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Toshiba Chromebook 2 review

//liliputing.com/2014/11/toshiba-chromebook-2-review-bay-trail-and-full-hd.html ...

User Comments

Is it true that on ChromeOS, changing the resolution is really more like the DPI and it still outputs at native resolution, just with a scaling factor like Windows display scaling?
what if i wanted to use photoshop on this ?
+camfre4k Possibly, via Wine, but I believe you can only download PS CS6. Continue researching terms like "Photoshop in Ubuntu". I can't say it'll work though.
Does anyone know how this is cooled if it has no fans? Does this mean if you run games like Minecraft on Ubuntu Linux on this Chromebook that the CPU will overheat and possible get damaged?
+fziggyz Oh. Thank you very much for the detailed answer!
+Tom King nope, not unless you keep it on 24/7 at the highest possible CPU load for weeks on end. the CPU is designed to use as little electricity as possible, and to generate as little heat as possible. You'll have a hard time getting it hot enough in the first place. It'll get hot after a few hours of use but you won't break it easily. If it really worries you, you should know that modern CPUs have automatic shutdowns built into the hardware itself if they really get hot enough
What would happen if I put my HDD from another laptop (with Ubuntu on it) on this thing? I would love to just get rid of Chrome OS all together.
+PKM101 if it has different specs then it wouldn't work, also this machine uses an m.2 ssd so the hard drive won't fit
+TheAbeham I use Eclipse and Netbeans in Linux much better than JCreator... there is also JEdit on Linux maybe you can give that a shot
+rufflesthemonkey I guess but IDK if you could run JCreator
+TheAbeham Why can't you? With crouton, you can run ubuntu which is fine for programming, no?
Can you install things on it? Lol computers confuse me
+Keisha Hackman YES. It has an app store. Don't listen to Harrison Hong. Its more like Ipad/Android in that you install Apps. Programs (which is does have) but is limited because its part of what makes Chromebooks work so fast. So a Program like MS Office its expected that you will run Googe Docs, MS Office online, thinkfree, bighugelabs, etc. Yes, you can run google docs on a chromebook with out being on the internet too. You can also install Ubuntu with is like Microsoft Windows inside of Chrome and run programs. It took me about 4 months to get use to the ChromeOS but I love it.
+Keisha Hackman Yes, you can install offline programs in Chrome OS. For example: //www.hongkiat.com/blog/google-chrome-apps/Alternatively, you can install linux on it (Ubuntu/Debian) and not be saddled with Chrome OS if it's not your thing. You need some basic linux terminal knowledge to do it, but it's not hard.

Arch Linux für Einsteiger mit Anywhere Iso Script (Deutsch)

Arch Linux für Einsteiger mit Anywhere Iso Script //arch-anywhere.tgits.co.uk/download.html https://github.com/deadhead420/arch-linux-anywhere localectl ...

User Comments

Sweet man! thanks! I'm making a new video in English later on tonight
+Linux Undercover good job, (der Übersetze) :P
+Dylan Schacht I have sea your vid, and i think i make it in german, i have linked to your website :D
Vielen lieben dank für den Super Tipp. :)
+LinuxWindowsMacHilfe lol :D , ja, jeder nach seinem Vorlieben halt. :D
+Linux UndercoverHa ja da hast du recht, ich Persönlich bevorzuge, die GUI bei Linux auch wenn mich jetzt einige Erschlagen würden. :)
+LinuxWindowsMacHilfe Gern geschehen, gibt auch noch ein paar andere graphische Installer, den fand ich ziemlich gut, bis halt auf die Kleinigkeit das man für X dies Sprache noch einstellen muss. Man hat ein Grundgerüst, wobei der Lerneffekt bei der graphischen Installation max 30 % betragen dürfte, ganz gut zu gebrauchen wenn man nicht ne Stunde in der Console rum bashen will :D

Linux Cryptosetup LUKS Tutorial: Encrypting Directories / Partition / Hard Disks

//tinyurl.com/ljjjnxy Click the link and get a 20% coupon when you buy Disk Encryption from Cyber Safe Soft. Linux utilizes LUKS to perform file system ...

Gentoo Linux Installation

Gentoo Linux Installation.
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