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Brakes aylesford Videos

Finn High Cross 2'9

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66 088/082 at Maidstone West

Markfield BSJA 7.3.10

youtube killed my music :( urgh - so sorry for awful ''audio swap'' music that is now on it...just play it with this instead: ...

User Comments

@Doubleauseven thanks :) he definitely trusts me now and doesnt seem to have any confidence issues anymore! and thankyou, it has taken aaaaaages but im glad i took it slow with them both :) xxx
Bugsy has wings!!! Bless him he's really found his way hasn't he? They both look fab and so full of confidence. Your skill & patience is really paying off. Well done on your 1st place too!!! xx
@OliviaAndEol aw thanks :) and lol, haha, JT just doesnt really go with the video atall :p haha! was meant to be a bit of jason derulo xx
wow they both look great!! congrats on your 1st :D and what you on about awful music justin timberlake is well good :P xxx
@AStroppyMare thankyou :) xx
Well Done :) xx

Arena UK Showjumping, 21.11.09

User Comments

@xDynamiteDiggyx thanks :D the poles with bugsy were just because i was trying to get him forward to stop any refusing, so he did get a bit flat.. but meh :) arena uk is a lovely arena, really nice surfaces and courses, but very up to height. my first ever 1m05 bsja there was more like 1m10, and the JO was like even bigger :O lol xxx
ha no i wasnt there, just from watching the video. its always doubly hard when its the first ones that come up so fast before you get really into it! i hate hairnets! i know some people bang on about it being messy but i dont want to look like a bloke so i stick to a ponytail ! anyway looks like bugsy is getting back on track x
@zara6661 woah! were you riding/watching? what classes wre you in/what horse were you on? :) yea, fences 1-5 came rather quick! was a very tight course. and thankyou :) i usually wear my hair in a bun and hairnet, but thought id have a big of a change and have a ponytail! haha, maybe its good luck ;) xxx
:-0 They look AMAZING!! Suchh a shame about the poles - they were veryy up to height though! It would be soo cool to ride at Arena UK :) This is like a sign of good things to come with them Im thinking! xxx
@zara6661 oh ok lol :p i usually do think hairnets look neater...but thought it looked ok in a ponytail :D lol, thankyou...i hope he is, i really hope this is the start of good things! xxx
the first few fences came up really fast didnt they! i thought bugsy went really nicely, 10/10!! also i love your hair! ha x
@Doubleauseven thankyou :D i was very pleased with them both. and hopefully me and bugsy are on the right track now :) xx
@ohnosarah thankyou :D i might go on 10th, depends what else is on etc good luck if you do go! :) xx
@AStroppyMare thankyou, yes they were really up to height! lol :) xxx
well done, they both jumped really nicely and u rode great :) xx
WOW - You were flyin'!!! Well done the 3 of you! :) xxx
Well Done, well ridden. The 95cm looks alot bigger xx
You look great!! really well done :)
@xHorseRider4Life94x thanks :) xx
@xxbxoxoxtxsxx thankyou :) xxx
@LauraAndRosieeX thankyou xxx
@OliviaAndEol thankyou :D xx
@RuthNdMurphy thankyou :D xx
@sarahsum1 thankyou xxx
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