In this way, you can't get full screen and won't be able to use your tablet
at the same time. I suggest to open HKTV webpage on chrome(PC) and cast
that tab only. Once your tab is casting, click full screen and minimize
that window. That won't affect your computer's screen but a little
HKTV TV Box APP 欣賞點播功能實試
以新小米盒子安裝HKTV TV Box APP 並試用點播功能實試。
Sony Bravia 電視播放 HKTV 測試
聽日HKTV 就開台啦!大家日後睇電視又會多個選擇,唔洗來來去去都睇同一個電視台。除了早前Samsung、LG 的Smart TV 可以支援用APP 收睇HKTV 節目外,...