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The bahamas climate Videos

Interview with Earlston McPhee, Bahamas Sustainable Tourism

Filmed on February 5, 2008 Eearlston McPhee, Director of Sustainable Tourism for the Bahamas discusses their destination in terms of their national adaptation ...

John Cash Realty - REVIEWS - Luxury Beach Properties at Abaco in the Bahamas

Reviewed John Cash Realty offers Luxury Beach, Canal, & Marina Properties at Abaco in the Bahamas. John Cash Realty is the experienced Abaco ...

Interview with Neko C. Grant, Bahamas Tourism

Filmed on February 4, 2008 The Honourable Neko C. Grant I, J.P., M.P., Minister of Tourism and Aviation for the Bahamas discusses the value of tourism and the ...

Jesus, . . and Earth Climate - " Earth under water " from National Geographic !

User Comments

@oliviamulgrew - . . and I love YOU fot the good feel -=- not so much on the music which is just a gift (when it falls out nice ) , but for your FEEL and expressed Love ! - = - ps I am not religious ether not in the common sense. - - It's that empathy and love double exponentially when you give it away. The only thing that 's doing that , . . .
It's the suffering , . . that counts Why in the USA in >30 states, butchers are forebidden participating in a Death Case Jury ? Because it hardens you Therefore WAR is easy then Without meat there would be no War - Be Sure ! Read my favorite books in the Profile.
Your own little Baby Daughter with Down Syndrome !! You would eat Her ??? Or give to the butcher for processing . . . ??? IS THAT WHAT YOU SAID , ?? . . . 2 times now.
You know - it(s not so very ridiculous because NOT very long ago , . . they said such things about Slaves People are changing - let's hope so .
01:14 What a good change there . . . I admire the Jesus Stand and the music plus the symbolic
I think English is not your mother tongue and this is not what you really wanted to say.
Learn me that Hâ But programming . . . i think you can
Y'r right This does not swing It's more a message . . .
Do you read french - I need a little bit of help
Very lively idea!! Goods sound!!
No Children . . .?
Sorry 01:03

Proof of Climate Change 100%

User Comments

global warming is a hoax except for the few guppies that have not figured out that it is a scam for the globalists to create yet another tax on you to make them richer. and you still have a few sleeping sheep swallowing it right up and will gladly hand over more money to these con artists... pathetic. in case you have not noticed we cannot trust government or mainstream news any longer, I suggest you get your info from a source that is not bought out by the globalists. try infowars
@breadbaker226 This is why they changed the name from global warming to climate change -the co2 build up in our oceans and air does not always mean higher temps.but change climate from the norm to extreme changes like the mild summer in ozzy,fact is a rise of 30%in co2 emissions will give us a tipping point in climate change and we had a 5% last year now do the math ,thats 6 years at this rate,imagine if the usa never cut there emissions down by 20% last year
@breadbaker226 well its not hard to research for yourself and to check the numbers yourself.why are so so high on debunking climate change like what is your motive?do you have intrest into mining or oil production or maybe tax fear -wait till you see future food prices as a result from climate change and ocean acidity levels.
@breadbaker226 like i said you have no ground to stand on volcanoes account foe less then 1% of all the carbon that mans activity and mars heats up from a orbital path then cools and venus is a fine example of a greenhouse
How about the extremely toxic shit they just burn off in secret bases, hmmm maybe they know something we don't....you think the government is worried about a hoax they made up for the sheople?
@breadbaker226 emissions from burning fossil fuel 29 billion tons yearly ,-BILLIONS total volcano emissions 65 -319 million tons yearly from min to max estimates -that's MILLIONS
@breadbaker226 thx man but the facts speak for them self i debunked all your crap so come back when u think u have something good
get my facts from a high education maybe you should go back to school and learn something b4 you go beaking off baldylocks :)
ya ok bud go sell your bs elsewhere,we have a name for pigs like you ,thank god blind ppl like you are the minority
@breadbaker226 row i sent you a link read that and see how bad it is -face it man we are screwed beyond repair now
@breadbaker226 row i sent you a link read that and see how bad it is -face it man we are fuked beyond repair now
some sheep will never break out of their programing , this ones a goner. go drink your fluoride
@breadbaker226 just the facts -hey maybe lord moncton will save you with more lies lol sheeple
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