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Benjamin Fulford: Dec 14, 2015: Canadian government contemplates sending troops to Washington to...

Canadian government contemplates sending troops to Washington DC to arrest Fed gangsters By: Ben Fulford //benjaminfulford.net.

User Comments

every week its a new fantasy I wish would come true. ever watch 'the blacklist' on NBC? they're fighting against the cabal in that show. hydra in iron man 3. specter in the new bond movie. people are waking up, even rich movie makers hate these war mongers and are edging out the Hollywood traitors to humanity like arnon milchan (terrorist)
of course, maybe its all true. the world is changing quickly
The Cabal still have control over their mind control slaves, to keep them enslaved. The slaves are ready to fight to keep their masters in charged with all that money. maybe it's not a good idea for the Canadians coming. They're slaves too. The whole world are, as long we go on ignorant of natural law.
+Luciano Dematos RBE!!!
Why just Canada????? send in the clowns, I am sure they will do a better job.
+mark mcgibbon More like annoy it to death!!
Great Idea! I am Canadian and you can cram about 25 Canadian circus clowns into a very small car. Transportation would be cheap! A caravan of clowns armed with confetti guns and party horns will reshape the world!
bringing in Canada is a unspoken message that we want to have England to take control over us. Canada is controlled by united kingdom. we have been prisoners to England and the Jesuits since the aggrement Lincoln signed turning over united states of America in 1871 because of war debt to England/ jesuit bankers. this is how I understand it but I may be wrong. all I know is things are sure a mess here in the good old u.s.a. and we need a total house cleaning of all of these anti American scum bags. let,s get it started now... j.t.
+Justin Turner i agree canada is still a british colony if canada wanted to make a difference in the world do right by the lands first people
+Dennis Hoppe Must have been his twin brother, huh...
+Justin Turner. How could Lincoln sign a document to turn the United States over to England in 1871 when he was assassinated 6 years earlier.
+phlipdsidewayz _ well you're right they are out of Parliament but they're still in the KGB but they're being eradicated very good, man I really believe Putin has found a humanitarian passion.
+phlipdsidewayz _ well you're right they are out of Parliament but they're still in the KGB but they're being eradicated very good, man I really believe Putin has found a humanitarian passion.
+indoor ice lacrosse I am interested to what you find. Please update me on that. Peace in this world !!!
+phlipdsidewayz _ I am looking into this now brother, thank you.. I was told they did not leave..
+indoor ice lacrosse Putin extracted the kasar's from russia years ago, check your history. Kasars are typically the central bankers and Putin dealt with them by changing russian law so they could not get into politics there.
you are right but you're not reading between the lines.. Kazarian mob oligarchs,are in Washington DC.the Kazarian mob is in every country Canada England literally everywhere even Russia they're just not predominant.. when you roll in to where their oligarchs are and arrest them.. the mob will disperse immediately around the world.. please look up the District of Columbia that's where Washington DC is it's surrounded by the United States not part of the United States of America it's part of Puerto Rico and that's in the libraries across this nation...

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at the AIPAC 2015 in Washington | FULL Speech

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at the AIPAC 2015 in Washington | FULL Speech Netanyahu to AIPAC: Reports of demise in ties with US are ...

User Comments

I like Israel and it's people and leadership. I do not like the war aspect of any nation.
+Jess Martinez I do not like the Mexican drug cartels and their murderous warlike actions as they try to take over the U.S.
Best speech I've heard in the White House for a very very long time. What a shame that our prez wouldn't even show up. Shameful. .. I stand with Israel! God made a covenant with Israel and He won't break it....God bless America and Israel! One Nation under GOD! 
Maybe the president of the US prefers not to be dragged into a war? Maybe the president takes his oath seriously and does what is best for the US and not for Israel?
It might be time to move to Montana ! 
+Matthew Stull How about moving to Siberia. It suits you.
Why is this cock sucker speaking to congress? What are we the United States of Israel now?
Wtf is your problem you racist, nazi son of a bitch
only the house speaker or president can address the congress or a guest together with the president.. this is treason
You are a very rude person....with a filthy mouth....you should talk!

2014 Breaking News Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu rejected John Kerry's warning against boycott

2014 Breaking News Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected John Kerry's warning against a growing boycott movement against the ...

User Comments

so what the problem if he visit gaza i don't understand …. last year he visit new york you guys stupid or what
If he does Israel should do the world a favor and take him out



User Comments

one of the most beautiful thing that I saw in a while brought tears to my eyes when he's connected lmfao
lol shalawam ahch keep pushing salvation is closer than we believe 
+Chaakam Mayam lmao
+Chaazaq Yahawadah KAAAAAAN I almost broke my hands clappin so hard

Damascus Prophecy! Damascus, Syria Airport Attacked by Israeli planes Twice!

BREAKING! Isaiah 17 Prophecy! On Wednesday night, Israel reportedly launched another strike against targets at or near the airport in the Syrian capital, ...

User Comments

lol so Israel attacks Syria as Syria is fighting against the Islamic State and you Protestant cucks cheer. Okay. Screw Israel. Catholics and Protestants are corrupt again I see. And again the only ones with their heads on straight are Orthodox Christians. Screw Israel. And all you heretics. I see we need to Crusade the Jews and Muslims again if you cucks stick around you can get it too. LMAO
Anita you should watch Brother Nathanael on JEWTUBE sometime. I love it when you make a new video he usually follows up and indirectly refutes everything you say. Just some advice.
real black people live in Africa, and read the quran.
Real blacks are the hebrews.
She has beautiful cock sucking lip. I love it when she pouts. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
+Alan Hall     It has something to do with the vibrations when she makes the Mmmmmmmmmmmm's sound and it's in all the way down her throat while two black dudes are doing some DP on her.
state of isreal is a terrorist
+samin amiri ppfff what about ISIS ???? and pagan terror groups loving AllaH...ppfff...Israel be forever..crown of Heaven!!!
Why doesnt Anita discuss Simon Elliot, Adam Pearlman or the IDF TURD just arrested in Iraq ALL pretending to be ISIS or leading ISIS? Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Why doesnt she discuss IsraHELL's DIRECT involvement in 911?? The creation of IsraHELL by the ROTHSCHILDS in 1948? TO GET RIGHT WITH GOD we do NOT ally with SATANISTS PRETENDING TO BE JEWS! Rev. 2 vs. 9 who created and INFEST modern day ISRAHELL!
+davie wonkie Because it is NOT all of Israel that is guilty of evil. You've just been brainwashed to think so, because the MEDIA, NEVER reports on the atrocities that the Palestinians have done for eons against the Jewish people. Nor does the media report on the OTHER muslim communities that create troubles for Israel. You've been lied too for years, because the EVIL ones have ALWAYS wanted the destruction of Israel, and those Evil Jewish people who cause all of the troubles ARE NOT really Jewish. They are from the seed of Satan, and their whole intent is to destroy. NOW WAKE UP!
People are so blinded God is returning soon. Anita keep spreading the knowledge the elect are receiving your messages
+Skully GetMoney And just one more thing. i aspire to be an astronaut, so by the time Christ or any holy god comes on the earth, i might be setting up my own place on another planet. so please tell him that he is late and the pizza delivery gut down the street is faster than him.
+Skully GetMoney Please give the lord my regard. and ask him where the fuck he was when thousands of innocents were being killed in IRAQ and SYRIA. Shame on you. You could help the society you live in practically not by asking them to wait for christ and when he arrives just ask for forgiveness. But i do hope he comes in a Rolls Royce. Standards you know.
This isn't even true ... ???? Why in the world is this being presented?
+KUSHAGRA BISHT I think you meant to write " cool story bro! Haha
True story Bro :p
+KUSHAGRA BISHT //www.algemeiner.com/2015/11/11/breaking-israeli-jets-strike-damascus-targets-syrian-media-says/
+KUSHAGRA BISHT I will let me get the article from a news source that's legit bro
+Jonathan Moya Prove it to me . This is some stupid blog not even reuters.
It is true dorkus molorkus

Obama threatens to withdraw US support for Israel in UN

The US is 'evaluating' its policy towards Israel in the wake of Benjamin Netanyahu's re-election and campaign statements. Washington is now hinting that it may ...

User Comments

Obama is on the right side of history for once...
Obama want to end like JFK?
Dont worry, Obama will get some cosy, good payed occupation from his masters in financial sector.
+ksztyrix Better than to end up as a weak leader that lives with regret.
fuck israel
fuck you and your israel you fucking cunt 
Fuck Muhammed
The US government pushes for an Iranian peace deal so much so it even "ignores" the protests of Israel. This fools the masses at home and abroad into thinking (again) that the United States are on the side of the angels. It sends the false message that the US wants peace with Iran and doesn't give a shit what Israel thinks. Then some event of some kind will happen, where Israel will be "forced" into a confrontation with Iran. Then and only then will the US enter a direct confrontation with Iran or at the very least fund/arm one. The imaginary rift between Israel and the US is supposed to make the US appear like the good guys so when the fighting does start, history will say the US did everything it could to prevent war and ultimately had a war with Iran because it had too, to defend Israel and to prevent nuclear war. It all just feeds into the narrative.
Keep pretending to negotiate a peace deal. Keep pretending to not give a shit about Israel's far right stance. The US will look like angels and the Israeli's will go "I TOLD YOU SO" thus justifying any future war mongering and violence Israel wishes to persist with in the future, during and beyond the Iran war. (that will happen)
Obama, even though shit, is a million times better than George Bush.
+Tmpqtyu Tmpqty Gross.
+Eric BlairI'm going to buy tons of Israeli products today, I love Israel with all my heart. I'll buy extra on your name. 
Also are you a US citizen?  Because I am.  I absolutely hate the Bush crime family.  And I know what they did.  But pretending Ziobama is any different is completely ridiculous.  Destroying the US.
+DarkShadow64 No not at all.  I know what Bush did.  Bush was 9/11.  But Obama is just as bad because he pretends to be against while still starting all the wars, and bombing all the countries.  Just because he has not started more large ground wars because they are not needed.  The secular states are overthrown, Isis created.  Wrecking the ME and really the world.  The bankers have stolen far more during Obama regime than Bush.  Banker wrecking all their own western countries.  They are the same Axis of evil of the US.
+xxpussyslayer_69 well technically Obama has bombed Libya, but you are right, he isn't as much of a war-mongering psycho like George Bush was.
+DarkShadow64 Well Obama hasn't done anything. Buy you're right, Bush is a dumbass and Obama is 10000000000000x better. Bush would of invaded Syria the second he heard of the chemical weapons for his dumbass "axis of evil" 
+Eric Blair they are all shit, but do you really think Obama is worse than Bush?
Tell that to Libya and Syria

VOA news for Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

Thanks to //gandalf.ddo.jp/ for audio and text Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Dave DeForrest reporting.
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