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Wedding flowers san francisco Videos

First Gay Grooms of San Francisco

Hank Donat and Jeff Halpern, the First Gay Grooms of San Francisco: We were greeted by a City official at the Grove Street entrance to City Hall at around 7:20 ...

User Comments

Amazing record of a milestone in the civil rights movement. Glorious, Hank. Mazel tov. Overturn Prop. 8 now!
Hey Hank! Love your wedding Video! Great music with it as well! Love James Dunn


San Francisco Flower Market.qt

In 1977 some students from San Francisco City College created a documentary on our San Francisco Flower Mart. This is an edited version of that film. Take a ...

User Comments

What a great surprise to see our film on YouTube. Greg Bezat and I had a great and meaningful time making this film and meeting all the wonderful men and women of the flower market. The grower's associations made this film possible by contributing funding to our labor of love - not to mention allowing us to film them at the market and at their nurseries and farms. Unfortunately, 2 significant sequences have somehow been deleted, by whom I do not know. One is the history section that talks about the years during WWII. Second, interviews and footage of grower activities at the nurseries and on the farms is missing. Last note - while I spent a semester at City College - Greg Bezat and I were students at SF State at the time this film was made. David Darby / NYC. PS - the following year I married one of the production assistants!
This is great!!

Golden Gate Park-Conservatory of Flowers, San Francisco

Video 450 (re-post-3rd journey) of the David Rush Travel Show. Go to www.davidrush.net.
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