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Ps4 j stars victory Videos

J-Stars Victory VS+ (PS4) : Goku, Vegeta & Frieza Vs Naruto, Sasuke & Madara Gameplay【FULL HD 1080P】

J-Stars Victory VS+ (PS4) : Goku, Vegeta & Frieza Vs Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha & Madara Uchiha Gameplay ...

User Comments

Hey guys between Yu Yu Hakusho DBZ Hokuto No Ken Which do you guys think is the best overall anime between these three?
+Rodney Christopher I guess story and concept wise it is Yu Yu hakusho.Even though my fav is DB.
+Rodney Christopher Yu Yu Hakusho
Dbz is the best anime hands down 
+Fong Suen no its when goku says: i can barely life a finger and later starts throwing Kamehameha if i remember correctly
its sarcasm dbgt logic when goku fought against super 17: goku ssj4 does almost no damagekid goku kills super 17 with one punch. seems legit
+Fong Suen i hope the sarcasm is saying GT is any good at all
+Amgad Gamal its good but dbgt is the best the characters totally aren't dumbasses and are just like they were in dbz (sarcasm) but honestly db super is better
Can't believe there was no fairy tail in this game
+Junior JC Fairly Tail isn't in Shounen Jump.
Sucks how the DBZ characters can't fly around but that'd probably put everyone else at a disadvantage 
I didn't know until know lol
Except they can. Bleach characters can fly in the game as well
the Smash bros of the anime world
Don't forget about 3D
im kinda sad they didnt dubbed it. but its still cool though.
+juan i Padilla yeah i just want that nostalgia of the characters
Yup still don't understand what characters are saying while battling.

[PS4] J-Stars Victory Vs+ - Opening Intro #JSTARSVS #PS360JSTARS (1080p)

Sub for more Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Dragon Ball Xenoverse & One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Apply to the Fullscreen Network!

User Comments

Cuando van a poner a fairy tail en el juego?
+Fabi Neko Ookami ahhhh gracias por la información :)
+Alejo Roman Fairy Tail no esta porque es de otra editorial, el videojuego es de los más conocidos de la editorial Jump
an this be played on xbox 360 console??
+yaron samay no
+Real Otaku haha yeah they toned everyone down , I'm also sad Madara can't turn 10 tails >:(
+Real Otaku yeah flying around in that ship does look a bit boring & they should have added like at least 50 MORE characters, but I like it for the fighting no complains there c:
+Real Otaku what we're the bad things that the Japanese people said about the game ;p?
Haha what's your psn name :p? So I could fight you >:)
+Real Otaku use the girl from meddoka with the huge breats; ) haha what system are you getting it for :D
i wonder how to customize your own song in the game...since ps4 not allow to copy
You can use Spotify on PS4 in background. Or listen to music through your USB connected to your PS4.
Is this game going to be available for Digital Download?
+Megamatos1 yeah been knew that bro lol.
+Swaginato Namikaze its on PSN
+PACO MEISTER GAMING Yeah like wtf, someone answer thy question! Lol.
+Swaginato Namikaze i have asked that question so much nobody told me so i just got a physical one

J-Stars Victory Vs+ PS4 Modo Historia Parte 1 gameplay español

Juegos Baratos: //www.instant-gaming.com/igr/darkplayer/ *********** REDES SOCIALES *********** ☛ Facebook: //goo.gl/TCYqi ☛ Google+ ...

User Comments

¡¡"JUEGO" DE MIERDA!! Razones: -Diálogos surrealistas ridículos que sobran totalmente. -Los personajes tanto propios como rivales durante el combate se vuelven transparentes derrepente durante varios segundos cada poco tiempo sin ninguna razón. -¿Para que cojones sirven las barras de arriba del todo durante un combate?¿Las pusieron para que quedara bonito?
+juancamilo morales fernandes Yo solo respondí su comentario.
+Chen Honking es un juego mas preguntas sobre la logica ?
+Galo Maricalva Se te olvido que Ace está muerto .-. no entiendo como Luffy no se sorprendió de verle.
lguien que me explique quien es el tal hisoka. se lo agradeceria enormemente.
muchas gracias
Se podria considerar un antagonista de hunter x hunter
por que el titulo dice gameplay en español si no habla
+Victor Fernandez Lopez subtitulos :V
Dark playing gracias por traer estos contenidos muchos no lo hacen gracias eres increíble Pero me gustaría que si tu quieres hacer gameplays comentados saludos
+AwesomeKenedi10G cierto, ademas hay juegos que en la parte donde hablan tambien está comentando el jugador y no escuchas nada o simplemente no gustan los gameplays comentados
+Fabrizio Caire Gameplays comentados ?, a mí me parece que ya hay muchos YouTubers que hacen eso, el es el mas profesional que puedes encontrar grabando videos sin comentarlos, porque otros no los suben bien.
Tienes razón jajja norman estepan
+Fabrizio Caire seria mas entretenido gameplays comentados cualquier cosa no importa hace que los momentos vacios sean mas entretenidos

J-Stars Victory VS+ PS4, Gameplay Trailer Naruto, Hunter x Hunter e mais - Nillo21.

Muito obrigado por assistir, Se gostarem do video APOIE com seu like se possivel seu favorito! PsnGamesDF Loja de jogos parceira do canal, Confira e compre ...

User Comments

Po os caras do naruto(cc2) não lançam pra antiga caramba que droga
Eu sei mas eles nos devem personagnes desde o generations e é so lança uma versão mais limitada graficamente a nivel dos ultimos jogos porque na demo não vi porque não
Devia ter o Natsu
+Ulisses Almeiada Galrao o Natsu nao e da shonen jump
+Ulisses Almeiada Galrao Concordo
Esse jogo tem grafico de ps2 tnc kkkk
+Guilherme 12235 Dinheiro dinheiro nao compra felicidade
+Zeux ;3 e desde quando os produtores ligam pra minha opinião eles querem é dinheiro
+larissa monise não estou de mal humor so acho sacanagem o cara falar que um jogo de ps4 tem grafico de ps2 isso é muito chato pros produtores
+larissa monise
+Zeux ;3 Bom o jogo apesar de ter gráficos de Ps2 será legal, mais você foi muito ignorante em critica-lo, é uma opinião dele achar ou não achar que o jogo será bom ou não, ele tem direito de se expressar, mais você veio com mal resposta, se o seu humor está ruim hoje, não venha deixar os outros também de mal humor.
Eu respondo o tempo que eu quizer pq o tempo e meu
+Zeux ;3 kkkkkkkk n so obrigado a agrada vc se n gosto do comentário nem perca tmpo respondendo
+Guilherme 12235 mas tenho certeza que o joga é mais legal que voce :)
Eu acho os gráficos e a textura desse jogo bem zoados, podia ser pelo menos igual a do Naruto Storm, que é o melhor jogo de anime que tem nos consoles.
+Fifo Gamer verdade . DB Z BT 1 , 2 e 3 mandam lembranças .
Sonha que é o melhor fí . Pesquisa se quiser Narutard .
+Lucas Silva huashasuahsha dbz tenkaichi manda lembranças..
+Lucas Silva tbm acho

J-Stars Victory Vs+, Oficial Gameplay Trailer PS4 - Nillo21.

Muito obrigado por assistir, Se gostarem do video APOIE com seu like se possivel seu favorito! PsnGamesDF Loja de jogos parceira do canal, Confira e compre ...

User Comments

Exclusivo ? Ou tem pra Xone tbm ?
Plixx pc :((
geralmente um crossover de animes so vai para console japones ou seja xbox nah e pc bom isso ja é diferente porque o japao é um pais onde é bem corrido as coisas entao nao tem um tempo para jogar no pc e por isso portable vende mais e casa japonesa é pequena fora que nao a nada melhor que pegar o controle e jogar o dia todo no sofá ou na cama
pelo menos uma legenda em inglês agora ;D
+Tsuna2221 né, qndo sair pra ps4, vou ter um infarte do corasaum
nossa só tem personagem estranho ^^
mais dr slamp é foda tbm
pois é nao botaram o one piece , naruto e hunter vs hunter nesse trailer :(
tambem metade dos escritos do nillo sao so fanboys de naruto fazer o que ne eu conheço 99% so nao conheço aquele menino com tanga do tazan
Dbz e Dr slamp ;-;  obras do deus Akira 
né, num conheço 99% dos q apareceu
+ALY Uchiha to meio Decepicionado por n te aparecido o Naruto no trailer ... ;-;
Pera esse vai vir pro ocidente?
Esse novo jogo sera remasterizado? E sera em inglês ou entendi tudo errado ? 
brother vai vim com graficos melhores, e acho q dessa vez pelomenos o jogo em ingles vamos ter, nao o audio, as legendas mesmo. seria bem legal.

J-Stars Victory VS+ (PS4) : Vegeta Vs Sasuke Gameplay【FULL HD 1080P】

J-Stars Victory VS+ (PS4) : Vegeta Vs Sasuke Uchiha Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facebook: ...

User Comments

Is this only for ps4
No...it's also for ps3 and ps Vita
lol yhe developpers didn't put ssj 2 or 3, they thought the 1 was more than sufficient to surpass all the other anime
or they just went with the most used form
This game looks hella clunky...
What you mean by that?
VEGETA barely won this battle, looks like SASUKE was a tough opponent to beat but it should have been easy winning because VEGETA can defeat SASUKE w/out even breaking a sweat (ⁿ_ⁿ)
+Miyoku Tɑkɑnotsu Dude, you know it's a game right? Everyone can win there.
This game is super hot!!!! Cant stop playing it.....since it came out
Check it
+Al Montoya no way
It's available
+Al Montoya how
Which system you got it for
Sasuke can beat Vegeta. It can happen!
+John Curiel dude..vegeta is another level _..vegeta can wreck sasuke ass easily dude . sasuke is nothing to compare with vegeta
+John Curiel Nah, Sasuke doesnt stand a chance, Genjutsu only work on people with chakra, something Vegeta doesnt have.The rest of his techniques wont even do crap and he doesnt have the speed or strength to match Vegeta.Sasuke has a better chance against a saibaman, and even then his chances of winning are low
 That's the stance I take on many inconsistencies and contradictions: looking visually appealing over actual scientific accuracy. Slicing Frieza with a sword at that point in DBZ was more badass than blowing him up. The same goes for the likes of Master Roshi and Piccolo blowing up the moon. They can destroy large bodies of scientific mass, that would require millions of nuclear bombs to achieve, but they can't use that kind of firepower to say, cause a giant crater.Which in turn also contradicts your whole condensing of energy as a whole. If you've seen One Piece, specifically the character Bartholomew Kuma, we see what would happen when he condenses energy from as big as one Frieza's giant (filler) death balls into the size of his palm: the effects blow a large portion of the area apart. Wouldn't the same be said for DBZ characters? If they condense so much energy into one attack, wouldn't that energy be far more destructive to everything around them, not just on a planetary scale, but on a universal scale? Think a nuclear bomb, it's not so large as we might think, but when it goes off, it releases so much energy, it can destroy a city and have radioactive effects on a country level. Let's take Vegeta and his self-destruct attack on Majin Buu, he's involuntarily releasing all his condensed power at once, but it only results in a very large crater? Wouldn't such a mass of energy blow up a few planets close to Earth when Vegeta clearly was able to blow up planets casually? My point is, I can believe your whole condensing energy into smaller objects theory, but it's not wise to rely on scenes that are visually appealing.Little question to back up a theory of my own: if Vegeta were to use a condensed attack on a mountain, that would happen? And at the same time, if he used the same attack on the planet's core?Speed wouldn't matter for Madara. Remember? Sharingan? Sasuke was able to keep track of a fast moving Naruto while a novice, Madara was able to time his blocks perfectly to stop the fastest man in the series' (Raikage) attacks with his Sharingan. Multi images don't work for the same reason.Well the Eternal Tsukuyomi affected the entire planet, regardless if they're on the other side of the world, indoors or in a pitch black cave. And obviously the binding process to the great tree was also necessary, so, what else is there to say in regards to it affecting the world?
LMAO, Goku survived a fight and won with a hole through him, I understand it isnt DBZ, what i am saying is your "ways to kill dbz characters" wouldnt work, No Naruto character comes close to the power Goku had in his fight against vegeta, Do you understand how weak that is? Vegeta is on a godly level, none of these characters come close in terms of raw power, the fight would be over before a reaction can be made, Vegeta is too fast for naruto characters, multiple times faster than light, how would any attack land? his punches are on a planetary level, their strength inconsistency is actually them holding back so the planet and its people arent killed(this is gokus reason and vegeta doesnt want an unfair fight so they lower their powers to a level that wont kill everyone. The naruto techniques are far superior to dbz technique's, but theres no chance of them being used, i think that clarifies this. 
A thousand ways to kill a DragonBall character.Sasuke-Teleport sword into target-Teleport target into sword-Teleport target into chidori-Enton-Chidori variants-Sharingan Genjutsu-Rinnegan Genjutsu-Speed blitzNaruto-Rasengan-Rasenshuriken-Rasenshuriken variants-Truth Seeker Orbs-Phase arm into chest crushing the heart -Speed Blitz-Sealing rasenganDeidara-C4 (microscopic bombs)Nagato-Human Path-Mere beam rifle (lol)Obito-Kamui -Kamui Snipe-Truth Seeker Orb-Sharingan Genjutsu-Speed Blitz-Wood inducementMadara-Speed Blitz-Truth seeker Orb-Limbo-Infinite Tsukuyomi-Phase arm into chest or head squash important organKaguya-Chakra fist (Interal damage attacks the organs bypassing regular durability)-Ash Bones (disintegrate targets)-Infinite Tsukuyomi-Teleport into Lava-Destroy the dimension or entire 3-Dimensional spaceEdo Tensei Pakura-Scorch orbs (Evaporates the liquid out of the body on contact killing the victim)Edo Tensei Gari-Explosive Taijutsu (On contact causes the target to explode from the inside)Utakata-Ink Bubbles-Acidic TaijutsuEdo Deidara and Edo Gari-Explosion inducementKakashi-Kamui snipe-Kamui Black holes-Kamui Raikiri-Raikiri-Sharingan Genjutsu-Speed blitzKabuto -Edo Tensei armyMinato-Speed blitz-RasenganToneri-Explosion inducement-Mind control-Truth Seeker OrbUnknown users-Chakra Needle (paralyze or cause death upon impact)-Ice Jutsu (Cause ice particle to form on target freezing them to death)I'm tired this should be enough. You fanboys need to learn that there are more than enough ways to kill someone. You can do it physically, atomically, molecularly, cellularly, internally, externally, spiritually, mentally, or an abstract level. Blowing things up and having a higher power level is not the only way to do it. You guys need to think outside the box literally this is not Dragonball Z. As far as I am concerned DragonBall characters don't have the durability to survive all attacks in fiction. Most if not all have feats for ONLY physical and external attacks the rest would definitely be harmful and kill them. And this is the case with all other verses.
+John Curiel I dont think you understand how fast vegeta is. Can you give me proof madara is ftl. can you give me proof he's strong enough to bust a planet, cuz everything you keep saying just isnt on a dbz level of fighting. vegeta can take planetary level attacks( gokus 4x kaioken kamehame ha) he can bust a planet(his galick gun and the blast he fired at frieza on namek that just got kicked back) so all vegeta need to do is dodge(he's much faster than necessary) his normal punches are planet busting level(refer to my 1st comment) and madara can beat him? also, dbz characters getting burried in a storm of meteors? they'll just blow em up. Vegeta all brawn with no brain? HE IS A FIGHTING GENIUS! Black Ball attack? Kill vegeta, Is it an planet busting level? no, so vegeta can withstand it with ease. (everything ive stated is pre ssj vegeta, so saying madara could win is ridiculous)
Sasuke's Sharingan wasn't fully mastered at that time also having Sasuke fucked over with that bushy eyebrowed faggot was a big mistake the writer (Kishimoto) did. mean, all the stuff we've seen Vegeta as a child do were all non-canon. Vegeta destroying that bug planet? Filler. Vegeta wiping out a team of Saibamen? Movie. Even when you compare the things he can do in the canon universe, there's a lot of contradictions: Vegeta powering up at his weakest on-screen can shake Earth, but power up when in Super Saiyan and all he can do is collapse a rock pillar? Not saying he's weak, he's clearly strong, all I'm saying is the guy can't make up his mind if he's a planet-buster or a large mountain-buster :shrug:So has Vegeta ever sat through a giant explosion that was designed to kill? In the realms of canon, of course. Bearing in mind Krillin's Spirit Bomb was greatly reduced in power due to most of the natural energy escaping.Simple, the Limbo Shadows around Madara acts as invisible shields that only those with Sage powers or the Rinnegan can detect. And Vegeta can only block attacks he can see or sense, so Vegeta's gonna be a sitting duck against Tailed Beast KO'ing blows. Well that's easy, wasn't it Madara's Limbo Clones and Chibaku Tensei meteors keeping Naruto and Sasuke busy while Madara activated the Eternal Tsukuyomi? Vegeta doesn't have a back-up in this fight, if he blasts the meteors, he gets pounced by the Limbo Clones, try and fight off the Limbo Clones, he gets 1000 tonnes of rock piled on him, try and chase after Madara, he gets jumped by both. By the time he manages to fight off both, IF he can defeat four invisible, invulnerable enemies, Madara would have had time to set up two Infinite Tsukuyomis and a cup of tea, while asking the zombified Vegeta what took him so long. Exactly! Madara is a being with Chakra for days, with his already limitless Chakra reserves, coupled with the Ten Tail's Chakra reserves, while one giant barrage of ki waves has Vegeta puffed out. If Madara were merciful, he'd just block everything Vegeta had and finish him off with a black ball attack, similar to how he defeated Guy...Or would have done if Naruto didn't jump in =P And even if Vegeta does get a good hit in, Madara's got Hashirama cells, the damage gets repaired instantly. Now if the opponent were someone like Goku or Kid Buu, yes, I'd be shaky in my arguement that Madara could win, because Goku has Instant Transmission to get him out of anything Madara can cook up, and Kid Buu can just nuke the planet without in-character restraints, but Vegeta? A guy that uses brawn and less brain in a fight? He'd be dead long before he figured out how his Limbo worked.
+PresidentOfTheNerds419 Sasuke's sharingan sees Chakra based moves not ki this was proven on the episode when Sasuke fought lee
+John Curiel Dragon Ball attacks dont actually take a long time to charge, its just that DBZ has to be "slowed down" so it can make sense, an example of this is the frieza blowing up namek in 5 minutes, in our time it took forever, but in dbz time it actually took 5 minutes. Naruto characters havent shown planet busting feats at all, which if they could stil wouldnt beat goku (previous comment explains how he can withstand attacks of that level). also, predicting there move is like knowing whats coming, but not being able to stop it. by the time sasuke knows whats next, he cant stop vegeta. DBZ characters are just too fast. there durability is on a planetary level, and and so is their strength, Sasuke isnt. I dont see what else can be said so please reply with any info that says otherwise.
That's a very nice explanation, but there arise many inconsistencies and contradictions in such a theory on compressing attacks, not to mention the heavy drawbacks in using those techniques that any character outside DBZ can exploit:1. Goku can deflect Trunk's sword attacks but gets slashed by Yakon's blade in the Buu saga, a character who was easily weaker than Trunks?2. Frieza wasn't worried about Namek destroying around him, but Goku was? I know Goku can't breathe in space, but why be melodramatic about the explosion if, by your understanding, Goku wouldn't die from the explosion? 3. Does condensing energy also include physical energy? Meaning if Goku were to compress his energy into a punch, how effective would it be? To set the bar, Tsunade pretty much does the same thing and can do far more terrifying feats like cause an mini-earthquake with her finger, while Sakura can cause an actual earthquake with a punch. Has something like that happened in Dragonball Z without too much WTF?! 4. Time. How long does it take to compress an attack in DBZ universe? 3 seconds for a weakly condensed attack and 2 minutes for a powerful one, like a Kamehameha or Final Flash. That is plenty of time for any character to come up with effective counter strategies. For example, remember when Gaara was taking a Frontal Lotus from Lee, and Gaara exploited a split-second blink to make a substitution Jutsu? If experienced ninja can make an escape based on a split second reaction, then how many escape plans can a ninja god make with 3 seconds worth? Again, Dragonball Z characters need to see and/or feel an attack coming to block it effectively. Goku was able to take Vegeta's punches in his second fight, but when Goku lowers his guard when the fight 'stopped', one punch was enough to KO him. Its why Frieza was able to get cut by Trunks, even how Yajirobe cut Vegeta. Plus you're really underestimating the power of the Tailed Beasts, the same beasts that are as big, if not bigger than a Saiyan Ape, Madara took all nine down with one punch each. Even Vegeta had trouble with a large, slow ape Gohan. That kinda power that can flatten nine of the Narutoverse's strongest beasts against a non-aware Vegeta? Last time Vegeta did something like that, he killed himself. And what about that talk of 'smaller energy = more power', if he wants to blow those meteors, he needs those condensed blasts. Also when has Vegeta been brutal enough to kill an opponent in such a brutal manner? He's not done it thus far. Changing the map? Dude, that was his absolute weakest state: in Edo Tensei form, no Ten Tails and lacking any of his real Rinnegan. And if you want to play the condensing energy game, the Ten Tails on its own can nuke several mountains at once. Condensed into a single human, that's how powerful Madara is, also taking into account he can grow his Wood Style on a planetary level.
+John Curiel DBZ characters fight massively beyond lightspeed and their punches are at planet shattering levels. Vegeta in the saiyan saga withstood a 3x kaioken kamehameha, capable of busting the earth. Recoome easily KO'd gohan at the same strength as vegeta was on earth, Vegeta can take a planet tanker, so Gohan could have done so as well, but gohan got knocked out meaning recoome's attcacks were near planet busting levels. This is before transforming into a super saiyan 1,2 or even ssgss. Sun level heat isnt going to hurt ssgss vegeta, nouva shenron burned at the suns heat and ssj4 goku was able to sinply ignore it. Toriyama said ssj4 was = Vegito in strength, and in battle of gods, goku states fusing couldnt beerus, so ssjgod is stronger thann ssj4, so ssgss wouldnt be worried about amaterasu. Also, sasuke couldnt hit vegeta becaus you have to se them right? Before the saiyan arc, characters were moving faster than what was visible(World Tournament) Predict vegetas movements? Even if he knew where vegeta was going he couldnt stop him, DBZ is just to ridiculous of a level to compare to naruto characters. Anything Else? (I enjoy dbz arguments and forgive my lack of proper grammar)
+John Curiel you're right!and come on! Madara can kill frieza, it's giust the player OP!The AI is so low in this game xD
+John Curiel Sorry John, the Sharingan doesn't give that kind of advantage. Granted WITH IT he can see Vegeta regardless of speed, but nothing about Sasuke is on Vegeta's level of speed or anywhere near it. Sasuke will be attacked and hit regardless of what he can see.In regards to the Amaterasu, your overexaggerating its effects through hyperbole, leaving out information, and ignoring its actual feats. It is certainly not as hot as the sun and burns for 7 days and nights. It has certainly been avoided by MUCH faster characters regardless of Sasuke's Sharingan being active or not, and the attack has been pushed away or outright slapped away with energy aura's. All things Vegeta can do and with greater ease than in the Narutoverse. oh yeah, "burns basically any material" not this material apparently //i12.mangacdn.com/naruto/464/naruto-783135.jpg
Sorry John,when you pulled the rank card I had to step inComparing characters by ranks is crap,some stupid ninja clan could have different standards than a alien race fighting leet clan of doomNaruto=1000 (pl,stated on the creator of narutos Twitter) high class ninja. Raditz=1200 low class warriorSee that?,raditz,lower class but stronger than narutoConclusion?RANKS ARE BULLSHIT
I know Saiyans are overpowered and shit okay? I know that but what I'm saying is that Sasuke is a human with super human abilities. And that with that Sharingan he can predict Vegeta's movements and read 'em. Also the Amataratu. A dojutsu by the Mangekyo Sharingan that produce black flames at the focal point of the user's vision. In most situations, this makes Amaterasu impossible to avoid. Once created, it can continue burning for seven days and seven nights. The flames cannot be extinguished with water or any other normal methods; only the user can put the flames out. Said to be "the fires from hell" and to burn as hot as the sun itself, Amaterasu burns basically any material — other flames included — until nothing but ash remains.
Ah, fair point. Zabuza is the demon of the mist after all. Few stand up to his prowess save for Haku and Kaguya.
+genorem Nope! Raditz was a low class Saiyan. He'd probably have a good fight with Zabuza if you'd ask me.  
+John Curiel confirmed fodder tier when Karin didn't die to it and when Naruto smacked it away with kyuubi cloak. At best Sasuke is giving Raditz an intense workout.
Big Bang attack.Galick gun.Final Flash.Super Saiyan.Your argument is invalid.
Been A Sasuke Fan Since Day One & I Promise You He'll Never Put A Scratch On Vegeta
Vegeta blew up and conquered planets in the start of the series, it doesn't matter what stupid eyeball trick Sasuke can do.
Wait I know a regular sword couldn't hurt vegeta but what kind of sword does sasuke use
+John Curiel Thats really impressive. In Naruto universe.
+Pedro POAS No I'm just making some unique facts here man.Sasuke is hailed as a brilliant ninja, even by the battle-adept Uchiha clan's standards, showing an undeniable prodigious talent and keen intellect since early childhood. He finds little difficulty in most tasks since his time in the Academy,[26] scoring the highest in various tests to easily graduate top of his class. Sasuke has great knowledge if not proficiency in many of his clan's techniques, most of which being self-taught. His abilities have been compared to various remarkable individuals like Kakashi Hatake and Orochimaru, both hailed as geniuses and the latter admitting to Sasuke far exceeding him at his current age. Sasuke is noted as potentially able to surpass the likes of Itachi, Nagato, and even Madara Uchiha. Madara himself noted that had Sasuke been born in Obito's time, he would have chosen Sasuke to use as a pawn over Obito.Throughout Part I, Sasuke steadily develops his abilities, becoming capable of holding his own against various skilled shinobi like Haku, Gaara and even Orochimaru. By Part II, despite still officially being the rank of a genin, he can fight on par with several highly skilled and extremely powerful shinobi. After awakening and adjusting to his Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke proved able to fight against at least two Kage and their respective bodyguards. By the Fourth Shinobi World War, he was able to match his older brother Itachi in various fields of combat. After receiving the Six Paths Chakra, Sasuke, alongside Naruto, was able to fight toe-to-toe the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki, Madara, after the latter fully absorbed the tailed beast's tree form. Later, during his final battle against Naruto, after manifesting the chakra of the nine tailed beasts into his Susanoo, Kurama noted Sasuke's prowess to be on par with the Sage of the Six Paths.
+John Curiel Are you trolling me? His sword woudn't hurt or even hit Vegeta. Even if he has Sharingan, can he dodge an attack at the speed of light? "formidable Uchica clan". Vegeta is a Saiyan, a race of powerful warriors.
+Pedro POAS He has the Rinnegan, the Sharingan and Chidori he's an expert swordsman and did I mention he's from the formidable Uchiha clan.
Pretty slow compared to Vegeta.Powerful attack? Chidori? Not in Dragon Ball universe.It would be a cool fight (maybe). But c'mon, Vegeta is a Galaxy Buster.
+Pedro POAS Sasuke is one of the most powerful characters in not only in Naruto but in anime/manga history. 'Cause of his strong ninjutsu, fast speed, intelligent mind. He also has power of mangekyo sharingan.Powerful attack power of chidori and amateratsu. Special defense of Susanoo.
+John Curiel How?

NARUTO VS ICHIGO VS GOKU!?!?! | PS4 | J-Stars Victory Vs+

INFO SOBRE EL JUEGO ▻ //bit.ly/J-StarsVictoryVs G2A Juegos Con Descuento! ▻https://www.G2A.com/r/jcn ▽ Descripción Re-Copada ▽ Al fin lo ...

User Comments

esta para ps3?
Gorda tenes menos animé que Utilisima jajaja
Que HDP xD aunque es verdad :v
que haríamos sin la Shonen Jump :') ah
+Romii Roma es la mejor revista de todas
aparese kenshin? :o i need this!
+Shadow-Warrior sep aparece XD y es una negrada jaja
CUANDO VI QUE ESTABA EN ESPAÑOL CASI SE ME SALEN LOS OJOS DE LAS ORVITAS!!! una duda este juego esta para ps3? osea si se que el j-stars jump esta para ps3 pero mepa que esta es otra version "j-stars victory vs +" alguien me lo puede corroborar?
+Pegasus363 esta para ps3 yo lo tengo pero yo no aguante la traduccion y me lo compre hace 2 años en japones jajajaja
oigan estaba jugando con mi play 4 tronando y se me quemo y no tiene arreglo me toco comprar un xbox 360 alguien me dice si esta para 360
no hay drama. y no soy mujer jaja. que me guste kurumi no me hace mujer jajaja
+Takanashi Ibuki umm gracias perdona la molestia   jejej me senti incomodo preguntandole a una mujer de video juegos
Para serte sincero no se bien. pero creería que no hasta donde sabia es exclusivo de PS. pero hace 2 años dijeron que no lo iban a traducir por eso lo compre en japones. y lo sacaron igual así que nunca se sabe XD
+Takanashi Ibuki esta para pc?
mala suerte amigo XD
+Takanashi Ibuki oww maldita hora se me daño mi play
+Jhonatan Osspina es exculiso de PS yo lo tengo para la ps3 pero en japones el que slaio hace 2 años jaja no aguanta esperar la traduccion XD
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