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Awkward wedding toasts Videos

Grandparents Give Awkward Wedding Toast

I like when they start arguing...lol.

Inappropriate Wedding Speech

User Comments

I wanted to hear the poem.
OMG I would've killed him

Awkward wedding toast

Dude is plastered and grabs the mic to give a wedding toast. No one asked him to give one and it's pretty obvious why. So watch this dude make an ass out of ...

Angie & Shannon's Wedding Toast!

Epic Wedding Toast Fail

Justin Johnson shows us how NOT to make a best man speech.

User Comments

Justin worked for me for 2 years+, and self described, "I don't know what I did." This is pure, 100% Justin Johnson. You have to see a video of him horsing around on the deck at our old offices on Goose Island. Just search NJOY NOW to see a couple of them.
No fail here! I think he did a great job... he was a bit loaded, but he was sincere and was easy to laugh with/at.
i think that was an awesome speech... were's the fail?
i LOVE how he gives out the password for the bar....
What the heck is the deal with the Bar password?
I want that minute and a half of my life back
2:36 the Reese family is fuckin- oh shit LOL
Dont really see much fail here, moving on.
more like wedding toast sucess
i actually thought that was good
He gave a good That Guy speech

Tom's Wedding Toast

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