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Kenyan lesbian wedding Videos

Purity Kateiko & Cosmas Wedding (04/04/2015.)

User Comments

kama wewe ni mkamba na huwes dance..shauri yako! warh
hahaha true
God bless u puri$cos kila laheri

What Kenyans think of same-sex marriage

Kenyans step up to CNN's Open Mic and offer their thoughts on same-sex marriage and gay rights. For more CNN videos, visit our site at ...

User Comments

My neighbor is is interested in selling their youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. What would a good price be? My cousin insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police? Touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7 If they promise to wear gloves can we still watch football?
Anyone who reads the Bible will know that all the laws you are citing are found in the historical section of the Bible. Laws stated in that portion are God's commands to the Jewish people. Christians are not bound by that law but rather by grace. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians instructed to follow those rules and therefore I find it strange that you are instructing Christians to follow them.
just because ur a moron. for your information same sex marriage became legal in canada in june 2005 with the enactment of the civil marriage act... and we were the 4th in the world to do so....also ur using big words u dont know the meaning of... def not being illiterate or a hypocrite or a bigot... PS now look whos being those things... cough cough..let the youtube battle commence!
For your information, your so called first world developed spectacular nation are against same sex marriage as well ! So stop being an ignorant, illiterate, hypocrite bigot because it is a African country ! Isn't countries like Russia and France fighting against gay rights now ?
Wait you said that Christianity was in Africa from the beginning.. The religion was not even popular until Constantine hundreds of years later... Also you say that Mecca is in Asia but the Ottoman Empire was rooted in Africa Asia and Later on Europe. Fail much?
Bitch You need a Kenyan to make your president and by the way America SUCKS! Nobody likes your country and it will soon be Chinas Bitch! Kenya is on the Rise while the USA is on the decline... UMAD BRO?
This just shows how whites ruined Africa by colonizing and shoving their backwards white man worshiping religion down their throats... You need to focus on your REAL problems not gays!
Hopefully one day the world will be so full of love & accepting that President Obama and Reggie Love can finally get married!
1. that was sarcasm. 2. um, you still are supposed to follow them. 3. anyone who does follow them probably needs to die.
lol, god would damn u to hell for thinking another human being should have less rights than you. go fuck yourself.
wow so the church controls the gov't - the HRE offers s splendid example of how religion can screw-up a nation
Let's ask GOD what he thinks of men w/ men, & women w/ women,I think u gays know the fucking answer to that
Why in the world do we care what Kenyan's think about gay marriage? Is it because Obama was born there?
title should be "what a underdeveloped horrible nation think of same sex marriage"
wow - support the bible? more proof religion is a waste of time and money -
Obama should do the Same as his own Kind, Not Supporting Gay Marriage
Rape all virgins get 700 wives and kill all gays?
Well duh our government pays for gay parties!!
Who cares what kenya thinks about our laws?
they only asked africans, that's racist.
See_the_truth dot webs dot com
seperation of church and state
CNN loves this topic
Ban gay marriage
It's Kenya O_O

Gay Men Targeted on Kenyan Coast

(Nairobi, September 28, 2015) – Mobs in Kenya's coastal region have repeatedly attacked people based on their sexual orientation and gender identity, PEMA ...

User Comments

Who gives a crap what Kenya thinks .
I have to agree with you on that one .I feel sorry for people who have to live under such hate .
+Stone Pestal The people whom live there in terror every day?
That's the plight of the religious. Moderates gives power to these kind of extremist.
+TJ B And yet we have the pope visiting here in NYC and Philly this week.


EbonyLife TV News segment, which focuses on positive news, current affairs and human interest stories across Africa. Hosted and produced by Arit Okpo.

Kenyan Woman Busted - Prank call

Kenyan Woman busted for cheating with her boss.

User Comments

You are the type of people that need more than help but eventually that word wont even exist in youre dictionairy cos ure so fucked up and wen u go to hell the fires keep burning and god will leave u the same way u left him, AND YEAH THE ANCIENT CULTURE HAD THEIR GODS BUT THEY WERE ALL BEATEN AND OUTSTOOD BY THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SENT HIS MIGHTY HAND THROUGH ISRAEL AND PRODUCED THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD TO CHANGE THE WICKED HABITS OF MEN IN IDOLITY AND THERE STUPID GODS, BITCH!
YOU ARE SIMPLY BRAIN WASHED BY THE CHURCH. Its up to you mr.heaven boy. Hope we meet nowhere after life. Their is nothing like almighty god. Divinity only exist in your brain. If I chop of your neck you will not even think of any thing like that. Simply because they all exist in your mislead brains. Go and ask a mad man if he/she knows god. You will be stoned instead. By the way, That god and jesus are aliens that contacted the Jew n Hebrew ancestor who misinterpreted them for gods and angels.
Ok i agree with u on the swear words and i apologize. HOWEVER I AM NOT SCARED CAUSE I LIVE BY THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND I KNW THY WHO THIRSTS FOR RIGHTOUSNESS WILL OBTAIN IT AND ABOVE ALL i dont care what u say about me stopping my opinions cause u invited ureself into the conversation and why do i need to tell god when he already knws about ure heavious crimes, HAHAH and I aint scared of hell cos am already decided on god AND BEST OF ALL I WONT BURN INTO ASHES LIKE A RETARD AM SPEAKING TO!!
Why do you like to say hell. Is it the epicentre of your faith. I happen read you conversation with some guy here and I think he already told you facts. If you want to look smart on social platforms, Stop using insults like F words. Lest you make a ridicule of your poor self.Get That? You may continue with the other guy am not interested in your opinions. You seem so scared about hell. Are you dying? If you got to heaven Tell Your LORD am NOT interested either. OK. Keep that in mind.
F*** U I DNT GOT A POOR MIND, and maybe ure thinking in the aspect of In human whereby u dont see him physically, but either way eventually u will find out for ureself as it states in the bible that thse who believeth in him shall have everalating life and for those that do not, will perish IN HELL!!! And trust me if u wanna keep debating and sayn that he dont exist but once the gates of heaven shut DONT CRY OUT FOR HELP CAUSE GOD ALREADY SUPPORTED U AND U TURNED HIM DOWN!!!!
sorry but do u just have mouth but not a head? it is not chemistry that you test by litmus paper or something experimental.... a non/fake religious person can never understand such things cos of some mental/behavioural/or whatever shifts in his mind due to several reasons.... u lost a very powerful component of human life but u can get it... this is not an insult to u but a fact. so my advise to you... just stay away with ur abnormality...do not drag anyone down to u!!!
enough of this seriously let me just say one thing in good faith!! a wise man rather believe than not because a foolish man doesn't believe and finds out later...to be honest if i was wise i would rather choose to believe just in case there's some truth to it rather than not believe and eventually find out there was some truth to it now i wish i could turn back time.especially when i dint have anything to loose earlier on when i had a chance to believe that's all i can say
You claim to be clever but if I may ask, Tell me the name of your so called god? I know what your answer is. The Jew and Hebrew Rubbish that was manipulated by Romans to control shallow thinkers like you. If you are clever enough why were you convinced that god of another distant culture is the only true god? While your ancient culture also had their gods. Who is stupid now, I know we know better. Revise your intellect.
Hoho am guessin ure an athist or if not wrong an islamic believer. Whatever you are god has alwz been there and is god of gods especially wen compared to other religious believers, nd if u so think hes dne nothing thing TELL ME ONE THING THAT URE FAKE GOD HAS DONE COMPARED TO MINE ND THEN IL SHUTUP, JST 1. If i were u id take bk all ure words b4 ure sent to the bottom of hell
URE SO FUCKING STUPID IT TOOK U A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH TO REPLY WITH ALL THAT SHIT U JUST MADE UP, if u wnt truth the bible itself even states all that has happened in the future and has stated that an enourmous ship will sink, and above all technology will advance and be introduced in the new age AND IF U HAD A BRAIN U WOULD SEE ALL OF THAT HAS OCCURED UNDER GOD'S WORD!!
And you acknowledge HELL? A physical human? Have you ever seen anything beyond what you have so far? I guess NOT! Because, in reality, God , Angels, Demons are Nothing of any nature. JESUS CHRIST IS A SCAM IN HUMAN HISTORY. DEVIL IS A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF HUMAN EVILNESS AND BELIEFS ARE SHORT CIRCUIT OF NEURONS IN HUMAN BRAIN OF THE LESS INTELLIGENT.
Firstly i wasnt tryn to be famous, U were the first to comment ON THIS VIDEO so please tell me whether it was me or u, and again i may not be smart but one things for sure i got a brain UNLIKE THAT THICK THING ON URE NECK U CALL A HEAD , And yeah well being smart doesnt define everythn BUT BEING WISE IS THE HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE MAN CAN OBTAIN!!
continue believing but try to avoid saying God doesnt exist or litterally denying him because you never know...i like you though you seem pretty cool just one day if you feel the need take time out and whisper to the unseen God and tell him to show himself to you. he just might:).but good luck dear
And Stop your HELL Nonsense. It scare nobody. If you go to church because you fear Hell, You are no better than a pagan. Because, Even the scripture says don't follow Jesus for your personal gains but for divine purposes(because you love him). So, You are so fucked up with your faith too. SORRY.
God does not EXIST. Take it very clearly. Religion is an opium of the the poor. If you believe in God , It simply means you have a poor man mind and thoughts. Revise your intellectual and you will realize religion and gods are nonsense to keep the population in control.
What you signed up to is emotional, psychological and religious blackmail. Most people, like you, believe in religion out of fear of getting tortured by your supposed creator. You know who else rely on fear to control people? The mafia.
And again your comments are not that famous for any body to get them at a glance and am NOT your subscriber. I got here by chance Today. I know you are not smart enough to realize that fact too. That is why religion is your thing.
You are so confused. Who was the first person to post a comment here. You even don't know that? Take a look at this comments from the top and see whose name appears first. You must be confused, maybe Stupid.
Lady- Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god i don't Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god guy- are you serious Lady- Oh my god Oh my god guy- STOP SAYING OH MY GOD lady- Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
haha bursted disgusted never to be trusted hahahaha kip off peoples husbands yu slut mmmmscheeew we na oooh my GOD zako jisort
hahahahahahahahahahahah,,,,,i will never stop laughing!!!!!!!!!haahahahaah,,really nice....heheh,,stupid woman!!
God Does Not Exist. That is the fact. you will wait for him till end of time. HE WILL NEVER APPEAR, GET IT ?
if she slept with my husband and before her god comes ungekipata i mean wote the husband and his concubine
We are told they are tired yet they are tired from performing out there. maaaaan. this is sickening.
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