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Wedding toast haiku Videos

Tom Wilson - "Haiku Songs" (Stand-up Comedy)

Haiku Songs - Easier to write. Right to the point.

User Comments

I love comedy skits done with guitars...and popular songs. Usually better than the originals. but got to give credit to the originals, or we wouldn`t have them to listen Love. even better when a artist uses their own lyrics like this guy. i actually do comedy skits too with guitar on my channel :) keep it up! giving me ideas.
You know the one that made me cry with laughter? " It's strange that a dog will eat a dead bird, but will never eat a grape. ♪ " and "Life rushes on, fast and faster, but the fact is you can't rush toast. ♪ " You're a brilliant man Tom :) ♥
wow! holy shinobi! subscribe me do! Really funny dude. An hour ago you were that guy in that trilogy I'm not mentioning. Now your a really funny guy that I'll spread the word about and show my friends. awesome. Great tone in your voice too.
I never knew grapes could harm dogs until now. Years ago I dropped one and my dog was gonna eat it, but he just spit it out, didn't even bother chewing. Luckily. I laughed at the part because I thought that's what he meant. Weird.
@Holdenon3 : Yeah...but you should have a season word, a splitting word and a picture to go with it....and it should be written in Japanese. So, Relax buddy, Just enjoy the guys wee songs. No sense of humour?
Thanks Tom you're brilliant. Anyone could write the last one for me? please. I don't speak english perfectly and don't unsderstand that one. Thank you very much. Cheers from Spain.
@Holdenon3.............LOOK AT ME!!! I've never touched a female!.....wait, I mean...."My days are lonley. Tears I do shed all the time. At least I have lube.".......lol
OK, I got that last one. "Fred Flintstone ordered ribs every week He had to know they tip his car" Well, I suppose that's like 2nd or 3rd marriage. Simply a mystery..
@Holdenon3 You do not correct Tom Wilson, butthead. Haiku doesn't have to be rhymed. In fact, multiple websites say that it is, in fact, an unrhymed verse style.
:O 18 syllables! "wind-whips-west-a-cross-the-flow-ers-in-the-des-sert-where'd-i-put-my-lip-balm?" Shaaammmee Tom :P ♥
My favorite haiku: Windows Zen error message: Yesterday it worked. Today it is not working. Windows is like that.
Haikus are easy But they don't always make sense refridgerator don't know who wrote that one but its my fave :)
"Life rushes on, faster and faster, but the fact is you can't rush toast." Dude!! I want that on a T-shirt! XD
Not only is it funny, but the thing he plays at the start is really good in itself! I want to learn it...
"Its strange that a dog will eat a dead bird but will never eat a grape" seventeen syllables of wonder!
This is MUCH better than much of the sour owl - poop that passes for " comedy " lately. GREAT !!!!
This was perfectly random. Spectacular job. I could also watch this sort of thing all damn day.
creeping up to 100,000 votes..... deserves ten times that. :) hats off from the whippet beans.
A haiku about stereotypes: I'm an englishman Would you like a spot of tea? Pip pip, tally-ho!

Haiku mill part 1

This is Haiku mill in maui, it's a vary beautiful place, and this is where one of my relatives got married in, this was shot by me and the day before the wedding.

Grisel & Justin Dennis Wedding Video....I Am Yours and You Are Mine

Our Magical and Enchanting Wedding Day in Haiku, Maui February 14, 2014.

"Thousand Years" Yalon Wedding

A toast to the newlyweds, Mr. & Mrs. Yalon who are on their journey of Thousand Years together. Congratulations on a Beautiful Wedding & Thank You to ...

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good (It feels good.)

User Comments

+The Hodgetwins bussin nuts

Man holding a pill between his teeth.

Cinematography equipment: Purchase this clip here: (//www.StockFootage.com/2957). Medium shot on white of a black man as he holds a pill between his ...

User Comments

Well I clicked this video to see a man hold a pill between his teeth This is my fault I wanted this
this was just what i needed, thanks hqmedia
I'm not judging
pills here
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