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The bahamas currency Videos

All Bahamian Dollar Banknotes 1965 Currency Notes Issue

Edward Snowden: Osama Bin Laden is 'Alive And Well In The Bahamas'

Edward Snowden: Osama Bin Laden is 'Alive And Well In The Bahamas'. Source: ...

User Comments

Ed will be returning to US soon and be considered a HERO as he should be!!
I knew it - knew they would never kill him to many presidents know him - damn gov
right - only people that get buried at sea are sailors - long history of that. So much truth coming out I can't keep up with it all - way past time it did
+Ldstormkill1 I guess some bought the lie. When I heard they made him fish fodder I knew it was a lie.
yep he has been connected to america for a long long time and to much evidence to prove that - lol killed him and did a burial at sea - wow like we are really that stupid - so sad
Yup, Bush's good buddy

Smallcappower's Companies To Watch: Engagement Labs (TSXV: EL)

Speaking from the 2015 President's Club Investment Conference in the Bahamas, Engagement Labs Inc. (TSXV: EL) CEO Bryan Segal describes how this ...

Turks Banks Offshore

My Currency Collection

Some U.S. and Foreign currency I've collected. I especially like poker notes and hyperinflation notes.

User Comments

Another thing I should mention that helps, is to closely watch what you spend on food. I think it is easy to overspend on food because too many people think it is an essential expense, but there is nothing essential about having fast food, junk food, steak, or other "luxury" foods. The same goes for a lot of essential expenses such as transportation. You don't need to drive when there are busses, bikes, you can carpool, etc etc. These are essential expenses but the money spent is not essential.
You are a young guy in your early 20's, how did you manage to save up $10k worth of copper pennies? What kind of a job do you have? When I was in my 20's back in the 70's and always had $2K or $3K in the bank at all times, and that was a lot of money back then. My first brand new car only cost $2200 in 1972. I am impressed that you have managed to save up so much at such a young age.Keep it up and you will probably be rich when you are in your mid 50's like I am now. I enjoy your videos.
@FortNikitaBullion I used the same technique to build up my retirement savings. It works really well, it seems that most people I know don't have enough self control to do it over an extended period of time. They all wanted newer cars, Houses, and lavish vacations first, then there is little or no money left to save or invest. Of all of my friends, I always made the least amount of money, but I always had the most money in the bank. I guess it just a matter of your priorities.
Really? Then that's awesome! Where in Canada do you go? I'm from Vancouver and no offense to anybody but there are so many foreigners that don't know our money history. I have tried to spend old money like the $2 bills but they just hand them right back and tell me they only accept Canadian although it is...but yes I guess you could take them to the bank, but the people at my bank are just as dumb as the cashiers. But I'm glad you've had luck!
@LuckyGuu I don't know about minimalist. I ride bikes a lot. And of course I enjoy my PhD work. I don't "save money" on food per say, but I do try to get the most out of my money, in terms of healthy food. Case in point: I'll gladly pay $20/pound for wild-caught tuna (I can eat it raw), but I'll find 50 cents/pound bananas too expensive, because it's mostly empty calories. To me, cheap means worth the money, not being cheap.
@FortNikitaBullion Do you have TD bank where you are? If so, then ask to speak to the manager and explain you hobby and that you are willing to buy bays of coins. Then later after you go through them take them to another TD bank, which has a coin counting machine in their "lobby area" and run them through their machine for paper money. If this fails, then perhaps an armored car company will sell you a $50-$100 bag of coins
the poker notes? I go through dollar bills a LOT, because everytime I want to go to a coin dealer, I carry at least 20 of them as it helps with negotiations: it's kind of awkward to offer $12 on a $15 coin and then end up handing $15 or $20 anyway. As for Canadian money, I'll buy them if it's a lot below spot prices, as I travel there a lot. It never hurts to save a few cents while I'm at the coin shop / Canada anyway.
@LuckyGuu I have thought about that. Especially when I see people putting coins into CoinStar, I would love to buy them at full face value! The problem is that I'd have to count them and nobody is going to sit there and watch me count (the whole point of CoinStar), and nobody will trust me to bring the coins home and then mail them a check. Do you have any way to make this work? I'd definitely be very happy to learn!
@orangedac If you just want to hunt parks or beaches I would get something like a Garrett Ace 250 to start out with, but if you are going to search for gold nuggets they make detectors just for that. Check out Kellyco. They are an online metal detector store. If they aint got it you dont need it. They have a section in there for gold nugget detectors. Check their site out you can learn a ot just by looking.
I just have to tell you. That your camera is not working in the micro mode; when you put things up close, your camera is not able to detect the difference and all we, in You-Tube land only see a blur . Could you do the video again either omitting the seductive affect of showing any note up close, while your camera is not able to process it, as your video is headache making. . Cheers. from, del-boy
@FortNikitaBullion Thanks for getting back to me (6 months later, ha! ha!) Say, I have an idea my will love. If you live in a big city with street entertainers, you can offer to buy up their loose change and you can examine it later at home. You may get some rare coins that way. *These dudes will gladly get rid of pockets full of change, right?! Also you could get some foreign coins that way.
@jmwnycprr its a total nusiance to have coins instead of notes. they are heavy and they end up getting lost. i much rather have notes so its easy to put in the wallet. i'm looking to get a metal detecter. any advice for a beginner? i hope to find gold nuggets... i don't know how realistic that is but is there a special detector i have to use or will any metal detector work?
@Bigoldjeff1956 It's very easy. I pay myself like it's a bill --- it's not an option to invest some money every month. I pretend that $500 of my monthly pay is committed to this "bill". But it's also easy for me because I enjoy collecting coins and watching my pile grow. Not many people can say they enjoy accumulating money in the bank or stocks in their portfolio.
Thanks for your answers about being cheap and what that means to you and the foods you like! I'd be interested to see a video tour of your neighborhood with comments and or Rochester in general, if you ever have free time for that. Or take us food shopping or currency buying. Is Rochester downtown a nice place for walking or bicycling? Thanks in advance.

Cayman Islands Monetary Authority Currency

We remind you about the unique qualities of the last set of Caymanian banknotes that were issued some two years ago. Learn about the distinguishing features ...

Rathad an Referendum - The Isle of Man, currency and independence.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Financial Freedom (2014/15) - FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX

Visit the FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX for 195 countries by "Financial Freedom" and more than a dozen other financial country rankings, e.g., by taxation, ...

User Comments

Joe Molinaro1 second ago (edited) +FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX Yes, I heard some people said that there is lots of Brits there in Dubai, but keep in mind, that taxes in the UK. are completelly out of order and lots of Artists, rocks groups and other musicians and celebrities, are leaving the UK, because of this, but I can tell you, personnaly that I won't be a bit confortable , living in the Middle East and I guess, sooner than later , a major belic confrontation will arise in the Middle East and BUMMMM...and all those Britons will explode in an stampede fashion , living the area and I can guess, that the West, (we), are causing this scenario, in purpose to provoke the Islamics, who may attack those Westerns living there in Dubai...sounds crazy, right???...well don't get surprise if I am mighty right in the very near future....and remember, when you see something like 0% tax, that sounds too good to be true, behind all of that is a ..."cat locked in the closet"...and that one is very dangerous...remember that right now, the global plan by this earth bosses, aka, the Bankers and industrialists, is population reduction at all cost.......sorry to tell you this and I don't want to sound arrogant, but I possess an ability to see deep into the dark and I can read entire global governments minds so clearly, that when I suspect things like this....ZASSS...I got it...
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