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Apartment walk through Videos

3D Apartment Walkthrough

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how much it will cost to do this video for a 6 rooms apartment?
No Cheap Meir. The 6 room apartments and all the contents would gave to be in CAD before you can summon the command 'Walk-through'

Silent Hill 2 - Walkthrough Part 2 - Wood Side Apartment (Hard)

No Commentary Walkthrough / Playthrough in 1080p HD. PC Gameplay Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut Main Scenario: Letter From Silent Heaven Action: Hard ...

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Um actually, what was Silent Hill story about
+Sora Loke Good question. I would advise you visit the Wiki for the Silemt Hill games, because I don't have enough of an experience with any of the them, to properly explain the story.
This part on my game I can't see anything even when I turn the light on. Every thing is black not dark. I think it carshed
+Nam Tuấn Trần No, it wasn't... It's a problem about your graphic card. Open the device.fix in the game files with Notepad. After opening it, Ctrl+f until and type in "Intel" in the box message. Click "Find next", you'll see below the "Intel" is the "VENDOR Intel 8086", type in "HACK DX_CONFIG_USE_VERTEX_SHADERS 0" below "VENDOR Intel 8086". After doing that, save it, close the program and start to play. Trust me, this always works ;)
Are SH 2 and SH 4 connected somehow? Never played 2 but played 4 and noticed Henry's name on the wall and the apartments look familiar.
+JayBoogie950 There's quite a few references to SH2 in SH4, leading to some highly improbable coincidences when you notice them all (like there just happen to be at least two people connected to James, a previous Silent Hill protagonist, living in the apartment building with another Silent Hill protagonist?). It's all just fan-service on SH4's part and they're not really connected beyond that, except of course that they took inspiration from the newspaper articles about Walter in SH2 and decided to make him the villain of SH4 (thereby retconning his symbolic purpose in SH2, incidentally). SH2 can't really be referencing 4 for obvious reasons, and I doubt they had planned 4's story when making this game (not to mention that the team that made 4 was almost entirely made up of different people). The Henry on the wall just stands in for hours, as Mildred does for minutes and Scott for seconds; it's most likely a coincidence since they probably just chose from common names that start with H for the sake of the puzzle.
+JayBoogie950 There is a sad story in SH2 about the Twins and Walter, who both are in SH4. Twins Always suffer a horrible fate, first SH, then the Twins in Age of Ultron. :/
what the pyramid do with those mannequin leg ? 
Eesh...I sure hope that's not it. Shudder
+The AngelAJPwny agree huh is a demon make a baby maybe ?
+KawaiiSnake 666 That was disturbing. On so many levels...
Making pyramid babies?

The Sims 2 - Apartment Life Producer's Walkthrough

The walkthrough for The Sims 2 Apartment Life by Lead Designer Lakshmi Jayapalan.

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GOD DAMN i missed the change to get this free
+Paistin Lasta same here! :( EA=jerks
Me to :(

Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough Part 3 The Apartment

Welcome to my Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough. If you enjoy my videos you can subscribe. James finally finds a flashlight in the apartment. James also finds a key but is ...

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Hey guys/gals, just wanted to post about our channel on Youtube we just started and we do gaming videos. We do this for fun and just want to get some peeps to come and watch us and enjoy. We do many different games: action, adventure, scary, FPS, fighting, and others. We also do GIVEAWAYS!! but of course we just started so the more people we get the better the prizes become :D So stop by and subscribe and watch our videos because the next GIVEAWAY will be soon :D
You should try Silent Hill 4: The Room then. Definitely thought the game was scarier. Though, admittedly, horror games don't normally get to me. Silent Hill 2 and 4, however, do keep me on edge. You should also try the Condemned series, as well as Amnesia. There is also a really good Slender ripoff called White Noise, available on the 360, considering you have one. All of these are highly recommended if you are looking for a good scare.
Symbolism in this game pure genius sometimes. In the room with the flashlight and the and Mary's clothes when he goes to investigate, the camera view changes so it looks like there's a spotlight on him, like a criminal cornered by the police. - in picking up the flashlight, looking answers outside of himself. but as soon as he does that his "monster" comes to life
Yes, technically he was having "sex" with the mannequins, but there was no apparent penetration. Pyramid Head (or Red Pyramid) is a sexual torturer, being the sins and nasty bits of James. That is why Silent Hill 2 is the only game he is depicted performing sexually deviant acts on other monsters, it all depends on the person whom he is molded after.
9:02 *James opens door* *Pyramid Head making obscene juster* James: I think I'll hide in the closet. I'm disturbed. Maybe he won't see me with a flashlight on. He'd never check here. *PH looks around* PH: I think I see a light in the closet. Let's see. *Walks to closet* James: Shit!
so... yeah i am in a ghost town full of monsters i don't care if it's dangerous or not but also while im walking and seeing demons and a dead body i found a hole in a wall, let me just put my hand in that damn whole without thinking what the hell could just happen to me.... ._.
It is a game with monsters coming from Hell, they're killing and torturing people, and you were surprised when one of the evilest monsters from Silent Hill is doing a rape? For heaven sake... i'm done with this kind of people...
Yeah, he was. Pyramid Head is Jame's hate for himself. James is alike to Pyramid head. I think it says that somewhere. There are 2 towards the end, indicating that James hates himself even more for what happened in his past.
Please help! When I come to that spot 5:30 and I press space instead of searching for the clock keys it says something about the butterflies and that there is nothing else interesting. How do I get the keys? :(
ABSOLUTELY~~~POSITIVELY~~~~Scariest moment in video game history for me = @ 3:52 that scared the living CRAP out of me. (and I had just served in Afghanistan...but 3:52 made me SHAT my pants!)
6:50 you know that was so annoying that you didn't read the clue at the side of the clock. Thumbs down on this video for that, we want to enjoy the puzzles too. I'll keep watching the rest.
I've watched baruttv's SH2 walkthroughs multiple times, usually during noon on speakers. I thought I was prepared to watch the series again at night with noise-cancelling headphones. Nope.
Silent hill 2 will always be my favourite game in the series. Never have a game made me feel so alone and given me the chills as much as this game. I so love you Silent Hill 2
I was 10 years old when I first played this (it was at a friends house in a blacked out bedroom, NOT a good idea). Pyramid Head raping a mannequin traumatized me for life.
hhehehe lets go hide in the closet with my flash light on, maybe he will not notice. pyramid head " oooo! shiny light in the closet , lets go see what it is!
Silent Hill: Proving long hallways, TV static, holes in walls or the ground, whispers in the dark and monster rape can still scare us anytime it wants to.
7:55 and then you ignored a book or something that was on a trolley. You arn't giving us the full meal with this walkthrough. Peace out I'm out of here.
There is a lot in this game that could have been solved more easily through brute force, but... that's just not the way they do things in silent hill.

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