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Man refuses to produce his papers at a Police License Checkpoint; Then threaten a warrant at home

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA -- A man stood up to a "License Checkpoint" conducted by police in his town. He refused to produce his papers when stopped at a ...

User Comments

The very concept of any checkpoint being a viable way to catch a crook or drunk is called being retarded!! A. The limits are so low these same people that are bitching for checkpoints probably drive drunk a few times a year
+bahBah Black sheep Exactly. It's called personal responsibility.
This guy is likely honest but is misguided. I want police catching drunk drivers and those with warrants who are out driving around. The public is much safer because of DUI checkpoints.
+billj696 "You're nitpicking."I'm discussing the law. This is a license checkpoint, not a DUI checkpoint. The Supreme Court has held that checkpoints must be specific, not general, in the reason for the stop." If they stop a car and the driver is drunk he is caught for DUI"Yep. This driver did not stop officers from determining if he was drunk, he declined to produce a license on request.
+bahBah Black sheep - Please dismount from your sheep and adjust your tinfoil hat.
+Harvey Wallbanger You're nitpicking. If they stop a car and the driver is drunk he is caught for DUI.... GOOD! The man in the video claimed concern for his grand daughter over her freedom. I'm more concerned about my grand daughter being killed by a drunk driver. They do enormous damage and the penalties aren't tough enough for those who kill with their cars.
+bahBah Black sheep drunks and you're before your superior grammar/spelling knowledge is shown!! Funny how everyone's so impressed with picking out spelling and grammar errors , but hasn't a fucking clue about group sociology, human tendencies, Darwinism, or political tendencies!! Oh boy you learned you're/your from your indoctrination camps!! but you have no idea the studies on political hacks!! Most Politicians are/will become addicted to power, power over people is more addicting than meth. But go ahead invite them in to just "catch" some drunks! I'm sure that's all their staying for!
Move then!! European bitches are all over that!! I want people like you to go the fuck away, far away. Like Antarctica, you'll piss in your pants over drunk drivers but allow megalomaniacs to be in charge of such things...your basically begging sociopaths to come in droves to your community to catch a few drinks. Can you say social Darwinian loser??
+billj696 This isn't a DUI checkpoint.
Probable cause. He was NOT stopped for being suspected of any traffic violation or suspected of anything else. He was stopped by the authorities and told, "show me your papers." This simple request is totally legal in this country as is the right for him to refuse to show his papers for no reason without probable cause. Free country means just that. The police can ask, but we have the right to remain silent and not answers ANY of their questions.
+Roger Eriksen In the absence of a charge of crime there is no refusal.
And "complying" means that you stop for the checkpoint. Beyond that you have the right to do nothing.

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Vis (pronounced [ʋîːs]; Ancient Greek: Ἴσσα; Latin: Issa, Italian: Lissa) is a small Croatian island in the Adriatic Sea. The farthest inhabited island off the ...

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Homemade brownies-jar recipe.

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Diamond Martini Glass, AwesomeDrinks.com

The diamond martini glass, designed with a cool split stemware that shows off class and elegance while being just a bit different from the standard martini design ...
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