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Lesbian wedding new zealand Videos

New Zealand approves same-sex marriage

MPs in New Zealand have voted overwhelmingly to give gay and lesbian couples the right to get married. Report by Anna Jones. Like us on Facebook at ...

User Comments

Well done NZ.The issue of same sex marriages is a 'hot potato' in the Church in England,has been for some time.The current situation is that the Synod has said individual churches can offer prayers to a same sex couple but must not offer a blessing which is a step forward I guess.For homosexual & lesbian couples who have Faith it's as important to them to proclaim their love before God as it is for heterosexual couples.Yet all the detractors here seem to concentrate on is the 'disgusting' sexual
So waste doesn't come from the penis and vagina? You speak like you suffer from a phobia of illiteracy. There is a difference in having sex for procreation and sex for pleasure, its all about stimulating your partner, some people are stimulated in different ways. I do believe you may have considered oral sex and if so I urge you not to continue since the mouth is only meant for eating from your perspective and also the mouth has more harmful bacteria than the anus.
That bitch needs death, along with the rest of those Sodomites ..i cant wait till the Most High puts the spirit on rightous people to start killing those wicked ass abominations like it says in Leviticus 20:13....look what happened to Ancient city of Sodom that was an example of how not to live ungodly.. but simple people got to learn the hard way
Even the term 'homophobic' sounds like a joke to me, Ive never once met someone who was genuinely AFRAID of gay people and ran off or started crying when they saw one. I have however met plenty of IGNORANT people that think its okay as long as they hide behind a word like Phobia.
Funny place NZ, the first nation in the world to give women the right to vote: now this! they are also very good at international trade, better imo than Australians. But I wouldn't want to live there too many sheep and churches and fish pronounced as "fesh" and six as "sex"
Good for them. Same sex couples should have the rights that hetrosexual couples gain from marriage. If religious venues dont want to host same sex marriage then thats fine , they shouldnt have too. I dont see why there should be a big debate. Homophobes just get a hobby
Yet you DO tend to spend an inordinate amount of time viewing gay related videos! A simple solution would be to stay clear of them if the whole issue of homosexuality 'disgusts' you so much.You're heading towards an ulcer.
I am not religious or suffer from some form of phobia but I do have a opinion and I think its just not normal sticking reproductive organs into waste outlet pipes to get sexual pleasure.
omg, this is so good and yet annoying to know the U.S. federal government feels the need to create a divide on this topic. well done NZ.
(contd'),acts gay men engage in.Be clear,sex does NOT dominate the lives of gay men.Well no more or less than heterosexual men.
I cant understand how a man put his ( :--- ) in place in another man full of shit really disgusting
Listen to me you faggot, butt fuckers and homo dick suckers are dying, not a religion.Got that ?!
lol this was a joke right? cause it was pretty funny, not gonna lie
New Zealand has become a faggot country, unfortunately.
Your dream will never come true you stupid fuck !
It's about damn time. Good on you, anyway.
What is great about it you dumbfuck ?!
You'd need her consent first,lol.
when can I move to New Zealand?
thanks, you said a lot not all
Fuck this

Engaged Lesbian Couple Turned Away at New Zealand Guest House

Just weeks after New Zealand showed the world the way forward with it's legal recognition of Marriage Equality, a homophobic guest house has turned away an ...

User Comments

This is concerning, but is something that is common all over the world unfortunately. I just went on their website and they've changed it to this - *Restrictions on Accommodation: Bookings will not be accepted for same sex couples. Please refer to S54 of the Human Rights Act 1993 in relation to shared accommodation. - The bible has being translated falsely in many areas, the sexuality parts are not the only things falsely translated. From original scripts, God and Jesus are not anti gay, there is actually nothing wrong with it. That is what is the most funny part of this, but I suppose true God loving is for the elite who do their homework.
She is an 18 year old who had sex with her 14 year old (legally underage) girlfriend in a bathroom at their school. The gay media has made it into a big gay rights thing and it isn't. (the younger girls parents apparently reported it because it was a lesbian relationship, but they were breaking the law.)
Thats going to happen here in the US as well. The gvt may see marriage as equal, but that does not extend to all private businesses, such as the Guest House (similar to what we may call a Bed & Breakfast) Especially the small ones.
maybe they weren't allowed to sleep in the same bed only because they are just engaged and not legally married...In this case there wouldn't be any discrimination, considering that this rule would apply to EVERY couple, ...right?
Thanks for this info TJ, This is the same here in the states, those who don't agree are made public, but most just live and let live?! which is wrong but many don't have any fight left in them, we just co-exist!?
I love you when you get angry..... sad but true in this day people feel that a homophobic relationship has any impact on their lives... Bring on Equality I say!
I hate when religious ppl bring up "morals" as if you have to follow their doctrine of morality to have it. Its the same shit they bring up with atheism.
Well, then it is not a place for gay people to stay at! I would choose another place to stay that welcomes my company and my money ;) !
Great video, Poor couple. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Kaitlyn Hunt situation right now, feel very sorry for her.
that's disappointing. Hardly anyone gives a shit about it here but there are a few like that
It's just bad business, isn't it? Why turn away paying customers? Doesn't make any sense.
Good point. My money spends just as well as anybody's, why shouldn't you welcome it?
Your video's are getting sharper and more concise, really enjoying them :)
I don't know who Kaitlyn Hunt is. i'll have to look into it.

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User Comments

Who is cake cutting couple? Let me know, Please May be actress couple?
lesbian thailand ^^

This New Zealand Politician Unleashes One Of The Funniest Gay Marriage Speeches On Record

Marriage equality doesn't need to be so serious from both sides of the aisle as this New Zealand MP proves in his extremely funny and LGBT supportive speech ...

User Comments

where the fuck is the sound? poor upload, disliked.
I get no sound on this video
no sound!
no sound!

Anthony and Glenn Same Sex Wedding Queenstown New Zealand

Same-sex wedding in Queenstown New Zealand last October 29, 2014. Thank you to Bob Nicolas Wedding Films, Metrophoto, Simply Perfect Weddings and ...
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