Is it more expensive to implement renewable energy or do nothing? This video, created by the Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University ...
Good job. The grid-parity and demand-that'll-draw-the-jobs issue is an
important one, and I like the presentation. One thing I would like to have
seen is something on the 'true' cost of the fuel sources w/o the subsidies
in respect to the PV-generated electrical costs (including line loss,
federal/state/local incentives, taxes/fees paid on current and future
sources, etc.) But, good nonetheless. Mike Troutner, SunWize, St. Pete FL
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Lets move forward the future is in renewable energy. Solar, Thermal, Wind,
The Cost of Poor Health Status: Community Health Summit 2013
Dr. Rick Harper of the University of West Florida explains how the health of a community impacts their economy. These facts include: - Health care costs for ...
0016 Transcultural Memory in Europe
TEP Bite of Science: Dr. John T. Reilly, Florida Gulf Coast University