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Ps4 y pb/cb pr/cr range Videos

Fallout NV smooth FPS tutorial PS3

Tutorial in word form: 1: Get an HDMI Cable 2: Go into settings] display settings 3: Change cross color reduction filter on, RGB Full Range (HDMI) to Full, YPb/Cb ...

User Comments

Idk how this would work. All that does is change your color output from 0 to 255 then turning on ccrf? I mean if it worked cool but technologically speaking it just seems off but like I said if it works for you guys than that's awesome :) 
+Kyle ikr? I didn't think it'd work but it does, for me atleast. It actually smooths out the framerate and makes it playable. The only time the framerate dips now is when i open a looting menu, and the occasional random dip when I leave a building.
Hope this works 
It did for me, although I should say I have heard that it doesn't work for everyone soooo

Improve video quality of PS3 for FREE

Here is how to make sure that your ps3 is outputting video at the optimum quality. Just make sure that the options I have highlighted under Display Settings are ...

User Comments

RGB Full Range should only be used if its supported by your TV. If it isn't you will be losing detail in the highlights and shadows, reducing video quality. Super-White only works if your TV supports Y Pb / Cb Pr / Cr and it's turned on in the Blu-Ray settings.
Shit never new this was you I just saw it and then said it helped me fuck me :)))))
Please someone tell me how would you know if your tv supports rgb full range
Thanks really helped :)
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