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Animal House - All Is Well!

Hilarious Kevin Bacon scene from the end of 'National Lampoon's Animal House' [Note: I do not own this in any way. No copyright infringement intended.]

User Comments

@tristanmayfield The Republicans said no to the government takeover brought on by Progressive Socialist Democrats. The Democratic Party is the Party of NO. When Americans screamed about the government takeover of health care...Dems said NO. When the Dems passed their $862 billion (cost $75 million more than claimed-CBO numbers) without reading it and bailed out Unions, Wall Street ect...Americans said stop...Dems said NO. Americans are screaming "Stop spending" and the Dems said NO. Vote em out!
@tristanmayfield Notice everything that was passed, it had the opposite effect. Stimulus was to keep unemployment below 8% and create (not save) 3.5 million jobs. Unemployment hit 10.2% (currently 9.6%) and the BLS says 2.3 million jobs have been lost since it's passing. ObamaCare=cost more that was claimed & not everyone is covered. BP=Obama was their biggest cash recipient + Gave BP a safety award in 2009 + moratorium is a jobs killer. All their policies have been job killers. Try again
@tristanmayfield Health care reform=passed with lies, bribes and backroom deals. Education reform=government control of student loans cost 2,500 jobs at Sallie Mae. US/Russia START treaty=Russia got the better deal. Wall Street Reform=doesn't regulate the real culprits Freddie and Fannie. SCHIP=raised taxes on those that make below $250,000. 2 Justices to the Supreme Court=learn to count...only Sotomayor was confirmed. The largest tax cut=make believe...much like all of your numbers.
@tristanmayfield BTW, that "40 million" number is a lie which even Obama admitted in his state of the union. And this bill doesn't even ensure everyone, which was supposedly the point. This was nothing more that redistribution of wealth. Nothing but selfish socialism. The vast majority of Americans did not want this - even the majority of the uninsured. And over 60% of Americans want it repealed immediately - which hopefully we can do when Obama loses in 2012.
@tristanmayfield Replace "reform" with government takeover and then you got it right. Anyone can slap a happy name behind a terrible bill - and expect boneheads to believe it. Hey, if you think government expansion and control is the way to go, that's fine. Just don't be surprised when democrats lose the house and possibly the senate in November.
@tristanmayfield Right now, "No! and Stop!" are a good start. When someone is pointing the bus off the cliff, the first order of business is to stop the bus before it goes over the cliff. We can work out the destination after we stop the destruction of our freedoms and way of life.
@tristanmayfield Everyone got a tax break not just the uber rich. If I am not mistaken, tgthose near the bottom of the earing curve received percentage wise, a bigger cut than than anyone else. Which they will be paying as soon as the tax cuts expire.
@tristanmayfield Considering that the GOP was effectively shut out of everything and any presented ideas were politely laid aside, it looks like there were no ideas which isn't true. They were ideas that the dems didn't want to bother with.
In reference to the recent Pitt bomb threats: Kevin Bacon = Chancellor Nordenberg Screaming throngs of people = pissed-off Pitt students being forced to leave their dorms in the middle of the night
This is like watching the US MSM telling the country everything is ok, vote for a guy, a 4 year FAILED executive AGAIN instead of a proven 40 YEAR executive who's never lost a dime. Freaking morons
This could be a typical scene in America in a year or two if Congress and King Obama don't figure out that we're tired of spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax.
This is essentially what The Boston Red Sox were telling their fans tonite after getting crushed 18-3 at home.... Kevin Bacon=sox management People running=fans
Holy crap, it's Neal Huntington and John Russell combined into one! All the while Ebenezer Nutting keeps counting his money and Pirates fans get screwed.
I will always relish the fact that this great actor got his start in Hollywood getting spanked with a paddle and then trampled by a crowd at a parade.
Kevin Bacon is like (insert relevant pop culture reference) and the people are like (insert corresponding reference)! LAWLZ IM SO CLEVURRRR
@tristanmayfield Sheesh - you sure haven't been paying attention to what's really going on. GOP voted NO because they were BAD ideas.
reminds me of the talking heads on CNBC when the markets are about to crash in earnest... ooops --- don't look now but ------
@MSUBear42 Right there with ya! "NCAA President Mark Emmert shows his leadership during conference realignment" ...too funny!
So, it is true what imdb said in "goofs", that the people in the crowd are wearing definite 70s style clothing, not 1962
This was appropriate to post on my FB page for all my fellow New Yorkers that were freaking out about the "Earthquake".
The dried up, stretched out,Congresswoman from Marin County is going to have to get used to flying commercial again.
HGH bro, same with Jane Fonda and Bruce Springsteen. These assholes still look the same as they did 30 years ago.
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