord in the mainstream media. I have NEVER been a Bieber fan, and I'm almost ashamed to say this, but I like his new music.
+Florence Martineau learn how to spell lol its spelled just not juste
he lost a friend there so juste shut up
i Don't know why But i have a strong felling that does Who shoot the people isn't muslims at all they just want to start a war and why do they put it all on the muslims i am a muslim and i would never ever shoot or kill anyone those Who did that should burn in hell they killed inocent people i can understund why its a huge thing But Justin Bieber Come on no bro
+Abdirisak Said
+Gumby Life jeep
+Abdirisak Said there names are like Mohammed or some shit, there clearly dumb isis people.
Their country had a dictator and half of the citizens didn't want him while half did. America had problems with him because of the issues with the oil and they wanted him out so America and the half of the country who didn't want that dictator killed him and the ones who wanted him were mad and now they're killing people, they're the Isis. Russia is involved with this too I don't know how, but it's basically America vs Russia using Isis.
Im on the same boat with you, if you think about black people just got out of racism/slavery...White people would see a random black person and automatically assume that he sales crack, robs stores, and is in a gang just because of his ethnic background. Isis is giving you a bad name for YOUR ethnic background and trust me, i know alot of Muslims and most are my friend, they are honest, respectful, and funny to be around but it just looks like your gonna have to wait it out for people to realize not to sterotype others just because of they have partially seen... I hope kids dont bully you because of your religion or ethnicity because it was hard for me growing up as a sterotypical "Thug Nigger"
The reason they are saying that is because ISIS took claim for the attacks
you are right

Paris Hilton breaks selfie rule on Cannes red carpet

If the director of the Cannes Film Festival has banned selfies, then nobody appears to have told Paris Hilton. The American socialite posed for a snap on the red ...
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