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Wedding favors october Videos

wedding favor and goodies

I probably wont be doing many videos during October due to our haunted house and it being built. Bear with me guys! This is just a video just to show you guys ...

User Comments

Great wedding favors. You will LOVE the Scotch adhesive -it works GREAT. Those suitcases are adorable. It sounds like it will be a beautiful vintage wedding. TFS
Thanks :] it is kind of a slung together wedding, country and vintage :]
candlessssssss! just love candles! great idea !
Wonderful idea for the wedding love the candles!
Me too! My mom came up with the great idea :]
Thank you!

I Love You For Sentimental Reason (Cover) by Deky & Favors feat. Krystal J T

Live performance recorded at Valli & Puput Wedding Reception at Balai Sudirman - Jakarta in 12th october 2013. I Love You For Sentimental Reason is a great ...

Terrified Twins! - October 04, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Mommy Channel!!! //www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog ...

User Comments

Shouldn't that little girl be talking by now at her age me and my husband have 3 kids and are little girl page is 4 but she started talking at 1 and a half years old and we got twin boys too called Jackson and mcson and they are 25 months old and they can say some words already like mummy and daddy and please and love you and that's it but yeah and page learn lots and lots of words when she was 1/half years old and this are the words she could say, please, thank you, yes, no, I love you, mummy, daddy, my name is page, I want something to eat or drink, can I have it, milk, cup of, don't, like, ball, dance, gymnastics, gold, pink, blue, purple, cards, bottle, princess, nose, cookie, and lots more but yeah and you guys are so so so so so so ugly and squid and I hate you anyway bye have a nice day 
Each child has a different rate of progression. If you watch their recent vlogs, you will see that Juliana can talk much better now. Also she doesn't go to preschool because I think she was born to late...I'm sure that when she starts her vocabulary will become even better! ☺️
The babies are crying in DISTRESS and she just vlogs it. WOW it just blows my mind. Judy please comfort first next time. These things stay on in the body memory and could potentially develop into anxiety. 
Your actually an idiot by telling them what to do. Its funny cause the twins are crying because they're scared of Austin but Judy cares about them like when they cried when the twins got their ears pierced. Every time I check the comments, there always have to be a bunch of haters and if your gonna talk crap, just leave Judy and her family alone.
+Adryon Pascual firstly, sweetheart it takes 2 hands to clap- u keep replying to me makes u just the same. and obviously there's nothing wrong with that, someone sends u a comment that's stupid- u have the right to reply lol. Secondly, my point is you're using ur "education" in the wrong place and at the wrong time- u think u know all about kids because u learnt about it- honey, when it comes to kids learning about it is nothing compared to being a mum. Get it? BTW, Judy is in an MEDC if there was something so intensely wrong with her kids she would've made drastic action by now because she can easily do it. You're trying to justify judging her style of parenting which of course is not justifiable because she will always differ to you, whether you like it or not. And it's obvious you don't know who you're talking to because thats what the internet is like- i mean, is that barbie doll thing supposed to be an insult? Perhaps, you need to grow up instead of suggesting that i still haven't
+ChenelleAvallone huh? this is your way of showing an idiot they're an idiot? what the fuck. i love how many times you reply. trolling wins. now, what would make me even happier is if you reply to this again. just shut the hell up and let other people have something to say. and you know what you're fucking right, there's a difference between being a mum and having a passion for child psychology, at least i do my best to educate myself to prepare myself when i actually have children. what do people like you do? "OH HE/SHE'S FINE DW IT'S FUNNY NOW LIKE THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY CONSEQUENCES" before you fucking jump at people, make sure they didn't have the same experience as the one in the video. so in the hopes that others won't have the same shit that i have to deal with, i say this shit out loud. people like you who belittle shit like this make this world a horrible place. and from my point of view, you're the ignorant one. so shut the hell up.  i mean really, what the hell is it to you that i comment like this? Go play with your barbie dolls please.
+Adryon Pascual in the hope that maybe they'd realise perhaps
+ChenelleAvallone clearly ure still the person who gives attention to idiots :x
+Adryon Pascual clearly, ur still the same weirdo from the first comment...
+ChenelleAvallone lol im glad i made u laugh. I still think otherwise. Like my comment didnt make a diff in Judys life so does yours with mine
And btw there is a difference between a "passion in child psychology" and being an actual mum lol u actually, crack me up
Are u kidding me? "Oh it turns into anxiety!" She knows her children, she knows when it's a cry of pain and when it's a cry about something lousy eg crying for attention etc. - u really think she's gonna go oh I remember this very wise comment, actually when I was younger I'd be left to cry cos kids cry that much- every single day- what Judy did was what a wise mum would do- lol if Ur so concerned go help every person on YT who is actually on the verge of getting anxiety, not just these nurtured babies
I spoilt him so much when he was little that now he Expected me to do things for home when ask like dye hair and cook and well that can tell you everything lol.
There are many theories out there about what is considered to cause negative PIES development in child, and letting them cry for a few minutes won't cause any, it's clear in the vid Judy and Benji did comfort the twins too. Now I've studied child development in 3 types of courses and I have read so many books on different theories of a child development.a However not everyone agrees with them, so that why some people will disagree with you on telling Judy what to do. I honestly think you didn't really give constructive critsm, it was more you do this, then you should try this. But then everyone has different opinions on how things is said and done. From what I learn as 3rd parent to the younger brother who is 19 now. It was bad idea to pick them up to comfort them, cause they won't learn anything except if I cry my mum and dad will pick me up and comfort me. I thought the way Benji Walked to the twins and sang to them was good way to help their development, cause their not relying on Been picked up as a comfort, but it shows that their parents care too, which will help emotional development and a sort of social development.
+hopeinajar exactly! 
+Adryon Pascual Calm down. you saw like less than a minute of them crying. I'm sure they comforted them. Besides, environment plays a big part in their well being and they look like they are perfectly healthy and happy babies... they have a happy home, they are fed, their family adores them, they get plenty of attention not just from both Judy and Benji, but the whole family, they smile, they respond to sounds and music, their eyes brighten up, they laugh, they play, and what they do is nothing extreme or harmful. If you watch their vlogs, they are very affectionate to them and do their best to provide and cater to their needs. I work with social workers and I've seen signs when children are not in good shape.
Yep, a baby's mental health is so important. Learning how to soothe and calm a baby or toddler is the key for healthy mental development.  Discipline is more effective during the toddler years when the child can communicate verbally and understand why he/she is being punished.  I agree mental health is going downhill, school psychologists are dealing with more cases of ADHD/ADD types of disorders.
I do NOT have kids but i DO work with kids for a living and everything I do is to do with child psychology. It is my passion.Did not say she wasnt a great woman. Im giving constructive criticism from a psychological point of view. I say that helps better than telling her she s just great all the time. I mean fuck, you think a baby bring in distress like that is okay? No wonder mental health is going down hill.It may not seem a big deal now but this shit builds up and people who are unaware of?this continue doing thinking that kids will be just fine but Im sorry, no.
How many kids do YOU have? Judy knows what's best for her kids, let her parent the way she wants. She's a great woman

Julianna's Birthday Gift! - October 22, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Mommy Channel!!! //www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog ...

User Comments

This family has to be so tough for them to continue making sweet videos... Considering all the disgusting hate they get from the way they raise their kids to the way the are with each other. You all should honestly be ashamed of yourselves. I've never on my life ever seen such disgusting comments until I joined youtube, you all ruin it for me. I'm also aware I don't have to read comments but that doesn't change the fact you all could just keep your mouths shut
8:23 what is the song I swear to god it is bothering me I've been trying to find that song for days someone pls save me from my misery
Julianna is so smart for her age!! I was so surprised when she said Elsa and stacy keep up the good work Judy!! 
It kinda annoyed me when Benji told jb put it back um it is her toy so let her do what ever she wants
It was so funny when Julianna screamed when her b-day present came.
PS you are pretty And Benjamin and you are funny sometimes 
Lol when JB saw her elsa hat that was the cutest ever
This kitchen is amazing! Where did you guys get it from?
JB's outfit was so cute! loved the little sweater :))
Mia is so cute and your husband is a great cooker 
12:15 julianna says "this is cool"
can you make a video on how to make this ? 
Your make up looks beautiful Judy xxx
Jb looks so cute with a side fringe 
jb is so smart... i love her...xoxo
Love your make up here judy!
My birtday is the same as JB
What is the twins last name
chicken wrap recipe please!
Is stacey your assistant?
They Changed So Much Dx

Julianna's First Pumpkin! - October 30, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Mommy Channel!!! //www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog ...

User Comments

I came to the comments thinking there couldn't possibly be anything in today's vlog for people to complain about, but all you haters sure do nit pick everything.
+nini805 Balls deep? I don't have testicles do you? 
I love how every hater is lieterally balls deep in her lifr. It's like, we only saw 12 minutes of her life....not 24 damn hours!
I was wondering if there would be anybody complaining about Judy's juicing segment since people are always getting at Benji for doing it. :|
Don't see what people will complain about today :) Judy did arts and craft with JB, no food talk or green juice from Benji, JB and Benji weren't obnoxious, JB said lots of new words! Is this what you all wanted? :)
Let's be honest, the haters will never be pleased, they will always try to find something wrong with anything. I just don't understand, their a lovely family. Smh....
+jasmines will Lol yes because by all means 'everyday in every way we are getting better an better " To close ones eyes to truth in any dimension means that I am agreeing with the masses. Can the blind lead the blind ? An the answer is no they cannot. 
I didn't hear any new words from JB....
+Shevonna Pittman, @sheriwhispers always have something negative to say in every vlog. He is unhappy with his life.
+sheriwhispers cold outside. More space on the floor. Just a thoughr.. who knows.
+George Lass Common sense is obviously a commodity  these days 
You can never please everyone, too much effort to even try. They're a lovely family :)
what wrong in date night every couple need that.
So far it's date night, not doing the pumpkins outside or at the table and Judy's weight and teeth.  People are just rotten and want to find something to be complaining about. 
And jet the comment above yours (at least at the moment) is a hate one. :/
Nope I'm wondering why they didn't do that outside on the table or at the kitchen table.....
yes, it was wonderful!!

Showing Love to Baby Siblings! - October 20, 2013 - itsJudysLife Vlog

CONAIR CURL SECRET REVIEW! //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf7U9D3KC9I Mommy Channel!!! //www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog ...

User Comments

Benji, next time you are in downtown Seattle, you should visit Evergreens Salad Bar! It recently opened at 823 3rd Avenue, Suite 107 Seattle, WA 98104, and my cousin, Hunter Brooks, is one of the co-owners. They offer all-natural, locally grown, organic salads, and the best part is that all of the containers that the salads come in, along with things such as the forks, are compostable! It would mean the world to both me and my cousin if you would stop by sometime!
Aww:) It`s so nice to watch little juilianna interact with her grandpa..you both have such large and loving families around you ,I think the more their are to love ,the more secure and loved children feel:)..Juilianna is so smart and definitely adorable..She`ll be a lovely big sister to the new babies when they arrive. really enjoyed this video ,thanks for sharing your weekend with us:)..Love from the UK.xx
Benji if you wanna loose weight and keep you healthy you have to eat carbs, proteins and vegetables at each food. The healthiest carbs are in fruits, and doctors don't recomend to eat eggs every day, you must eat eggs twice a week. No hater intendeed. You guys are such a beautiful couple. I'm watching you from Spain! Sorry for my English. Thank you so much!! XOXO.
Judy and Benji can give Julianna whatever nickname they want because she's their child. Also, the purpose of the new nickname is to make it easier for Benji's Japanese relatives to address Julianna since it is hard for them to pronounce the letter "L".
Funn-E! Every time I watch a bit, it all reminds me of what I tried to do in my marriage and failed. You guys are too precious for words. Remain blessed! You are making people's days out here. Much respect.
Lol Juliana won't point to the pictures herself such a cutie pie! Have you guys thought of what the twins are going to call Juliana? Ate like mom said would be cute and traditional :)
This could be such an amazing reality show on E! Like seriously I'm always watching your videos, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will watch your show
Judy I hope that you have twin boys because I remember when you were talking about seeing twin girls at then end of your hallway upstairs!! Creepy!!
Judy, you shouldn't be taking Airborne while pregnant. It says so on the back of the warning label. Hopefully you're not sick. love your vlogs!
GE is terrible my aunt and my dads cousin both had GE fridges and they both broke down within 6 months to a year. DONT BUY GE.
Well she's not your daughter so... it's not really up to you what they call THEIR daughter as far as names and nicknames go.
Dear, Judy you such a pretty mother and good take caring of your daughter and good luck for the twins baby Judy and Benji.
Julianna probably is pointing to the same baby in the picture the baby might be a girl and the other can be a boy
I thoroughly enjoyed your dad filming you outside in that cooooold temp Benji! would love to taste that Yakisoba!
The packaged ramen noodles are held together with wax, the wax stays on your intestines for 7 years!!! No joke.
BENJI!!!!!!! Please do a recipe on your channel of the wokisoba..... But with beef!!!!!!!!! Pleaseeee!!!!!!!
@kirandipkooner that wa THE first thing that popped in my head.. THE twintig girls from her house tour brrr
Those blankets at the hotel is not expensive at alll I there are different colors but I got mine at costco
get your carbs from fresh fruit benji. Carbs are important for heart function. Google it if need be.
Julianna is soooo smart and cute. I love her. The noodles look so good. wanna try and make some

Nothings gonna Change my love for you (Cover) by Deky & Favors

A popular song by George Benson Cover recorded at Rick & Ella's Wedding reception at the UOB Building, Sudirman-Jakarta in October 2012. Featuring Iin with ...

Julianna Turns TWO! - October 18, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Julianna's Photo Montage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEE851Cw3cA&list=UUK2ACorzpH-igxuHZ2ObCEA Mommy Channel!!!

User Comments

Wow what a "huge" party! These comments are over reacting !
I know that this is a year ago
lol is it stupid that i never thought hawaii was in united states
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