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Destination weddings license Videos

Casey Davis: 'Can't Put My Name On A Same-Sex Marriage License' | MSNBC

Three county clerks in Kentucky have refused to issue marriage licenses in defiance of the Supreme Court ruling earlier this year. Clerk Casey Davis joins ...

User Comments

can there be a more arrogant reason to not do your job and break the law than this ridiculous notion of "religious conscience". that's as pathetic in these situations as saying " I just didnt feel like it today". only religion can make people behave in a very un-Jesus-like manner and promote themselves above everyone else and afford themselves more rights and privilages. these people and an embarrassment and the laughing stock of the USA.
+pqxxedf you are wasting your time quoting Jesus or the bible to me. I don't hold them in any regard and they form no part of the laws I follow. you need to remember that what is your own personal belief is if no concern to the next person. speak in your own words and not with ancient quotes. you deny the full capacity of your mind if you don't. I'll not reply again if you just come back with more biblical text.
+Anthony Smith If it wasn't concerned about what Jesus has done here on Earth, it would not have said "people behave in a very un-Jesus-like manner". Jesus was aggressive when he saw flagrant disregard of the church.Mark 11:15...On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’”The cannibal left are invading church territory. Our civilization will suffer because of that, sooner or later.
+pqxxedf with all due respect I have no interest in what the alleged person named Jesus dud or didn't say. I live by the law of the land. Some I like some I don't but I'm bound by them. You are at liberty to believe the bible but you are also bound by the law of the land. Your beliefs stay as just that. They have no right in dictating civil rights. Most of the the world has progressed by separating religion from government and I would bet that you are a beneficiary of that.
+Anthony Smith Jesus says "a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife". Jesus says a man will be united to his wife (male-female) as Jesus says a man will leave his father and mother (again, male-female). Jesus quotes Genesis. Jesus could not be more clear that marriage is to be between one man and one woman. Jesus doesn't prohibit same-sex marriage, but Jesus doesn't prohibit your mother from marrying the milkman or your father from marrying the babysitter, either. Jesus clearly specifies one man and one woman. That rules out everything else. If Jesus wanted to include anything else, Jesus would be less specific and not clearly say one man and one woman. Marriage between one man and one woman is a common theme throughout the Bible, beginning 3500 years ago with Moses, with rare exception to do with producing children.
It's amazing how someone's irrational delusional belief in a mythical sky wizard can cause so much upset and sadness to so many. These religious hateful bigots should be driven out of your country before they destroy it. Religion, destroying America.
+Poseidon63You are delusional. We have enough nukes to destroy most if not all of the human life on this planet. And when our civilization falls, we are likely to use them. Civilizations come and go, but they've never had that capability. Just hope you don't have to live through it.
+pqxxedfNot likely, I live elsewhere.
+Poseidon63 You should be concerned. Because when we fall, we are likely to take you with us.
Now Hear This all professing Christians, if we don't learn to stand up for the TRUTH, of the LIVING Word of God regarding our convictions as taught us by the true Holy Spirit of God, we will NOT be able to stand and fight later, or resist being sucked up into this end-time BEAST system that will make war and overpower the saints of God. So be it. Stand NOW for the word of Truth no matter what it costs. DO NOT COMPROMISE the Truth. There is no middle ground. Look to Jesus, he's coming soon!
+Rose of Sharon Women voters have been attacking marriage for decades. The criminalization of men's natural authority in marriage did more damage than the same-sex marriage ruling. But obviously men have played a part since men gave women the right to vote. Again, Jesus isn't going to punish us for anything. The destruction will come as a natural result of doing things wrong. Marriage is for civilizing young people. Destroy marriage and eventually civilization is destroyed. Nothing mysterious about it.
+pqxxedf A marriage cannot self-destruct because it's not a thing.  A marriage is a commitment and when married individuals fail to remain faithful, THEY FAIL; not the marriage.  So in a sense, you're right, but God will be the judge of what is right and wrong, and all will give an account to him, of the lives we lead.  No one can cast the first stone on judgment day.  We're all responsible for the destruction of America.
+Rose of Sharon It's not coming from the outside. The destruction of marriage that's been going on for decades will likely destroy our civilization. Don't mistake our own self-destruction for wrath from Jesus.
Kim Davis, lying for Jesus.
+tigerone1970 Jesus says "a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife". Jesus says a man will be united to his wife (male-female) as Jesus says a man will leave his father and mother (again, male-female). Jesus quotes Genesis. Jesus could not be more clear that marriage is to be between one man and one woman. Jesus doesn't prohibit same-sex marriage, but Jesus doesn't prohibit your mother from marrying your poodle or your father from marrying your baby sister, either. Jesus clearly specifies one man and one woman. That rules out everything else. If Jesus wanted to include anything else, Jesus would be less specific and not clearly say one man and one woman. Marriage between one man and one woman is a common theme throughout the Bible, beginning 3500 years ago with Moses, with rare exception to do with producing children.

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