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Breaking benjamin mental illness Videos

Inside Out-a poem about mental illness

I was just finishing this short film when Robin Williams very sadly passed away. I wrote the poem and created this film to show that we often never truly know ...

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Hello my name is jungmin from Korea, i was diagnosed with schizophrenia and well still iam scared to take more of this pill because it changes the way iam quite much, for example i become more like obcessed with my so called "dream"..... and i would be very happy if i can share a opinion on this through email or skype, Have a nice day
I’ve turned to stronger vices,In the desperation for some relief.But what provides momentary escape,Serves only to prolong the grief. this means the pill i think, though i think we still need doctor's opinion on how to change the intake....
"What if it has gone ... never to return again. Creating a new beginning" ... is really our only option to cope. We may never return to our former selves again. We me try very hard everyday but see little change in this disease. I've tried very hard to be strong, but everyday is a struggle. I want to believe we can all overcome this with sheer willpower. I really do. But I have my doubts and fears too. Your not alone Jonny Benjamin. Thank you for the wonderful video. I watched it several times, and almost burst into tears. And now I finally shed one, and along comes another. I am going to try the "last-resort medication" soon too. I hope it can at least improve my quality of life more than it is right now. I wish everyone here who faces the same difficulties everyday all the best. Staying positive is very difficult, when we face so much negativity everyday. But just because it's painful does not mean we should give up on life. I have had a lot of bad things happen to me this year, and it has been very tough for me to bear. For once in my life I have finally begun to think about suicide. But regardless of these negative thoughts and this terrible situation I know life is far too precious to ever give up on. Things may be dreadful now, but there was once a time when it was better. I will go on believing in my dream that one day we will all find the peace we have been searching for. Best of luck too all of those who suffer from mental illness everyday. I wish and hope for the best for all of us.
+Saiyan Kakrot Please don't give up. Try the 'last-resort medication', it may work for you. Try anything and everything you can to conquer this. I believe you will find the peace you have been looking for. I think i will too, eventually. We must hold onto hope, always. Good luck :)

My journey with schizoaffective disorder

A short film i made in 2011 detailing my journey to being diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and my recovery from the episode. This is an edited version of ...

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Yeah me too, I assumed everybody had it. BUT......Doc asked me once if I did what the voices said and I cracked up in laughter over it and asked him if he thought I was crazy? Of course I don't do what they said. I'm past that now. I think I've become a normal. Really. Good luck son. I'm plenty old.
+croatoan64  Older then 64.
googal S.M.A.R.T. riitual abuse and mind control it colud be you or i could be them?
too right mate thinking about that stuff make's shit ten times worse , ive stopped watching those documentaries all together , chin up man.
+Ben Campbell ya ben i realize that i should do as you guys do express not stress
+Nate Mills posting message like this isnt helping anyone, ( yourself also if you suffer with this metal illness)
This is actually so crazy yet so soothing to hear someone talk about there symptoms and be able to relate, i too thought God was speaking to me and that if i dint pray at night he would kill me in my sleep (am not at all religious) and i also used to sit by myself in a local park and just try and processes what is going on often i was drinking as well, I am also from Manchester in fact i live about 10 minutes from the Kansans on kings-way that you are stood in front of at 10:20, i was well for a long time then when i thought i was on track and then one night it just changed, its was daily panic attacks and delusions and nightly deep depression and drinking and i was just getting worse till it reached its pinnacle and i took my car out and purposely drove into a wall to try to kill myself i then got out and smashed all my windows, i was taken to hospital, i was given Librium for my alcohol withdrawals and 600mg of Quetiapine for the other stuff but its not really helping with my anxiety, My dream has always been to become a fire fighter, like since a little kid that's my life goal and it really depresses me to now that may very well never be a possibility because of my broken mind, am 22 and i have already had my dream stood on, i dont know really what i want from life, if anything at all, but thank you for you honesty it made my day better :)
+John Earl i really really hope you see this.
Hey, really good video. I've been through most of these stages, I thought the stars were really holes in the studio roof and the light from the other world was getting through, idk, lol xX
It does kinda feel like your in the matrix at first.
+Jerrod Walker I still wonder to this day :)
+Delusional Fairy lol are you sure its not?
I have not experienced this but the greatest trick Satan will ever do, is convince man that he doesn't exist. Please people, this is Lucifer the Arch Angel. The law is, he cannot touch but only whisper. I am preying now for everyone. Jesus can cast them out, no one else can.
+Marcus O'Ruiari When I was a christian, it was so easy to feel guilty over thoughts. The truth is, religion makes you as crazy as anyone in a mental hospital.
seriously i thank you so much for this video truely. i am suffering by same illness everyday and i feel like killing myself.
+babo babo check out my page, made videos for schizophrenia, ONLY if you're open minded to alternative methods.
i thank you so much for sharing your story truely. now i know i am not the only one who suffers by schizophrenia. doctors here dont do much except giving medicine. seriously i think of death everyday because life with this symtom so painful.
+babo babo check out my page, made videos for schizophrenia, ONLY if you're open minded to alternative methods.

The stigma of mental illness | Alyse Schacter | TEDxUNC

In her TEDxUNC 2015 talk, Alyse Schacter, discusses her experience battling mental illness and exploring the different elements that she needed to pull ...

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She talks so fast, she sounds like a tape recorder on fast forward. I don't mean to be insulting, I just can't keep up with her!
I really tried to listen, but ... wow!

I Can Do Everything...

Thank-you for your support. We must erase the stigma.

An update a year on from the film i made about my mental illness. Thanks for watching and subscribing and sharing and being so supportive. It means so much.

User Comments

Its not false hope I too am a recovered schizophrenic, why would anyone lie about this? whats harmful is the side effects of all those drugs, vomiting ,shaking, being so tired you can't move, and having headaches so bad you can't sit up out of bed. and by the way they usually don't do anything,no matter how well they are marketed. People don't need hope they need a way , a support system, activity, . mindfulness is good to it changes the structure of the brain, to reduce default network activity
I have watched a few of your videos and you are wonderful. It is sad that some have given you a hard time, but some people are like that. It says more about them than what they really think of you. From the responses that people leave you have made a difference. In your just human video you talk about the guy that stopped on the bridge and gave you hope that you could recover, just like him you are giving hope. You are beautiful. That beauty shines a light on others lives. You deserve the award.
Nov. 24th, 20011. That is about the time i may have saved a copy of "a recovery" to one of my computers. Its about 3:45 AM now, Aug. 21, 2013 and about 30 mins or so ago, I finally watched your video. Ive had it all this time and i finally sat down and watched this... I have so much I want to talk to you about but simply I want to thank you for being open, for being honest For being unafraid to speak about something that is regarded by so many as a stigma.. So much to tell, but simply - thank U
Dear John I truly know how difficult at times that it can feel when others discriminate against you and say hateful things because you don't have the "stereotypical look" of some one who for example has Disorganized Schizophrenia - where it in that case it would be generally very easy to tell that they are ill. In those moments the temptation is great to make us feel invalidated and as if we are not who we say we are. But the reality is that we are and I am so proud of you! Much Love, Miguel!
I keep havin obsessive kind of negative thoughts. I feel like people are watchin me too even wen im in my room with the door close. So wen I think of the worst noise get louder and everything around me seem more intense and overwheling. And when im irritate I feel guilty and when I feel guilty I get scared that someone is goin to make a loud and they do make a loud noise its scary and weird. I dont know what to think is it reality, law of attraction, noise anxiety, paranoia, or schizophrenia
May you help me please or anybody. Okay lately I be paranoid like crazy and dont know what to think. I been very sensitive and irritated by noises also. I live close by a main street and live with noisy people. Well I been feeling like I been controlling them with my thoughts like I can think of nothing half times when i try to think or have some kind of imagination noise get louder. So its like im afraid to think about anything. So I stay focusin whats goin on around me instead of myself.
Congratulations! Well done! The making of your film took tremendous courage. I found it to be one of the most in depth, honest and heartfelt depictions of the challenges facing a person with schizophrenia.I felt as though I was there, with you, as I watched. Those who tried to deny your experience, had no right to do so. They did it, once again, out of fear and ignorance. Their words should be considered to be shadows which, flee in the face of the light of what is real and truthful.
The stigma and judgement is so far beyond, I am so sorry you had to go through ignorant individuals 'assuming' and leaving such comments, it is totally uncalled for. I completely hear you, about the negative comments and other's perceptions. You are not alone, hang in there, I truly appreciate your genuine experience and being able to share your story. I am glad you are alive and here. I am just editing a video I did about judgement, embracing the self, etc. Will put up tomorrow:)
Have you spoken to anyone about any of this? Maybe it is worth talking to a close friend or relative. Someone you can really trust? If you can't do this that's understandable too. Write everything you're experiencing down. Keep a diary ever day if you can. And think about seeing your doctor. That might sound scary but it will be good to talk face to face with someone who can help. They should help put your mind at ease. Don't let yourself suffer. I think you would benefit from..
I am sure for something like that there is a lot of competition, it is great that you could be recognized by being up for it. Your story is very inspiring, please keep posting what you feel comfortable sharing. A few years ago I developed a pain disorder (neurological) and PTSD. I am still learning to deal with it. You are not just a help to people with your own disorder, but others like myself who are dealing with disorders that are misunderstood or not believed. Thank you.
I am so happy that your video has been recognised. It is simply amazing. Also, ignore the negative things people have said. Some people go around trying to be hurtful (for no reason other than to project bad feelings on to others) and I'm sure most of what they said wasn't true... Just intended to hurt. Just to reassure you, you come across as SO honest and sincere. Without wanting to sound creepy, I wish I had you as a friend. Stay strong... You're an incredible person. x
You are inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story. Your username alone 'EnjoyLife4ever' just shows your strength and spirit. You've clearly been through so much and yet you kept fighting and made it through the darkest times. I'm so glad things are getting better. You deserve only peace and happiness now in your life. I hope you receive it. Never forget that strength that has pushed you to where you are now. You can conquer any mountain my friend.

Neil Laybourn and Jonny Benjamin discuss mental health

Our ambassadors Neil Laybourn and Jonny Benjamin discuss mental health and suicide and their bid to raise awareness.
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