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Ps4 rsvp Videos

Xbox One or PS4: What Will YOU Buy? - Inside Gaming Q&A

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1FITFBZTcA Click here to watch PS4 or Xbox One: WHO WINS E3? Kovic and Bruce answer questions about which system ...

User Comments

Ps4 bundle for $500 you get more for your money !!) unlike that gay ass Xbox . It comes with the system the camera , a other controller , a playstaion vita packed in , playstaion plus , kill zone 4, drive club and some indi games !!) so you tell me why get the Xbox it sucks :( more shit for your hard earned money !!)
That's idiocy. Just because a publisher makes money does not mean that they put it back into the developers. Its most likely going right into the pockets of the CEO. Welcome to the real world, dumbass. I don't know what fairy land tale you're living in, but that isn't what happens most of the time.
Lol I should buy ps4 cause xbox one known as ShitBox one might spy on you D: so yeah even though ShitBox one didnt spy on you I will still buy ps4 its just simple man!
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Ps4 is cheaper and did exceed xbox one but im not about to call xbox one fans idiots becuase they want it more, if they want xbox over ps4 just let them get it
Remember the months leading to PS3's launch they insulted XBOX 360 and all PS3 fanboys agreed until news stories were reported making them look like shit
Yeah this whole console war thing is getting really annoying just buy what you like and don't hate others for having different preferences than you!
Xbox one maybe I only say maybe because my brother is a Sony fanboy now frisking hell Bruce because your a Xbox fanboy I wish u could talk to him
But these comparisons are made for pretty much every device made. Like Iphone 5 vs Samsung S4. It's more of a comparison than a "war"
who pays the devs? publishers.... more money publishers make, more money devs receive.. economics 101.. welcome to the real world.
Lol ps4 is outselling xbox1 and by alot, GameStop results have 1.5mil pre orders fr ps4 xbox has 700k lol
okay stop the fighting between xbox and playstation at least we can agree that its better than pc right?
Xbox one sucks, i mean why you need to pay to play online? If they remove it voting for xbox one.

PS4 or Xbox One: WHO WILL WIN E3? - Inside Gaming Daily

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6bfuwa17kw Click here to watch HALO 5 at E3?!? Kovic and Bruce talk about what Machinima is doing at E3, and who's ...

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fun fact they made them based off of some gameboy and ds things also ds has way more games and 3ds is 3d with no glasses it has an internet browser camer where you can edit photos and 3d videos then you can edit souinds with 3ds if you pass someone else with a 3ds the 3ds saves there mii or avatar on your 3ds and theres free internet connection unlike ps4 and xbox 1 althought i admitt ps3 is great when it comes to lag and speed x box with the connect i think think 3Ds is better but i stil like
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Of course. They really aren't all that different, and it's mostly preference. You could easily say "Xbox One is going to have most of the features of the PS4", but it all depends whether your swayed by the exclusives the xbox has shown so far and the value for hardware that the ps4 gives. It's just people blowing tiny differences out of proportion in order to make the other brand look bad, and people with console loyalty will circlejerk over it for "we're not as bad" -advertisement.
Continued from comment below: Xbox one and ps4 will be the same i think, everyone who is yelling playstation nation, give it a few months. And ps3s servers couldn't handle the few people that actually played it, now they have 600.000 people trying to play online at once, well good luck with your host migration and losing connection every other 5 minutes, compare that to Xbox ones dedicated servers(which is what pc has, that is why pcs are soo good.)
Oh yeah, the Wii U which is sold at $350 with current gen specs, a "remote screen" controller which can only be used in the same house as the console and no games until 2014 (and will be the same Miyamoto sequels as always). I like Nintendo and will buy a Wii U (when it sells for a reasonable price, gets a decent amount of memory and a batterry on the controller which lasts more than 2 hours) but Ps4 is better so far, no doubt about it.
You guys have what, forza and a halo announcement. I mean to be fair the Exclusives on both sides weren't anything to get excited about. at the end of the day people (like you) are going to buy the xbox and ps4 will out sell it, purely on bad press and I can see why. MS are trying to change the game and people dont like change, look at apple they churn out the same phone year after year and people love that shit
Exactly my point, the only thing the PS4 have done this gen is add better hardware to their console, they were too scared to try and make any changes. Microsoft actually tried to change the world of gaming and most Sony fanboys were to closeminded and followed the herds of other sheep moaning about it.
well i hate you and all those other people also the ds has the POKEMON games wich a million people really want there is also on the 3ds you can meet random people off the street then you can use netflix on 3ds and sooo much more .pokemon x y would have won if was coming sooner
...really? The only Xbox exclusive that looks cool is Titanfall. Other than that PS4 will win by landslide. Oh yeah and this is coming from someone who owns an xbox, so it's not like I naturally favor Sony over Microsoft. WHY MICROSOFT WHY???
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Both are good, but the hardware is far to similar to see any difference, and the X1's clouds is about 30x better than the ps4's cloud. so getting X1. In 2014 ill get the ps4 (especially since it has failed more than once already)
Deja vu? Anyone, ps3 vs Xbox 360 everyone got all excited over play station, they were even the newer console, and the more powerful one, about 3-4 months later it blew dick, and now look which is the better console!
Not entirely true. Xbox one showed more multiplats than exclusives in their press conference and if you add it up they have the same amount of exclusives. Sorry but your facts are wrong based on fan boyism.
Well you're pretty fucked now aren't you? Xbox have announced to completely abolish their DRM Restrictions that all you whiney fanboys were crying over. There goes the entire PS4 marketing campaign then!
No.. microsoft is pulling toward multi media PS4 is sticking to making more games and more exclusives and we dont know if they are the same thing until they come out so your wrong

PlayStation 4 See it First on 6/10/2013

RSVP to See it First at PlayStation's E3 Press Conference live June 10, 2013 starting 6:00pm Pacific Time at //us.playstation.com.

User Comments

You cannot just say PS4 won because that is an opinion. It is impossible to say that you're statement is a fact and be right about it. There will still be people who will argue back with you and say that the Xbox One is better than the PS4. I personally thought the design of the PS4 was bad compared to the Xbox One. I also prefer the controllers of the Xbox One over the PS4 anyday. I will get the PS4 but that doesn't mean the PS4 won the console war. There won't be a winner of the console wars.
I question Microsoft®'s decision to do such a thing as they were simply trying to bring us into the future; the Sony fans are to blame for the change. Also, Xbox One™ is indeed outpacing the pre-orders of the Playstation 4 -- you can see for yourself on Amazon.
According to Amazon's stats, the PlayStation 4™ sales are succeeding the Xbox One™ by a large margin. They already are sold out of PlayStation 4 Launch Editions as Microsoft still has too much Xbox One Day One Editions sitting in their storage closets.
Yyyyyyeah, all thanks to that DRM nonsense and Microsoft's strict anti-consumer laws, its unbelievable that they 'won' E3. Btw, if you were trying to make someone like me rage simply for your entertainment, i suggest you try harder.
Che cazzo fate mettete l'online a pagamento??????!!!!!!!!!! Siete dei coglioni avete appena perso un cliente stronzi!! Non bastano gia 400 euro più 70 euro ogni gioco.. ci mancavano pure i 50 euro annuali per l online.... LADRI!!
Actually, PS4 is massively outstripping the Xbox One in preorders. Get your facts straight, troll. videogamer./news/ps4_is_amazon_uks_fourth_best-selling_gaming_product_of_2013_xbox_one_70th.html after videogamer. put com
nah i just toss him some crumbs every now and then mostly i usually just ignore them. i used to respond alot but they've gotten boring as they never do anything new so now i just toss them something every now and then.
lol if that were actually true then Microsoft wouldn't have pulled over half the crap they were planning on doing with it. if you're going to troll try harder. everyone can see that what you do is nothing but bull.
I am too with the ps4 but your logic is flawed. More happy customers = More money. You can't say your only doing it for the money, when in turn the more money you get, the more happy customers are.
Sony beat Microsoft over the head with a hammer by saying free online, no activation and sharing games with friends. Anyways the next day Microsoft lost about 3% value on their shares
The circle thing at 0:12 is the headset i think because if you type "ps4 headset" into google images and look at the 5th picture from the left it looks like a plastic version of it.
Now that we know what it really looks like, Where is the round vent thing seen at 0:12, i cant find it on the final design
The only thing Microsoft have over Sony now is the controller. Sony have beaten them with the ps4 as a gaming system

Borderlands 2 WALKTHROUGH part 34 You Are Cordially Invited RSVP optional mission

Vlog #22: Got My PS4 & Muslim Brotherhood

Finally Got My PS4! Plus my fellow Muslim Brothers and I went to visit a fellow brother at the Hospital! Check It Out! Join in on the Invite: RSVP to the official ...

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Your Muslim Brothers Seem Very Cool....It Is Always Nice To Have Guys You Can Be Yourself With!
I like cats as well

E3 2013 Preview - Sony (PS4 | Uncharted 4 | The Last Guardian & More)

Download the Machinima app for iOS here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/machinima/id323165885?at=1001l6aE&ct=ytd Download the Machinima app for ...

User Comments

This killzone does have such ugly textures when you come close to objects and ghe worst fire i ve ever seen it only looks good in it s cut scenes when they don t need ai and the trees and gras in the new gameplay on 3 e looked simply current gen is this your super ddr 5 i guess you all underestimated the cloud sidn t see pop up in the ms games and better txtures too...mhm
You ignorant child. What are you trying to say? The original xbox was bad or was it the 360. Well I think both of them were good. The Xbox series was all about graphics and hardcore gamers until kinect came out. You are either a 5 year old kid who is trying to be cool or a 45 years old man still living in their mama's basement and picking unnecessary fights in youtube
your wrong, the last guardian was not only shown at e3 2009, new trailer and gameplay footage were shown tgs 2010(september), and there were a couple interviews here and there from 2009-2011, after that info on the game were minimal. It seems like they are in the final stages of the game, my guess is that it will be released in in the spring of 2014
So would I but it is unlikely that a new game will be announced let alone released before 2015 because of the film, I have heard rumors that say that very few PS2 series including Ratchet and Clank will come to PS4, s its possible that the game series is dead
Yeah I guess you are probably right! I still have my hopes up because there are a few "TBA" game reveals at E3 which should be happening today and tomorrow......if not, I really hope that naughty dog will give us news about U4 in the near future! cheers man!
Damn! where's the last guardian? D: I mean, the creator is still under contract to finish the game and it's been in production for 4 years, and if they make it an exclusive for PS4 it will give a great advantage for the PS4, I want that game :'( NAAAAOOOOO!
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I'm not surprised that Naughty Dog didn't show anything on Uncharted 4 (assuming there is anything developed to actually show) at E3 because they need to still direct their focus on promoting and showcasing The Last of Us.
I'm sick and tired of waiting for the last guardian, it better come out in november or I am going to do absolutely nothing but rage in my house for 30 minutes and continue to wait till it comes out, if it ever does.
Seems unlikely seeing as we are already half-way through E3. BUT, Naughty Dog is a two-team-studio and one has just finished "The Last Of Us", so the other team has to be working on.. something for a while now ;)
that's right so let buy a wii u!!!, LoL I'm kidding. but hey for real ps4 and Xbox are the same, except for the exclusive games and your likes (sorry for my english, I'm from chile)
Im really tired of first person shooter, all games are FPS FPS FPS AND MORE FPS them only focused on FPS, this generation have not too games of TPS less them ps2 times.
Uncharted 4! Uncharted games are the best games I have ever played by far! Uncharted 3 is amazing, hopefully they do release Uncharted 4 with the ps4!
theres a game listed on bestbuy's website as U4 for the PS4 but that's all the information there is, maby its nothing but i hope its Uncharted 4
PS4, I am waiting for you. My game museum is waiting for you. I cannot wait. I have two videos of my room. I am making the 3rd until I have it.

Battleborn BETA code instant access PS4,PC,XBOX ONE

here is how to get instant access access to the BETA of Battleborn Thanks for watching Battleborn BETA access here: https://rsvp.battleborn.com/ Song Distrion ...

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thats is awesome thank you EJ
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