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Xcode 4 Cookbook GIVEAWAY 18th - 25th August 2013

How To Enter? Step 1 - Go to //www.packtpub.com/xcode-4-cookbook/book Step 2 - Leave a comment on what interests you most about the book Step 3 ...

User Comments

I'm a 15 year old from the UK, I've been trying to learn programming reasonably consistently for the past couple of years. I haven't submitted anything yet but I'm working hard to do so. The book would be incredibly helpful for me thanks to all of it's content, what I specifically think would help me from the book with my current project is the work on storing documents on the cloud. I would also love to have a look at the CoreData and GameKit chapter as it is exactly what I want to get into. Ty
I would like this book because it's finally an updated book for Xcode. It is almost impossible to find a book or videos that show you how to code in xcode 4 (geekylemon's website being an exception). I started a company couple months ago making apps, but there is some complications we are running into. One of them being Facebook integration, iCloud, along with a couple other things that we are continuously working on to improve. So I think this book will help us a lot to make some amazing apps.
Hi well I just finish college as a Software engineer, got pretty much an avarage knowledge on objective-c to be more specific iOS, some friends who are graphic designers and I want to start our own app developing company here on Mexico, and I would really need to upgrade my skills to make this true, got some basic apps on my ipad but I need to take this to the next level Our goal is a plataform game by the end of the year or sooner, thanks for this opportunity I always learn more from you guys
Hi. I'll be honored to win the cookbook for 3 reasons. 1. Your videos are AWESOME! I'd love to have your knowledge written down and read them on my phone while I'm on the bus, waiting in line, or (literally) cooking. 2. As a geeky college student who's majoring in computer science, there's nothing more important than learning. I want efficiently learn from your book. 3. If I don't win, I'll be happy for the 5 winners. But in all honesty, I will get jealous a little bit and that ain't fun! lol
Hi,I'm from Indonesia (Southeast Asia), I recently seeing about Xcode, and still learning. Whether its still new to me, I'm very keen to learn and learn more. I've seen your video, and it makes me interest in it more and more, but I need more guide to conquer my eager to learn deeper. I have a dream to share my knowledge to Indonesian people so everyone can be more creative easily with their variatives, concerning the educational difficulties. Please give me a chance to prove it, thank you.
Every since I got my first iPhone in 2011 I love creating random apps. I saw earlier versions of this great book. In august of 2011 I was diagnosed with kidney failure FSGS and ended up in dialysis. I had to give up my job and quite going to school for iOS development after only one session because I got so sick. After almost a year my father donated one of his kidneys to me. After almost 2 years I am finally working again and trying to reteach something I love. Programming I own iPhone!
Having a cookbook with me wud b like having iOS library wth me. 4 beginner iOS developer like me & at place where internet is not always available at time we wan,it wud b more eg n comfortable 2 go through cookbook with me anytime dan 2search google. It is facilitated with simple chapter wise, latest,working sample code. A picture speaks more dan words, n so seems d screenshots which wud be more helpful 2 learn fast so m interested with this helpful book. [email protected] Prakash
It's always great finding a book that not only shows you new examples of things you can do and integrate into your code but also takes the time to walk you through it with step by step examples and screen caps. Too many times we learn about new features available only to stumble figuring out how to integrate it into code. Sometimes it's easy but other times its a chore that seems to take forever to try to figure out if you can. It's always great when a book comes along like this.
Hey, my name is Miras Safadi, i am 18 y/o and becoming a skilled Xcode programmer - iOS developer to be precise - has (and still) been my dream from when i was 16 y/o, i have signed up for an academic level mobile application development course, but unfortunately they don't teach you everything. So I would like to use this ebook to improve my programming skills and to make the application i'm working on more efficient, powerful with beautiful UI and great UX.
Hi there, I'd love to win this PDF for a few reasons: Chapter 3 on the storyboard and use would be very useful as it is something that I haven't managed to get into yet and as I add screens/forms to my applications I get a bit stuck. Another reason is I love the way the Packt books are put together, very easy to follow. Final reason - corny one - its my birthday weekend and I'm at the age I'm too old to get pressies (and this would more than make up for it ;)
I want this book because i am fan of apple and i love everything about apple especially the iOS platform. I have a big desire for developing to this platform, i also have an developer account but i didn't done much, i am beginner in developing and i need very much this book for gathering more knowledge and build some great apps. I found geekylemon site very useful with their examples and tutorials, thumbs up for their work, and thank you in advance. Greets!
I would love to win this ebook as I have been struggling for the past few months to implement Game Center and Social Networking Integration into my apps. Looking through the contents, I believe this book can give me the help that I need to implement these. Coming from a graphics background, coding is completely new to me and I have taught myself everything I know so far, with the help of Geeky Lemon. I would love to win this book, so please choose me :D
Hi i would like to win for this reason. on my crusade trying to master the ios development i stumbled upon the need to work with facebook SDK. i found it difficult at best. publishing a your picture with some text was a far as i got. even though that im new to development i dont think it has to be that hard. im sure reading the facebook SDK chapter will clear a lot of things. im not even manching all the other goodies in the book.
The book stand out from others because it has the ability to teach u how to code for a specific action with easy explanation . As a rookie, i find it hard to understand coding books. However not only does it have screenshots but also step by step instructions that u can follow which I expect to be very easily understandable. Overall, the book is like a coding database . [email protected]

Xcode 4 Cookbook WINNERS

how you get your free copy Step 1 - Go to //www.packtpub.com/xcode-4-cookbook/book Step 2 - Leave the book an awesome review Step 3 - Leave your ...

User Comments

How can I leave a awesome review about a book I did not read. I do want this book but I want the free copy first and read it a bit. And than leave a review, an real review.
I don't get this... No option to review book. I betcha you have to buy it to review it. Makes no sense to me.
To get a free copy contact [email protected] if they are willing to review the book on Amazon and your blog
Arron, there is no option for us to leave a review please try and so something to fix this!
There does not seem to be a place to leave a review on the site
how do write a review on the site, so confused

IOS Cookbook - Blank Project with XCode 6.x

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Block Websites! (Swift 2 in Xcode)

Block Websites! (Xcode) Like and share! Helps out a ton. :) Support on Patreon - //www.patreon.com/archetapp Subscribe!

User Comments

Can you create a "clicker game" tutorial?
+OddfarmTV Sure can! :)
hi jared how if you are making an app, do you already know all the code you have to use in your app or do you google around a lot when making an app?(i find it hard to keep track of all the code i learn) and what program do you use to make you graphic's ?
+Jared Davidson (Archetapp) me too! :)
Well, after a while, I can get the basis of the app done in my head. Once I get into what I want the app to accomplish, I Google around a lot. :)I use Pixelmator to draw my graphics, and animate my graphics with After Effects. :)
Jared, thanks for your lessons! Can you do some tutorials about signing up with CoreData, please?
Ok, I will wait for this one! :)
Thanks! I'll look into signing up with CorrData, it's on the list of tuts to accomplish. :)
Could you maybe do a tutorial building upon this using an ad blocker in web views please?
+Jared Davidson (Archetapp) that would be good i have a webview so would this be a drastic change to implement?
According to Apple, the Content Blocker Extension only works for Safari based browsers. You can implement a Safari based browser into your app, would you like me to show you how to do that? :)
but what about blocking just html blocks which contains special code? I mean that ad on the websites is shown in blocks, or inserted html pages, how should I block just them except full website?
just know that we're waiting this very much :)
I was looking into that while doing this tutorial. Supposedly what I did in this tutorial, or at least something similar, is supposed to block ads, but I haven't had any luck so far... Still looking into it though! :)

Exploring the Xcode development tools | lynda.com overview

This Xcode overview explores the development tools, including the Automatic Device Provisioning feature. Watch more at ...

iOS 4 Programming Cookbook Promo

User Comments

@patto2k I would recommend reading "Programming iOS 4" by Matt Neuburg and of course, iOS 4 Programming Cookbook :-)
what books do you recommend for a beginning ios developer

Universal Recipes Book for iPhone for iOS 3.x-6.x

You can buy it on CaodeCanyon //codecanyon.net/item/universal-recipes-book-for-iphone-for-ios-3x6x/3184439?sso?

Cocos2d for iPhone 1 Game Development Cookbook - Chapter 2 - User Input

This video will take you through Chapter 2: User Input. The book can be purchased on Amazon here: ...

User Comments

This video is very nice. Thanks for sharing this beautiful video. For more details regarding development may search in google about iphone game development book ; you make follow grathaw app profit expert as a reference.
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