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Breaking bad nyc exhibit Videos

Emma Tooth: Breaking Art exhibition with Bad Taste Cru

www.emmatooth.co.uk Breaking Art is a series of oil paint portraits of break dancers in motion and of urban figures. Described as 'The Hans Holbein of our ...

breaking bad

I made this skateboard out of a 1970's Tonka truck, I was living in Texas and sharing the freeway with lots of big pickup trucks with aftermarket bumpers that ...

User Comments

hey, could u tell me what's the artist/track under your clip? u've nice truck anyway :)
WOO OO OO! Froontsidee Oolliiee!
Pretty cool

Nick Verreos Explains FIDM's TV Costume Exhibit

Project Runway Star & Fashion Designer Nick Verreos explains why the new FIDM Museum exhibit of TV Costume Designs is a must see. The exhibit offers over ...

Soul Mavericks Vs Tru Bullz | Evolution NYC World Finals 2015 | Pro Breaking Tour | BNC

Evolution NYC World Finals 2015 Presented by the Pro Breaking Tour & Sanctioned by UDEF Sponsored by Silverback BBoy Events Powered by Monster ...

Iminime My Display Breaking Bad

Breaks U: Senior Year! 2014 Exhibition Battle: Minnesota vs. New York

Exhibition Battle at NYU hosted by GiNYU Force on March 1, 2014. Sorry my phone died at 11:13. The battle was 15 minutes long Minnesota: Boogie B ...

Wes Anderson-inspired art exhibition opens in NY

Keep up-to-date with the latest news, subscribe here: //bit.ly/AFP-subscribe The sixth annual 'Bad Dads' exhibition, featuring art inspired by the films of Wes ...

Man breaks Seinfeld set while doing Kramer Impression on day one of Hulu event in NYC

I came, I saw, I broke (by accident!). You might say I took my Kramer impression one step too far at Hulu's #seinfeldapartment...within hours of opening. Enjoy my ...

User Comments

Ahahahahahahaha, that Kramer!
+e e? e!? 2005!? Fucking legend.
Kramer: Jerry!... Whoa! Your place... it's falling apart. I don't know if I want to be a guest at someone's house... if they don't take...CARE of it! Jerry: YOU broke that! Kramer: Ahp, pa-pah-pah! You know my friend Bob Saccamano. He's a real handyman. He can fix it for HALF PRICE. Jerry: The same guy that sold me the fake Wizard calculator!? Kramer: No, no, no. That was his FATHER. Saccamano Senior, see?
I would definitely include this in the script. Haha...
Made my day too. You're ready to bring back the show.
XD Haha, best thing I've seen in this comments section, thanks for making my day!
Wow!! I hope he was sued or at least forced to pay damages!
+Nurman LeWzrd I know that & I'm not Korean.
+SpiritHawk7 stop feeding the troll you fucking gook
+Chris Pratt You need to figure out was trolling really is. I only replied to you twice, explaining what you obviously can't see in the video. Nothing was actually broken, so why keep believing and telling others that it is? It's more like your trolling other people, such as me, with your inane comments to get them to reply to you. 
+SpiritHawk7 quit trolling me
+Chris Pratt No they don't, it popped off nice and clean. The bottom and top squares that the board fit between were completely separate pieces and the molding was cut around to fit the door lock & dead bolt, etc. already aligned with the door. The only thing actually screwed to it was the privacy/security chain that was just hanging unlatched.
+Txsniper63​ you can't just reglue it silly billy. They need to replace the entire frame.
+Chris Pratt A whole $2 to pay for glue.......
+SpiritHawk7 - two things: 1. it was not nailed ... b/c the nail heads would have caused them to stay in the trim, and the trim "lays flat" on the ground at the end of the video. 2. It is a a bad replica !! Jerry's door had THREE HINGES, this set has two ;) //www.selfstoragefinders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/misc.jpg
+MikeSW4544 Molding around the door is considered part of the door frame. A picture frame is just decorative molding around the outside perimeter of the photo or painting, etc. Anyways, it doesn't look like it was nailed, more like weakly glued or most likely just popped into placed.
+Chris Pratt this is whats wrong with america, lawsuit at the drop of a hat.
Sued for breaking the molding around a door? Boy you petty as hell
+SpiritHawk7 That ain't the frame, it's a piece of casing that obviously wasn't nailed properly.
+Chris Pratt Why? Whoever built the door for the set didn't do it right. A door frame shouldn't just pop off when someone barely touches it. Looking at it, I think it was an intentional gag to pull on guests as it doesn't look like it was even glued down.

Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul hanging with fans in Seattle

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